Sunday 29 April 2018

What are you doing ion Sushine Smile Day ?

If you thought that yesterday's blog meant I was quitting then you do not know me very well.


True I feel let down by some people and frustrated by others but quitting ?  NO WAY !

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.

Beware this dog has very sharp teeth.

Rather than quitting SUNSHINE SMILE DAY is about to get bigger, a lot bigger !

Sad miserable people who do not know how to smile go away please and make room for those who
do !

Today is Monday Request Day, before I share the upgraded version of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY let's play the first request. 

Rachel has asked us to play this lovely song from The Carpenters.

This afternoon Josh, Rachel and I have a meeting at Red Bull F1 to chat about its charity WINGS FOR LIFE being involved in SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.  Once that meeting is over we will be able to share the full details of our bigger project but here, today, let me go though the thinking.

SUNSHINE SMILE DAY celebrates the smile of Rebekah. Throughout the day we will be using music to make people smile and support good causes.

Rebekah's chosen charity was RONALD McDONALD HOUSE CHARITIES and so this will be the lead charity throughout the day. 

The moment they were told of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY both the CEO of McDonald's Restaurants and Ronald McDonald House Charities rushed forward with their support.

There will be a Ronald McDonald House coin spinner in situ specifically collecting money for Beck's chosen good cause. We will be running a music tombola during the day to feature the charity's work.

Bunnings/Homebase is supporting this part of the day by donating a stack of prizes. With the number of people we expect to pass by we are going to need something like FIVE HUNDRED prizes so are here looking to Rebekah's friends and Radio Love International listeners to pack the day with their gifts of love.  Jelena, seen above spinning coins for Ronald McDonald, will be promoting the music tombola on social media.

We are not actually collecting money for The Food Bank but items of food. We want to collect ONE THOUSAND items and pile them into a giant mountain.

Shoppers in Asda on SUNSHINE SMILE DAY... Saturday 19th May... please be generous.

Today I will be chasing The Food Bank which has failed to respond to two emails I have sent them.

Wonderful friend Maggie will be taking charge of this area of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY but she needs help to collect in the gifts and build the mountain.   Can you SMILE, LOVE and help ?

Time for another request.....

Terri asked us to play that song. Hope you liked it Terri.

Collecting buckets will be out for shoppers to toss coins into throughout the day. Money will then be equally divided between our chosen good causes for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.........

Sheffield Wednesday FC Community Programme...Beck was a Wednesday supporter.
Jo's Hope
Red Bull Wings For Life

Virgin Atlantic We Change
Willen Hospice
Emilia's Helmet Appeal

If we can get £500 into our buckets, surely we can do that, each good cause will benefit by £83. Come on let's get SIX hundred into the buckets to make it a round one hundred pounds each.

Another request. This time for Debbie....

We are asking the charities and good causes we have invited to be a part of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY to confirm by the end of this week what they will be bringing to the fun.

David's hippie hair which he took to San Francisco and Hippie Park last week will be cut during SUNSHINE SMILE DAY by friends and listener Charlotte.

The original plan for this to be a sponsored haircut for Jo's Hope continues. The charity is invited to collect in advance sponsorship. We are going to widen the haircut. ANY of our featured good causes can collect sponsorship in advance of the scissors. Then on the day coins thrown in the buskets will be divided between all.  Each good cause can maximise in advance the potential of the haircut so raising a lot more love and smiles for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

Throughout the day we will be handing out balloons and sweets.

We need help to blow up the balloons and hand out the sweets.

We are looking to Rebekah's friends and listeners to Radio Love International to donate the sweets. Net time you go to the supermarket pick up a packet of sweets from the shelf and give them to SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.  Please pick up packs of sweets that are individually wrapped.

Our digital music system has been STOLEN so we are going to have to replace this. We will be playing music both via our new digital system and using vinyl on our much loved twin deck.

To lift the music to a high level we are inviting local music DJ's to come along and spin the discs. Tony DJ. Dave Tee... what are you doing on Saturday 19th May ?

That was a request played for Josh.

We are going to put a condition on our charities and good causes at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.  We will publish how much money was collected in the buckets, each charity must tell us how much sponsorship they raise for David's haircut. Good causes can not just throw the money into their bank account, they must tell us EXACTLY how the money is spent. For example it costs sixty five pounds a night to accommodate a family in Ronald McDonald House Birmingham. Money for Ronald McDonald House Charities will be spent that way.

Our sponsors Heslop's Removals and Bombinate Web Design will be represented at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

We are proud of our sponsors but we need more to help us spread the love and take Radio Love International to the point of broadcasting as an internet radio station. Part of SUNSHINE SMILE DAY will be to recruit new sponsors.

It is going to be a bit difficult bringing a Heslop truck into Asda so we plan something in the car park. SELFIE SMILES.

We are going to ask Thames Valley Police and Milton Keynes Fire Service to send along vehicles. We will park all together to form SELFIE SMILE CENTRE.

Let's have another request then we'll explain more about SELFIE SMILE CENTRE.

We were pleased to play that for Michelle.

We want to have local musicians playing in SELFIE SMILE CENTRE

People can come by, take selfies with the vehicles and singers.

David fooling about in a bra at a previous music event to raise awareness for breast cancer has one down in history. Lots of selfies were taken then !

Perhaps, just perhaps he could be persuaded to do it again at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

NO MOST DEFINITELY NO he will NOT be doing what these crazy people were doing in San Francisco last week. Besides
it has been a long time since David rode a bike !  However, it is just possible he may be persuaded to wear a Virgin Atlantic's flight attendant uniform to raise support for WE CHANGE !

We had a fantastic time at the LEONITE REUNION... a Leonite is one of David's former students from Leon School.
By a zillion miles Leonites have been the number one area of support for Rebekah's smile and the greatest friends supporting all we do.

When we finalise plans tomorrow we will set a time for a Leonite group selfie at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

David asked us to play that song and that particular version. The opening video shows scenes from San Francisco.

Rachel is already talking about SUNSHINE SMILE DAY
2019. Just as we did in 2018 we will be going back to San Francisco. Would you like to come ?

Why San Francisco ?

When Rebekah received her successful kidney transplant Dad and her brothers were in San Francisco on holiday. Beck was too ill to travel so she had gone with Mum to Somerset.

David plans to grow his hair again for a 2019 sponsored haircut.  He has challenged Josh to do the same but we do not think Jelena will allow him to pick up the challenge.

So would you like to grow your hair then take it to The City By The Bay for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY 2018 ?

Rebekah enjoyed many happy years due to the Donor Card.

David met Elizabeth Ward who founded the donor card project when her son Timothy, Timbo, died from kidney failure. Elizabeth knew Rebekah and was supportive towards her family.

David loves our NHS and never stops shouting it praise.

As a way to repay the love the NHS gave to Rebekah David is standing for election to the board of governors at University Hospital Milton Keynes.

We will be contacting the hospital to ask how it can be involved in SUNSHINE SMILE DAY and promote organ donation.

Do you know someone who could come along to SUNSHINE SMILE DAY and do face painting ?

When we celebrated Rebekah's life we asked friends to bring along cakes to enjoy in her memory. One thousand two hundred cakes were brought along by her lovely friends. Far too many to be eaten by those who gathered together to celebrate her life. We spent the next two days taking cakes to Milton Keynes Hospital, Churchill Hospital in Oxford, to Whaddon Medical Centre and to Little Houghton Day Nursery. Could we do something similar for SUNSHINE SMILE DAY.

I began writing this in the first person I/ME .. it moved to WE.  I'll go back to the first person.. the perpendicular pronoun as I
bring today's music blog to its end.

YES, I do feel let down by some people. Frustrated BI TIME. But QUIT ?  NEVER.

I took this selfie last week before I went to visit Alcatraz.  One of the guards aka guides there said to me:  DO YOU REALLY DRIVE A JAGUAR ?

Yes, I do and NEVER underestimate an OLD man with a Jaguar.

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