Thursday 14 December 2017

I feel as if I am walking through a field of love

This is the 389th edition of my blog. So far the blog has found 18,540 readers in 10 different countries of the world.

The blog began under the title of THE DIARY OF A SILLY OLD MAN then shortly after Rebekah died in May I changed it to THE WAVE OF LOVE.

As I became involved with Radio Secklow 105.5 I found I was making entries covering both organisations so changed the title again  to LIFE IS A DISCO SO DANCE.

This blog is not specifically about Secklow 105.5 nor is it all about OurRebekah, it is a forum where I share my adventures in life with my 18,540 readers. Yesterday I felt I was walking through a field of love, so many wonderful people crossed my path I decided to revert to the
title of THE WAVE OF LOVE. 

As some readers will know yesterday ended on a note of sadness which I will share at the end of the page but until then please come with me - RIDE THE WAVE OF LOVE and WALK THROUGH THAT FIELD OF LOVE.

We live in a wonderful world with some wonderful people all around us.

Before I tell you about my day and invite you to share in a number of different things let's open today's window in OurRebekah's Advent Calendar.

As well as playing this for the families, staff and volunteers in Ronald McDonald Houses I want to dedicate it to a few extra special friends who are crossing my path as I wander through that field of love.

This morning I will be driving over to Little Houghton Day Nursery near Northampton. The lovely people there held a Christmas Jumper Day in support of Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham and put together an absolutely enormous raffle for the house. I have been asked, I have been honoured to be asked to draw the raffle.

Children, parents and staff at Little Houghton Day Nursery I am playing today's Advent theme tune here on the blog for you.

I am also playing the song for a young man who works in my local branch of McDonald's.

I first met Gianis in the early part of the year. His smile and attitude to customer service inspired the video Jake Goes To McDonald's.  When ever I go to McDonald's he always goes the extra mile, he runs the extra mile to make me welcome.

Yesterday I was working away preparing for tomorrow's big event and Maureen was busy in the kitchen baking cakes for the day.  I suggested I pop up to McD and bring back something for lunch. Gianis saw my car in the line up and rushed to the window. He pushed himself out, grabbed my hand and threw friendship all over me.  I tell you if that young man does not end up as CEO of McDonald's World-wide I will eat my hat !

Gianis, I am playing today's advent song for you.

I can not promise I will be writing a blog tomorrow, it is going to be a crazy day so let's open Saturday's window now.

There are two people I want to dedicate this song to. The first is to Ro, Manager of Wrigglies Exotioc Pets, who has put tomorrow together.

Ro says he is a punk, I guess he is. He is also a genius and I do not use that word lightly. Come along tomorrow and see what I mean, see that what I say is true.

Ro told me this was his favourite piece of Christmas music so Ro here you go.

If that young man does not end up as Director of The Royal Zoological Society I will eat my hat !

On the subject of hats........

When I was wearing my Santa hat and playing music in West Bletchley Community Centre's charity shop I broadcast all that was happening into Facebook. Listening was Paul Deering
who owns Turney's Bakery.

Paul sent me a message and asked if I would play this song for him.

Paul, here you go.

I promise in the New Year we will chat about bringing Secklow 105 into your shops.

Much of the vinyl we will be playing tomorrow was given to me by Paul. Without Paul's kindness and generosity our turntables would not be  what they are.

Here is Paul hard at work making bread for his shops. I get up early every day but not as early as Paul !

Paul, of course, is a LEONITE. He said to me: I was a bit of a rebel at school. Yes, Paul you were and thank goodness for that. Without that fire and spirit you would not have been the success you are today.

We will play music tomorrow for you and all your staff.

Now some people think the big event tomorrow is happening at Hillsborough. Sky Sports has meddled with the fixture list meaning Sheffield Wednesday v Wolves is kicking off at 7.45pm tonight. When I have finished writing this blog I will send Club Director Trevor an e-mail wishing the club well against top of the table Wolves.

I know the boys are going to win tonight. OurRebekah has the BRUMMIE OWLS project where friends sponsor goals the boys score for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. Families in the house then send thank you cards to the goal scorers.

The goals will be sponsored tonight but Trevor when you win, which you will, I will throw an extra £50 into the pot as a Christmas bonus.

I am looking forward to coming up to Hillsborough on the 23rd December to watch the boys THRASH Middlesborough. I will be watching that game from the directors box. The match-day programme will have a small piece I have written. In this I explain that a football club is more than two goal posts with a bit of grass between them.

Sheffield Wednesday may not be the most successful club in the country but it is without a doubt the most friendly. I just love my visits to Hillsborough.

Part of the ritual of the game is to visit the burger van outside the ground then on the way home to break the journey at Burger King on the motorway. Don't tell Gianis but I love Burker King's woppa ! (Is that spelt right ?  Tough if it aint !)

On the 23rd I guess I will have to bypass these. Slap up meal before the game - half time snacks and post match food. Is it non-stop eating in the directors' box ?

Anyway, thank you Sky Sport for changing the game against Wolves so it does not clash with all that is happening tomorrow.

Tomorrow ? All in good time. Let me tell you about yesterday and some lovely people I met. 

First thing I drove to The Churchill Hospital in Oxford to take some Christmas gifts to staff in the renal ward and transplant clinic.

At the transplant clinic only the receptionist was on duty. I gave him the bag of goodies, we wished one another a Happy Christmas and I left.

When I got to the renal ward it was shift change and also time for the cleaning staff to come off duty. The nurses station on the ward was packed with people. A quick entry and exit there was not possible. Everyone kept waving at me, blowing kisses and wishing me a Happy Christmas. That was not what I wanted but it was so special and heart warming.

At Whaddon Medical Centre there was nobody in the queue for the reception, I could make my delivery of gifts quickly and leave. However, I have to say I hung around.

There was an elderly lady who had been given a specimen bottle and asked to provide a urine sample. She was confused and kept asking the nurse how she was meant to get the liquid into such a small bottle. The entire waiting room was in fits of laughter and I have to admit I was laughing as well.

That was yesterday. Today I have to finish the last few jobs for tomorrow then I will be putting on my Audience Development Manager's hat and going to the Secklow 105.5 Christmas bash.

Strictly speaking tomorrow I will be heading up the Secklow Radio Roadshow as a manager in the team but in reality it will be the Geriatric DJ everyone will see. I have to sort my playlist for the two sessions I will be on the microphone. You wait and see what costume I will be wearing !

There will be five DJ's at tomorrow's roadshow. Tony, Catherine, Stuart, Mayor David Hopkins and the Geriatric DJ. I have a suspicion that the party music will be turned up when David has everyone bopping. I will plan my playlist to match him. I am going to play this and some very wild Christmas music.

We are expecting about one thousand people to be at the roadshow as we help Wrigglies Exotic Pets celebrate its third birthday.

Manager Ro has nominated OurRebekah as the charity the event will be supporting with all cash going to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Come along tomorrow to Wrigglies Exotic Pets Old Stratford between 9am and 5.30pm, join in the fun.

I promise you this is going to be a mega fun and love packed day.

LEONITES for every one of you who comes along tomorrow I will put £5 into the bucket. For those who are not in the know a LEONITE is one of my former students from Leon School. I am in contact with 120 Leonites so all come along and empty my pocket of £600.

I said that my day yesterday ended on a note of sadness. There was a Leonite who lived on the streets of Central Milton Keynes. Paul Foster told me that this lad had recently died. I had been planning to take a group of my former students to see James, show him some love and give him something for Christmas. I did not know he had died. What a terrible waste of a life, a life at school that showed so much potential. Facebook became very busy as Leonite after Leonite shared the sadness. Rachel made a suggestion which I think we should put into action. Let's talk about that. Let us make something positive from this sad news.

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