Wednesday 18 April 2018

Smiles and Love

SMILES and LOVE.....  smiles and love.....

That is what this world needs.

That is ALL this world needs.

If only we could replace the government and big business incompetent bureaucracy with smiles and love what a better world this would be.

If only we could turn a self centred, inward looking society into one of smiles and love what a better world this would be.


While we were hard at work yesterday Josh, our Director of Music, was skipping about singing that song. He asked that it be included in today's music blog.

Jolene.....Jelina..... ?  Similar..... well just about.

Anyway Josh and Jelena hope you liked that.......SMILES AND LOVE.

Each day it is Yours Truly, David, who edits this blog. I take things team members have said to me then wrap the words into the page. Tomorrow things will be slightly different.

I will publish a brief blog then drive to Heathrow Airport and board a flight to The City By The Bay ...... The City Of
SMILES AND LOVE.  I am told that Virgin Atlantic has wifi on its aircraft so during that long flight to San Francisco I will be adding bits and pieces to the blog.

As the aircraft thunders down the runway our little team will be sending SMILES AND LOVE to listener, friend and Virgin Atlantic staff member Sam who has asked the flight crew to look out for us and take care of us.

Thank You Sam, this song is for you.  SMILES AND LOVE....

Yesterday we had a bit of a heatwave here in England. YES it was Hot. An Englishman will always complain about the
weather, when it's hot it is too hot. Rain....Snow....Wind.... we can never get it right.

I checked the US weather forecast for San is actually going to be
cooler there over the next few days than here in England.

SMILES AND LOVE ???? He he he.................

With Josh asking me to play Jolene, I turned to Jolene aka Jelena and asked her for a request to play today. She asked me for this.

When it comes to SMILES AND LOVE our very own Jo is at the top of the pile.

Try calling Jo..... she will always answer her phone with the words HELLO MY DARLING.....


So let's find something from our playlist for Jo.  While my aircraft is high up in the sky Mama Jo will be opening Jo's Kitchen as part of her homeless support programme.  Nobody but nobody cooks Carribean food like Mama Jo and Mama Jo's Mama......

Mama Jo this next song is for you... SMILES AND LOVE....SMILES AND LOVE.....

Radio Love International is about to have its own resident rock star. Working on the broadcast schedule yesterday Josh asked Tony Hill to present a weekly show with us. Tony is indeed a rock star ..... have you seen his videos on YouTube ?  They are also to be found in the On Demand area of our website. 

Let's play one.

I asked Josh to ask Tony if he would make an appearance at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY

It was Radio Love International Rachel who came up with the term SPREAD THE LOVE.....When it comes to SMILES AND LOVE Rachel always keeps our team on mission.

I want to play something for Rachel and have decided to play something from Radio Love's very own collection.


Please take a look at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY on our website, Look at the charities and good causes we will be supporting. Let's dip into Radio Love International's YouTube catalogue and play something for each....


Yesterday our music made people smile in: 

Australia... Spain...France...Portugal...Spain...Ukraine..

Impressive ?  SMILES AND LOVE

Since we first published a music blog in January we have had 48,478 listeners. In that first week we popped this on YouTube, it's way out of date now but still fun.

Listeners to yesterday's music for the first time included our friends and new web development team.  We took a call from Simon at Bombinate yesterday and could feel the smiles and love pushing their way through the phone. Let's dip into YouTube and find something to play for our award winning friends

Yesterday, nothing to do with Radio Love International, I popped something onto
Facebook asking friends what they thought our home town of Milton Keynes was best famous for. Here are a few answers.....

Roundabouts, pot holes and expensive parking.

I'm in Essex now but when I do visit it certainly doesn't
feel homely, a lot has changed in 20 years, I wouldn’t ever move back........the city centre is horrible now, the parking is crap, roads are full of holes 

MK is just a load of housing estates joined by roads and a shopping center in the middle. The only good thing is it has a rail station so I can bugger off every now and then.

Isn't that sad ? Sad but accurate. What would solve it ? NOT politicians that's for sure.  NOT bungling bureaucrats NO WAY ! SMILES AND LOVE...SMILES AND LOVE...that would do it !

And now some big smiles and love for our sponsor.....

We go live as an internet radio station on Monday 14th May. To SPREAD THE LOVE we need more sponsors like Heslop's Removals. CLICK HERE

There's a MEGA TYPO in that....each time we play it we know those who SMILE AND LOVE will not spot it. 

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