Sunday 1 April 2018

For one day we are giving David the sack !

After David's blog yesterday we have given him the sack !

For today at least I am taking over.

Did you read yesterday's edition ?  CLICK HERE.........

It nearly have me a heart attack !

It was an April Fools joke Josh and look how many people were taken in by it !
AND we had listeners in UK, USA, Brazil, Canada, Poland, Spain, Germany, France, Portugal and Bahrain

I'll give you credit for that David but you are still not going to edit today's blog - I AM !  You wind up merchant. I am going to play a WIND UP song for you !

Well said Josh - when I saw it on Facebook I thought WHAT THE FFFFFF!

Ditto Jo but I do have to admit it was a great April Fool. Play the song Josh................

I think I'll play another WIND UP SONG..................

It's Monday Request day. We have requests to play for Paul Foster, Cheryl Brooks, Debbie Cerone, Graham Barnett, Chairman Rachel, Samantha Barnett and Paul Meader.  I'll slip a few others in as we go along.

First let's start with Cheryl who has asked for this. 

Cheryl I am really glad you asked for that song.  We have turned David's dining room into a temporary Radio Love International office. I'll be working in there building playlists
for when we go live on Monday 14th May. One genre of music we are lacking is just this so I'll make sure it is added to the playlists. I think we may even play it at Hillsborough on Saturday.

Next we have a request from our great friend and fixer of generators Graham Barnett. Graham has asked us to play this.

David published a bit of fun with a retro tv quiz yesterday. It's fun I agree but I do not recognise any of the tunes.

That's because you are too young Josh.

Well how many do you remember Rachel ?

Not many.

DAVID, can we have another more up to date quiz ?

Possibly but ONLY if you let me introduce the next dedication.

Go on then but NO APRIL FOOLS JOKES !

This next song is for Paul, Paul Foster. I want to thank you, Paul, for all your kind words over the past year and to say just how important your support has been. You are a fantastic guy, I am so delighted you are coming with us to Hillsborough on Saturday. Josh and I will be working on the music today then Rachel and David will be finalising the plans on Wednesday.

Here's your request.

Thank you David. Thank you Paul, I look forward to meeting you on Saturday. Who's next ?  Ah yes.....

This is for Samantha.

Samantha that was lovely, a beautiful song. Thank you for asking us to play it.

Yesterday I was working on the broadcast schedule ready for Monday 14th May. If you CLICK HERE you can see the draft
David has written. I called David yesterday afternoon and asked him to print off a copy of the grid then bring it over to my place. I want to change the repeats to different times each day.

David is going to put together the music from the shows. David give us one piece I can play now.

How about this Josh ?

I am going to present the film review myself. I chatted briefly to David about this.

Here's something from a film currently playing in the cinema.

Josh, you do realise that comes from a childrens' film. I watched it when I was a kid.

Did you Rachel ?

I'd better play your request then hadn't I Rachel. What is it ?

Nobody's Fool by Cinderella....

Not David Essex this week then ?

I thought Nobody's Fool could be appropriate after David's April Fool joke.

Debbie Cerrone has asked us tot play this. Hey I was minus fifteen years old when that song was released.  It's great though, thanks Debbie for asking us to play it.

Within David's draft schedule he has an hour of back to back music for the one you love. On our website we have music on demand from our YouTube Channel. You will find this collection of music there.

Another request............

This is for Paul Meader. Great song, thanks for asking us to play it.

I want to play something now, my own request.

I took the photographs for that slideshow.  Two days earlier David shared with me an idea for a music project. The following day he published the first music blog, then on the Saturday I went along with him to support Jo at the sausage sizzle. Now look what has happened !

There is a strong group of friends working together like crazy to SPREAD THE LOVE.

But the friendship goes way beyond the four of us, there is Andy our weatherman, there is okol our tecky in Canada, it includes those who asked us to play music today, it includes the 327 who listened to yesterday's music and tolerated David's April Fool joke, on Saturday it will include the twenty-seven thousand and more people who will be at Hillsborough Stadium. Starting on Monday 14th May we will be reaching out to millions of new friends all round the world.

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