Monday 2 April 2018

Can we tell you our story

Please have a look at our website.....


In the second half of the 1970's decade a young and over enthusiastic teacher joined the staff of a large comprehensive school in the new city of Milton Keynes. The pupils were amazed by one thing in particular, his GREEN platform shoes. One of those pupils was teenager Rachel. 

This young teacher drove  Triumph Herald and was Mr Cool.

More than forty years later this young man was an old man. His career was behind him, his family was grown up and he wasn't doing very much at all other than writing books and dreaming in the autumn of his life that he would become a best selling author.

David's output  of writing was phenomenal, he was writing a new book every three months but his sales were way short of a best selling author.

A year ago David's daughter Rebekah who had suffered from kidney problems all her life was in and out of hospital, David was spending most of his time driving her to and from The Churchill Hospital in Oxford.  Sitting in the waiting room while Beck attended her numerous appointments David
was frantically scribbling words for his books in a mountain of notebooks. His laptop was in overdrive as these books were formatted for publication.

On Friday 19th May 2017 Rebekah, who was always known as Little Miss Sunshine died suddenly and unexpectedly.

David and his family were devastated and wondered how a world without Rebekah could possibly exist.

It was more than twenty years since David had worked as a teacher, his students had all grown up and gone in a variety of different directions. 

In February 2004 a young man started an
organisation called Facebook. Rebekah had been a Facebook addict, shortly before her death David was experimenting with social media to promote his book sales.

When the news of Rebekah's death spread across Facebook more than one hundred of David's former students threw their arms of love around his family. If it had not been for that love David believes he would have descended into a pit of doom, stopped writing and spent the rest of his life as a pathetic, sad old man.

One of those lovely students who threw her arms of love around David was Rachel.  Now a grandmother of four Rachel and her family became friends of David.

Rachel is a trustee of Bletchley Youth Centre and asked David if he would help organise the centre's 50th anniversary celebration.

Rachel went along to a fund raising event David was running to support Ronald McDonald House Charities.

It was at that event David met Jo who has set up and was running a charity by the name of Jo's Hope.

Destiny was moving the pieces on her chessboard, she had brought three people together and was preparing to bring in a fourth.

As part of his writing David was producing a daily on-line blog which he called The Diary of a Silly Old Man. He was determined when it was published it would make him a fortune. Destiny had other ideas.

That diary changed shortly after Rebekah's death from The Diary of a Silly Old Man to The Wave of Love.

By this time David was including  music in his blog and had more than two hundred songs in his YouTube channel He was playing music on post after post on Facebook. His daily blog was attracting an international audience, Destiny was smiling. David thought he could use this music to support good causes so changed the name of the blog to Radio Love
International. His thinking was to use music to share love and support good causes, the blog may have been called Radio Love International but the word radio had no real part in the project. Madam Destiny had her own ideas on that subject.

She was preparing for David to meet a young couple Josh and Jelena. That meeting, a chance meeting as we mere mortals would view it but a careful plan on the part of Madam Destiny was to change everything.

David wrote he first blog edition of Radio Love International on Thursday 18th January. On Friday 19th January Josh joined David to help develop his idea and Radio Love International was born. Within days David and Josh were joined by Rachel and Jo. Radio Love International was formed with the now four firm friends as directors. Destiny revealed her plan for that simple music project to become a fully-fledged radio station which would spread love world-wide.
David could never have come up with such a plot in any of his books. The chances of four people from totally different backgrounds becoming close friends and business partners would be to fantastic for any publisher to accept in a novel.

Madam Destiny has some other names on her clipboard, on her plan for Radio Love International. We believe she is now about to tell us who those names are. Madam Destiny is going to change the music and turn up the volume.

Did you look at our website ?  Be honest did you ? No, you didn't did you !

Have you looked now or have you skipped the link ?

At six o'clock in the  morning of Monday 14th May 2018 The Monkees singing Daydream Believer will launch Radio Love International as an Internet Radio Station. That song together with Status Quo singing Rocking All Over The World will be played every hour for the next twenty-four hours.

Have you looked at our website ?

Destiny has a series of figures written on that clipboard of hers.  MONEY !  She knows where that money is going to come from. Probably not a single penny will be coming from those who listen to music on this special blog edition but Madam Destiny knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who is about to support Radio Love International with sponsorship which will truly make it the world's biggest radio station.

On Madam Destiny's clipboard are a list of people who will sponsor Radio Love International with a few pounds and there are those who will sponsor the love with one thousand pounds.

Did you click the links and look at our website ?  Probably not.

Are you enjoying today's music ?

A song for David............

A song for Josh.............

A song for Jo...................

A song for Rachel..................

Four totally different songs from different genre of music. Four totally different songs played for four totally different people from totally different lives who are now firm friends
spreading the love through our radio station.

Do you not think that if Madam Destiny could bring the four together and have taken Radio Love International to where is is today she has it in her plan to put those who will sponsor the spreading of the love into place ?

So who do you know who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who will take knife and start spreading the love ?

But support does not only mean money...

Here's another link on our website for you to click.

Four of us set up Radio Love International but there is also
Weatherman Andy and Teckie Sokol.

Radio Love International can not possibly spread all the love we want to with just six of us. Who else has Madam Destiny have in mind ?

That link if you actually diss check it ! CLICK HERE - explains the new friends we need to make in order for that to happen.

Are you one of the friends we need to spread the love or do you know someone who would like to work with us, who would be good to work with us, who would like to pick up the knife and spread the love ?

The jam is ready, it's a very special and extra delicious flavour called LOVE..........

It really does taste super.....

The knife is ready, in fact we have a draw full of knives, sharp and ready.
Are you one of those Madam Destiny has on her clipboard who will pick up a knife and start spreading the love ?

Do you run a business which could become a sponsor for the love ? Do you know someone who knows someone who know someone who is ?

Are you one of the friends we need to work in our office or studio ?

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