Sunday 22 April 2018

GO AWAY Jet Lag !

Sunday 22nd April 2018

My eyes are only just open, I can not properly see the screen on my laptop yet my brain is wide awake. 

1.35am here in The City by the Bay. 9.3am back home.  CLICK HERE for the blog telling of our journey here BEFORE the laptop battery died. Then CLICK HERE for a report once the battery had been recharged,

Let's play myself a song !

Yesterday was all about why Gary, Matthew, David and myself have flown half way round he road.

We spent the day having fun and smiling as we put in place support for the projects we have running to bring SMILES AND LOVE to some very special good causes.  I made certain my hair and my Sheffield Wednesday scarf were ready.  More of that later.

Half past five yesterday morning and here we are in search of breakfast.

As we walked in search of food I saw San Francisco's homeless policy working. Security staff were waking the rough sleepers and moving them on.

That was sad.

Breakfast eaten we took a taxi to The Golden Gate Bridge.

San Francisco does not have a soccer team. Translated into English ..... FOOTBALL.

While the boys back at Hillsborough were putting the finishing touches to that 3 0 victory I was busy telling the guy, the engineer who built The Golden Gate Bridge, that he needed to become a Sheffield Wednesday fan.

For part of yesterday, at least, San Francisco DID have a football team and were able to SING THE BLUES.

Our walk across the world's most famous bridge was sponsored to raise support for Ronald McDonald House Charities taking care of families with a child sick in hospital.

Yep, the walk is now over but you can still sponsor us sending SMILES AND LOVE to families in a very difficult time of life.

CLICK HERE to send your love.

Later in the day we dropped into a branch of McDonalds to
pop some coins into the collecting box.

There is now a rumour spreading round San Francisco that The Golden Gate Bridge is going to be repainted....repainted in BLUE AND WHITE !

One good cause featured is SUNSHINE SMILE DAY is Ronald McDonald House Charities. Sheffield Wednesday's community programme is another.

Leaving The Golden Gate Bridge we took a 'bus to Golden Gate Park aka Hippie Park. DON'T FORGET TO SPONSOR US WILL YOU !

Possibly the most important photograph of the day was David, yours truly, and his/my hair here standing on Hippie Mount in Golden Gate Park.

Hey our friends at Hillsborough we found this guy in Golden Gate Park. We asked him to give us a quote for today's music blog.


A 'bus and a tram ride took the team to Fisherman's Wharf and time to relax after our two sponsored events.

Anyone remember this song ?

There we were walking along the street at Fisherman's Wharf when a group of totally naked cyclists passed by.


Trying hard to forget what we had just seen we boarded a boat to cruise round San Francisco Bay.

We sailed past Alcatraz. Later today, like in twelve hours time we will be taking another boat to Alcatraz Island.

The plan for today is also to ride the cable cars and pop by China Town.

Yes, we love you San Francisco. The four of us.. Gary, Matthew, David and David are here as part of a support generating project for Radio Love International's SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

We have played this before on the music blog while we have been here in The City By The Bay......

We received an email from Richard Branson's boss at Virgin Atlantic. 


We checked out the diner you suggested and will be taking breakfast there later.

We took over two hundred photographs yesterday.  We took some pics of a guy playing steel drums which we thought we could use to support Mama Jo's Kitchen.

Can't find what we have done with it in the files on the laptop !

Sorry Jo Jo we can't find it so for now we'll just play you this.

Radio Love International's resident rock star Tony.... we have an idea for you.

There was an internet radio station playing music on the waterfront with one guy giving a live performance.  Tony, that gave us an idea which we'll chat to you about when we all get home.

So that was yesterday. Two more days here in the City By The Bay. It's certain when we board that Virgin ATlantic flight home on Monday evening Radio Love International will leave a heart behind here.

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