Saturday 2 December 2017

Playing Music For Some Very Special People

Sunday 3rd December - the third day of Advent and so time to open the third window on OurRebekah's Advent Calendar.

I am playing this piece of Christmas music for families who have a child sick in hospital, families who are staying in a Ronald McDonald Houses anywhere in the world. I am also playing it for all Ronald McDonald House staff, volunteers and supporters.

Today's song is sung in German, not English. I do not speak German but there are some songs which just sound better in that language.

One of those I am playing this song for is Gary Hooper at Sheffield Wednesday FC. Gary scored two goals in yesterday's game against Hull City and so added £10 in Brummie Owl
sponsorship to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Thank You Gary.  I look forward to seeing you score many more goals when I am next at Hillsborough on Saturday 23rd December. A hat trick from you would really start my Christmas off well !

Yesterday I visited Stony Stratford in Milton Keynes, the northern community in our city which is famous for its light festival. I found there a pipe organ. I have always loved fairground pipe organ music. In my now long-gone old vinyl collection I used to have an LP of fairground music.

Let's listen to the fairground organ from yesterday.

That organ is owned and operated by a fairground family, Emmets. Back in the 1970's I had the privilege of meeting the then owners, Mr & Mrs Emmet.  The Emmet's are a  
celebrated local family of show people.

The high street was packed with people and stalls run by all kinds of groups within the community. It was great fun.

I had my small hand-held reorder with me, I wanted to test it out. It worked well and I made three clips which I have here edited together. I have not got it right yet, I was holding it too close too my mouth but do have a listen to the three clips. In particular please pay attention to the third in the recording.

As I say in the recording I have never heard of Harry's Rainbow Trust but I have now checked it out. You can find the website at Take a look. I think
this is an organisation which deserves your support.

So much was happening in Stony Stratford High Street yesterday. I am so pleased I was there.

This was the local community in action in a very special way.

Here's another video clip from the day.

I have managed to find a copy of that fairground organ vinyl LP I used to have on e-bay. Yes, I have ordered a copy for my NEW vinyl collection. So for everyone involved in Stony Stratford's day yesterday this is for you.

My collection of vinyl is growing. I have been very busy cataloging it. I think I may be 10% of the way through the task.

Not my vinyl collection but tomorrow morning, Tuesday morning and then on Wednesday morning I am taking my digital collection and disco system into the charity shop at West Bletchley Community Centre to play Christmas music.

Look out for more video and clips from my hand-held recording device on future blogs.

The many groups who use West Bletchley Community Centre have been very supportive of OurRebekah's Secret Santa
project. This is my way of saying THANK YOU.

Santa is still looking for helpers to deliver the love-packed gifts to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham on Monday 18th December.

Here's another pic from Yesterday in Stony Stratford High Street.

You will not believe my diary for the coming week.

There is a very special entry listed for Thursdsay - GO TO SEE RO.  Ro is the Manager of Wrigglies Exotic Pets in Old Stratford. On Saturday 16th I will be playing the music at his shop's third birthday party. I will have a very special helper and DJ that day - David Hopkins, Mayor of Milton Keynes.

The music will be played from a tent in the car park. Yesterday I purchased a silent running generator rather than run a cable all the way from the shop to the tent.

Music will be played on both my state of the art digital sound system and on a more traditional vinyl twin deck. 

The tent will be filled with beautiful, swimming colours from the light show. There is a bubble machine and a smoke machine. Given the time of the year there is also a snow generator.

We are expecting more than one thousand people to pass by during the course of the day. Nothing has been left to chance in organising a musical extravaganza as part of Wrigglies Exotic Pets Birthday Party.

OurRebekah is providing the cakes and will be the charity of the day.

I know I keep putting this picture on the blog, Mayor David at OurRebekah's Frog Challenge last September hosted by Wrigglies, but it is the most viewed image on Google Reviews for all of Milton Keynes.

Closely followed by Mayoress Susan cuddling a skunk. Nobody told her  its scent glands had not been removed !

Ro tells me that as well and Mayor David's python and Susan's skunk there will be an owl at the party. I think he means the bird owl rather than a Sheffield Wednesday Owl !

Do you remember the My Inspiration interview Frank Scarito did with me recently ?

In that interview he asked me what was my most inspiring piece of music. I had no hesitation in answering Bridge Over Troubled Water.

When the Mayor attends an event it is traditional to give him and the mayoress a thank you gift. This event will be the third to which I have been honoured to welcome Milton Keynes's First Citizens.  I have been very careful each time to give them a gift which is relevant to the event and not just a bunch of flowers. For Wrigglies Birthday Party I have obtained a vinyl copy of the LP Bridge Over Troubled Water and a CD version.

No, nothing has been left to chance for Saturday 16th December. That's the way I like to work. Everything planned to the very last detail.

AH that is not quite true !  The party starts at 9am so all of the equipment and the tent must be up and working no later than half past eight in the morning. I am guessing it will take an hour to unpack the car and set up.  Wriggles closes at half past five when everything then has to be taken down and packed away.

At this moment in time I am asking, in a day or so I will be begging - can you help ? There is no way I can do all of that on my own.

Please, pretty please !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ro, who is Milton Keynes answer to David Attenborough, has asked me to play some ANIMAL MUSIC. Within the playlist of music I a compiling I do have a special section for Animal Music. 

I have this in my collection of 7" vinyl singles.

Ro - is a WOMBLE an ANIMAL ?

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