Saturday 30 December 2017

My dog Jake deserves a knighthood more than Nick Clegg does

Before you read any more of today's blog CLICK HERE.

Will you be stopping up tonight to see in the New Year ?  I won't be, I will tucked up in bed and fast asleep. Got a big day on Monday.

I remember seeing in the New Year in at the Millennium. I saw the New Year in TWICE. Honestly I did.

Let me explain.

I was in Detroit Michigan. The adjacent state of Illinois is in a different time zone.

A friend and I drove to the Detroit side of the state line to see the New Year and the New Millennium in. Shortly after midnight we drove into Illinois where it was just after eleven o'clock. We waited until midnight then saw the New Year in for a second time.

Over the years I have done some daft and silly things but nothing quite like seeing The Millennium in twice.

However, nothing daft that I have done in my life - nothing daft you have done in your life is quite as ridiculous as giving Nick Clegg a knighthood in the New Year Honours List. How mad is that ?

Why am I not in the honours list ?

Why are YOU not in the honours list ?

My best friend Jake deserves a knighthood more than any failed politician. Perhaps Clegg would be more aptly honoured with the title created by Gilbert and Sullivan - The Duke of Plaza Toro.

Having actually been involved some years ago in nominating someone to receive an honour I know how the system works and how people have to add their names to the nomination. What kind of people nominated Clegg ?

Could be the deaf, dumb and blind people The Who sang about in their 1969 hit !

Just checked how many friends I have on Facebook - 320. If I had my way all 320 of you would be on the honours list. You are on my honours list. Thank you for your friendship, you have made a difficult year a special year. THANK YOU to all of my friends who are not on Facebook.

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL. I am just working how many times zones I can move through at midnight to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR more than once.

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