Tuesday 19 December 2017

That was Tuesday - Now bring on Wednesdsy

Sunday - blog readership = 348

Monday - blog readership = 127

Tuesday - Blog readership = 157

348 + 127 + 157 =  632 - not bad eh !

Now bring on Wednesday

Yesterday Secklow 105.5's Tony Ingeldow and Your Truly the station's Audience Development Manager were playing music in West Bletchley Community Centre - TAKING COMMUNITY RADIO INTO THE COMMUNITY..

We had some fun I can tell you.

Everyone sat very politely eating their Christmas tea while Tony and I played Christmas music in the background. 

Requests kept coming in. 

See if you can guess the most requested song.

Go on, what do you think it was ?

I've used it for today's OurRebekah Advent Window.

I had the microphone in my hand yesterday when that song was announced. I described it
as politically incorrect but fun. I have always liked that song. On Saturday at the Roadshow it was the most requested exactly as it was yesterday.

With the food coming to an end Santa appeared, Tony played SANTA  CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN and I followed him round the room taking photographs.

Returning to the music decks Santa followed me and gave me a gift. Opening the packed I found a pair of thermal socks. Hey Santa THANK YOU.  I could have done with them at last Saturday's Roadshow !

With Santa heading back to The North Pole and the food eaten it was time to turn the
volume up and let the people bop.

And how those people could bop !

I worked the decks while Tony worked the microphone. We played:


Here's a quick slideshow of the afternoon.

A great success for the Secklow Radio Roadshow taking community radio into the community.

Many of those lovely people dancing to the music yesterday had sent gifts of love to the families with a child sick in Birmingham's Childrens' Hospital. 

Those gifts are now under the tree in Ronald McDonald House.

The music yesterday was in part a THANK YOU for the gifts.

This afternoon I will be in the studio with Tony telling people all about yesterday and the roadshow last Saturday.

I am going to take along a CD with SINGING ON IN THE RAIN which Tony will play to
describe Saturday !

Isn't life just fun ?

Isn't this world just full of wonderful people ?

There is a question I keep being asked. I usually smile and say nothing but today I will give you an answer.

Folk ask me where I get my energy from. When you get to my age the ONLY way to live life is like an express train.

When Secklow Presenter Frank Scarito had
me on his MY INSPIRATION programme I explained how as a teenager I was a serious underachiever !  I am working now to make up for those sad, lost years.

If you missed the show CLICK HERE and have a listen.

During the interview I talked about my wasted time at school.

My schoolboy autobiography explains why and how I wasted my time at school.  Max Robinson is me - that's my pen name.

I am proud to have so many of my ex students - MY LEONITES as friends. It has been twenty years since I was Head of Year at Leon School but every day I speak with several of these special, wonderful people. I think I would be embarrassed if any of them were to actually read that book !

Not wishing to enhance my author's royalties but feeling I deserve embarrassment for those wasted years I will give you the the e-book link for my schoolboy autobiography.

Here you go !  CLICK HERE  Don't read it though will you !

My latest book THE BRIDGE HOUSE is coming to an end. I have about five thousand more words to write then it can be published. I am certain this will be the best selling of all my books.

This afternoon while Tony is broadcasting and I am sitting on the side waiting for my turn on the microphone I will be typing up a few hundred words I  have scribbled for the penultimate chapter in the book.

My publisher is always moaning that I do not promote my books enough. Ok the royalties go towards my being able to drive a Jag instead of the Ford Focus I used to have but the thrill for me is writing not making money.

Royalties from The Bridge House when it is published in May next year will go to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.  I will be promoting that book like crazy.

I am thinking what I will be writing when The Bridge House comes to an end.

Just under a year ago I tried by hand at a style of writing I had never considered before. I had a go at crime fiction and found I loved it. Words flowed so fast and The Case Filed Of Dave McDermott was written in just a few weeks.

The crimes McDermott investigates are very violent and some of a nasty sexual nature. Not a book for the faint at heart.

If you want to read it CLICK HERE. Make sure you are 18 before you do.

I may go back and find some more cases for my detective to investigate.

When Frank Scarito interviewed me for his show we talked about the painter L S Lowry. I wrote Lowry into my book The Autobiography of Billy Hardcastle.


We also talked a bit about my time travel trilogy. In that I fictionalise myself back in time to become a DJ on a pirate radio station.

CLICK HERE if you like. If you must.

This book is a bit different.


Oh stop it David, your ego is running away with you.

There are actually another eight books I have written but perhaps I will tell you about them on another day.

My latest piece of writing will go on sale this Saturday at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield. This is the second time I have been asked to write something in a match-day programme.

This little article will support the photograph taken by the club's official photographer when Secklow 105.5's Tony Ingeldow presented the club with 7" vinyl singles of their adopted

I am determined that next season I will be in Hillsborough's sound box playing some party music ahead of a game.

Yesterday I reminded Tony of this. On Saturday I will run the idea past the directors.

It will be a LONG day on Saturday. Gary and I are due to be met at the club reception for noon. The post match party then ends at six !

Perhaps I should write a book THE DIARY OF A SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY SUPPORTER - first game to directors' box in three months !

I'll leave you with this.

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