Sunday 3 December 2017

It's a MEGA special blog today

Yes it's a MEGA special blog today.

If we can get enough people to read this page and to respond Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham will receive a donation of £100.

Yesterday we had 271 readers - very nice. Can we smash our all-time record today ? That record currently stands at 302. How close can we get to 500 readers.

If you like what I am about to share please respond and then share the blog with your cyber buddies - get them to do the same and start a chain reaction. How close tio going viral can we take the blog ?

But before that let's open the next window on OurRebekag's advent calendar.

Thank You Shaky - that was fun ! 

OK so onward and upward. Let me play this for you.

Since I spent an hour putting that little video together I have not been able to get the tune out of my head !  WARNING it will do the same to you. 

I popped a preview of today's blog onto Facebook yesterday - already we have three responses !

WOW - thank you.

TELL ME ABOUT YOUR CAR - your first car and your dream car.

Can you remember the registration of your first car ? Do you have a photograph of it ?

There are THREE ways you can tell me, three ways you can help support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.
You can scroll down to the bottom of this blog and post a comment.

You can e-mail me at

OR you can message me on Facebook. If you use this web address it will take you direct to my page

The picture on the right it the entrance to Brimingham's Childrens Hospital.

Children from all over the country come to this hospital for specialist treatment. Ronald McDonald House provides a loving home from home for sixty-six families who have a child sick in the hospital. Let me play something to tell you more of the incredible work done at Ronald McDonald House in good old Brum.

Don't be shy - tell me about your car.

You can check out the results of this fun survey on tomorrow's blog.

I will play this piece of music as I tell you who had which as their first car...............

I'll be playing it on VINYL !  An original 7" single from The Avons.

Today. all morning I will be playing music in West Bletchley Community Centre's Charity Shop.

I'll not be playing vinyl there but using modern technology.

I am only using the modern kit as there isn't room in the shop for my full disco twin deck.I'll let you into a secret - the modern technology is easier to use !  Ooopppsss I never saiid that !

I will report on my adventures with music in the shop on tomorrow's blog.

To bring this edition to an end let me share a picture of a car I used to own. My Austin Maxi. In those days I used to service and maintain my own cars. The Maxi has twin carburetors, I never did manage to balance them properly. 

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