Wednesday 11 April 2018

Sunshine Smile Day

Radio Love International is all about using music to make people smile and be happy, then to use those smiles to support charities and good causes.....TO SPREAD THE LOVE.

On Saturday 19th May we will be holding our very first INTERNATIONAL SMILE DAY and would like to invite you to take part.

David is the founder of Radio Love International but now just one person in a strong team united in what we are striving to

David's daughter, Rebekah, died suddenly and unexpectedly on Friday 19th May 2017.

All her life she suffered with kidney problems but was always a happy, positive person with a cheeky and infectious smile.

Across her 34 years of life a photograph does not exist which does not show her smiling. She was always known as LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE.

Within days of Beck passing her friends set up OurRebekah 
to raise support for Ronald McDonald House Charities. Rebekah's family was among the first to stay in the very first Ronald McDonald House in England. We took Rebekah's smile and placed it  
at the very centre of all OurRebekah did.

Within a very short space of time several thousand pounds were raised for Ronald McDonald House Charities but soon it was clear that Destiny had bigger ideas for Rebekah's Smile.

David was interviewed by Radio Presenter Frank Scarito.

Although it is more than two decades since David was head of year in a local comprehensive school more than one hundred of his students gathered round him with love and support at the time of Beck's death. Some of them have
nominated David in the Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards. He does not expect to win but is honoured to have been nominated.

David was interviewed on MKFM about his nomination, about Rebekah and something new called Radio Love International.

David wanted to use music to support Rebekah's smile, to take music into the community and support good causes. He
changed his daily blog to become a music blog. On Friday 19th January 2018 David shared his ideas with a young man, Josh. When Josh revealed his love of music Radio Love International was born.

Josh is coming up to his 27th birthday but looks a lot younger. He also bears a resemblance to Marty Wilde, David called Josh THE ETERNAL TEENAGER.

David took Josh to meet Jo, founder of charity Jo's Hope, at an event she was running.

At that point Jo, known as Jo Jo and also known as the lady with the big smile and the even bigger heart joined the infant Radio Love International team.

It was Mrs Josh, the lovely Jelena who captured the moment in this picture where Josh and David asked Rachel to join the management team of Radio Love International.

From that point on the Radio Love International's Daily Music Blog went from strength to strength developing our worldwide audience. Daily audience figures are between 200 and 2,000.

There is the famous day when we crashed Google Blogger with so many people trying to listen to our music.

Since we started FORTY FIVE THOUSAND people have listened to the music on our daily blog.

Not bad for a music project which is not yet three months old. On Monday 14th April 2018 we go live as an internet radio station then on Saturday 19th May 2018, four months after David and Josh agreed to work together, we will be holding SUNSHINE SMILE DAY. This will be a fun, smiling day packed with happiness.

Everything is happening on the shop floor of Asda Supermarket in Milton Keynes between 8am and 5pm.

We held an amazing roadshow event there just before Easter but this will be bigger, many times bigger.

We will be inviting a number of good causes to come along during the day and enjoy the support of our music. We want YOU to come along and join in the fun.

Throughout the entire day we want to support The Food Bank.  We want shoppers in Asda to put an extra tin in their trolleys then bring it to our music.  We will give them a SUNSHINE SMILE DAY sticker to sign and put on their tin. All tins will then be stacked into a giant mountain. Wouldn't it be FANTASTIC if we could collect one thousand tins.  Come on Asda Shoppers you can do this. one thousand happy smiles for The Food Bank.

We are going to need help during the day to collect in the tins, to put the sunshine smile stickers on the cans and to build the mountain. Then at the end of the day we will need a LOT of help to pack everything ready to send to The Food Bank.

Could you give us an hour or two ?  Drop David an email or tell us on Facebook.

Starting Sunshine Smile Day and running alongside our giant mountain of tins we want to support two causes we have been trying to promote.

Radio Love International is providing the music and the PA system at Willen Hospice's Family Fun Day in July. That is going to be a great day. It is being organised by Gary who we would like to invite to Sunshine Smile Day so
he can promote the event and sign up stall holders. Gary the music is yours to do as you wish. We would so much like to here invite you to come along.

Gary's family is also promoting a cause which touched our hearts  Emilia's Helmet Appeal.

Let's include this in our Sunshine Smile Day and fill buckets with cash for this lovely young lady.

Did you catch Josh's video blog from last Saturday at Hillsborough Stadium ?

Here's another edition.

DAVID I told you not to publish that blog !  SORRY Josh.

That song comes from the musical HAIR. For two hours
David's hair and Jo's Hope will be at the front of the music on Sunshine Smile Day.

David has been growing his hair for several months. on Friday 20th April he is flying to San Francisco taking music from Radio Love International to Hippie Mount in San Francisco.

Oh YES he will be wearing flowers in his hair.

He will be bringing his hair and the flowers to Sunshine Smile Day where Radio Love International listener Charlotte will cut it off !

David is being sponsored for £1,000 to have his hair cut. The money is going to support two different Jo's Hope projects ............... post surgery support for breast cancer patients and the homeless.

Come and watch David have his hair cut.

Throw coins into the buckets for Jo's Hope.

David does do some crazy things !  Here he is with Mrs Josh, the lovely Jelena, promoting Jo's Hope's Cancer project.

David is it true you were arrested for wearing a bra in Asda ?

We have been offered something we can use as a prize at Sunshine Smile Day, a gift from an international sporting giant.

A major retail chain has also offered gifts.

We need to coordinate these offers before publishing too much on the music blog but we would like to use this kindness to support Wings For Life.

Once we have spoken to these kind people we can say more but for now here's something from Wings.

Radio Love International will end Sunshine Smile Day where it all started, Rebekah's smile and Ronald McDonald House Charities.

We are going to pack a lot into the final two hours at Asda. There will be a lot of smiling involved.

We recently spent a lovely evening at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. Josh played the music while David
fooled about running a music tombola.

Friends and listeners at Radio Love International donated FIVE HUNDRED gifts as prizes for that music tomobola. We are asking now for donations again to hold a music tombola at Sunshine Smile Day in Asda on Saturday 19th May.

We are going to ask McDonalds Restaurants to match that generosity by donating meal vouchers to add to the prizes.

Drawing a lucky tombola prize ticket will be FREE but throwing some coins into the buckets for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham would be kind of nice !

We will be imposing one condition on those who win a McDonalds meal voucher. When they go to eat their burger and fries they MUST spin some coins for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

David is a writer. When he wrote his book NOT THE CONCRETE COWS telling readers about the teenager years of Milton Keynes New City his book was sponsored by McDonalds Restaurants.

David has a dozen books published in e book format on Amazon. More than a year ago he started writing what he believes will be his best book.... The Bridge House.

The story begins with the death of Queen Victoria, shortly after his grandmother Lily's 11th birthday. It then traces the times she lived through until her 93rd year when Rebekah was born.

When Rebekah died David wondered if he could manage to finish the book. He decided to change the style and put Rebekah into the book from the very beginning.

David has the last chapter to type up then to go through the 73,408 words ready to publish it on Amazon both as an e book and in paperback format. He plans to use the long hours flying to and from San Francisco to do this.

The book will then be published on Saturday 19th May with people able to order copies at Sunshine Smile Day.

ALL royalties from sales of the books will go to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

The FIRST thing you can do is to put the date in your diary and make sure you come along.

We need HELP all day running our Mountain of Tins for the Food Bank.

We need help engaging the shoppers in Asda, handing our sweets, balloons and Sunshine Smile Stickers.

We need help promoting the event on SOCIAL MEDIA.

We need a dedicated person who would contact both national and local media to come along and support us. Surely SUNSHINE is something the SUN newspaper would be interested in. We need TV and Radio to be there.

We need a dedicated person to contact VIP person and all the businesses within Milton Keynes who have their national headquarters here to get behind Sunshine Smile Day.

Can you help people smile ?  Can you spread the love ?

Drop David an email or tell us on Facebook.

SPREAD THE LOVE................

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