Sunday 17 December 2017

This will be a week filled with beautiful people

It is fifty years since the Summer of Love. I never was a  hippie. I never was one of those BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.

In the final week of Advent I am going to spend time with BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE so will dedicate today's advent window to them all. I will use today's blog to tell you all about them.

So let's open that advent calendar window.

381 people read yesterday's blog. That is a record. a big VINYL LP of a record if I may attempt a joke.  Thank you all for reading and thank you for so many, many kind messages.

All of the Secret Santa gifts we have been collecting over the past weeks are now packed and ready for delivery. Once the morning traffic has gone I will be hitting the road. I have a
little helper. My best friend Jake is coming with me to Birmingham.

Every single one of those gifts packed into seven Santa Sacks was given in love, wrapped in love and will be received by families who need love so much at this time of the year.

It costs £25 a night to accommodate a family in Ronald McDonald House Birmingham. Our Just Giving totaliser now stands at £2,409 + £344.25 in gift aid. That adds up to £2,753.25. Raised in just under three months meaning OurRebekah has funded ONE HUNDRED AND TEN nights for families accommodation. We have funded, every day since we started working, one family a night with some cash left over.

When I hit the road with those gift later this morning my car will be filled with the love of people who donated the gifts and the 88 beautiful people who have added money to JustGiving.

Rebekah worked at Little Houghton Day Nursery. Last week I went to draw their Christmas Raffle which was organised in Beck's memory to support Ronald McDonald House. Those lovely, beautiful people raised a staggering £410 !

The cash will be banked this week and added to JustGiving. Do the Maths and the totaliser will hit £2,819

THANK YOU Little Houghton Day Nursery. THANK YOU so very, very much. You BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL people.

Among the 381 blog readers yesterday was Diane .- a LEONITE. She posted a lovely comment about the blog then followed it up with a gift on JustGiving. THANK YOU - your
beautiful, lovely lady.

Tomorrow I will be spinning the discs. not once but twice. Listen for the music.

When I played music in the West Bletchley Community Centre a couple of weeks ago so many people came in to the shop to listen. Among these were friends attending a meeting of MK Rethink.  They sang and danced to the music, they asked for requests to be played, they stood and chatted. They were such lovely, beautiful people I just had to ask if I could do a music session at one of their meetings.

The Geriatric DJ will be wearing his Santa Hat all morning playing music for these lovely, beautiful people. We are going to have some fun aren't we ?

Then from 2.30pm to 4.30pm I will be joined by Tony Ingeldow from Secklow 105.5 to provide Christmas Music at the West Bletchley Community Centre tea. So many of the Secret Santa gifts came from groups using the centre.

That time will be broadcast via webcam into Facebook so do switch on - watch and listen.

I am so looking forward to playing the music.

While I am writing this blog I am chatting on-line with a very dear friend I have not seen for eighteen years. That is special, very special. 

On Wednesday I will be back in Secklow 105.5's studio with Tony Ingeldow reporting on both the West Bletchley event and last Saturday in the rain !

I twisted Tony's arm a bit and persuaded him to play Singing In The Rain on his show.

I am going to play music again on Friday. My son, Peter, and my two granddaughters are meeting up with Maureen and I at my parents house. We are going to have a bit of a party.

Here's a little video six year old Katherine made.

And here's something from Frances and Katherine at Granddad's Disco !

I am hoping Just Giving will hit £3,000 by Christmas. It could if Sheffield Wednesday score two goals on Saturday.

Brummie Owls goal sponsorship for Saturday stands at £100 per goal.

In a short time I have become such a Sheffield Wednesday fan and found some special friends there. In the programme for Saturday there is a small piece Club Director Trevor asked me to write. I say that a football club is more than two goal posts with a bit of grass between them. What I love about Sheffield Wednesday is the warm friendly atmosphere within the club. The fixture list is only one part of the club.

The above picture was taken on my first visit to Hillsborough. Pictured there with star player Barry.  On Saturday i will be watching the game from the directors' box.  Looking forward to that very much.

My week is going to be filled with some very wonderful people. I am so lucky to have so many beautiful friends.

Here's another friend, Lord Henry Wilton Earl of Tadwell. He is actually fiction, someone from my author's imagination but a central character in my book The Bridge House.

Not fiction but a very real character is my grandmother Lily around whom the whole book is written. Lily was born in 1890, were she still alive she would be celebrating her 128th birthday in January.

Yesterday I began writing the final chapter in the book. When it is finished and published all royalties will go to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

I am not going to tell you how the book ends, I will just say it is a bit of a surprise.

I began the blog today speaking about 1967 and the year of the hippie. I remember something not too polite my dear old grandmother had to say back in 1967 about hippies !

Nan died in 1984 but you know I can still feel her love with me. I am not sure what she would make of my hippie shirt !

This music was more to her liking. I sat in Berkeley Square in London earlier this year, on one of the lovers benches soaking up the atmosphere to write into the story.

I went yesterday to Wrigglies Exotic Pets yesterday to thank Manager Ro for all his support on Saturday. 

Ro isn't a hippie,   he is a punk ! He is a fantastic guy and a real friend.  Ro I think you should change your allegiance and become a hippie - you are a beautiful person.

Ro told me he is now planning a summer party at his shop and wants me there again with the music. He wants people to come to the party wearing hula skirts !

Put it this way.....

I will if you will Ro !

Ok, 6.15am and I have not yet published the blog. That is late !  better click the mouse, put it on-line and begin my beautiful week surrounded by beautiful people.

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