Sunday 15 April 2018

What song can we play for our BIG BOSS ?

Monday Request Day again and a BUMPER collection ready for you all.

The big boss of Radio Love International has all the songs on her clipboard and here's the first for Paula Smyth who says she loves watching the video as it was filmed in Milton Keynes where Radio Love International is based and she lives.

Filmed, of course before Milton Keynes Council destroyed our city centre with it's rip off car parking charges and architectural monstrosity which it calls the Hub. A three year old child with a box of lego could have designed something better ! With a bit of luck one of Milton Keynes infamous potholes will open up in the road adjacent to the Hub and it will disappear into oblivion.

David what on earth was that all about ?

Josh is working on the broadcast schedule for Monday 14th May when we go live and is planning MONDAY MOAN.  Attacking Central Milton Keynes architecture and the city wide network of pot holes will be high on the agenda.

Anyway, Paula we all agree with you that is a great song by veteran rocker Cliff Richard and the filming is top rate.

Director of Music at Radio Love International, Josh Morgan, did not make a request but we just have to play the next song for him.

Josh was working last Saturday with Jo's Hope and thought he would sit down with the face painter.

Do you like the result ?

Terri has asked to play something by Madness. On yesterday's music blog we suggested we should adopt Madness as Radio Love International's official group. After all we are totally mad in this particular radio station.

We have included the band's official video. Not sure if it is politically correct in 2018, thirty seven years after it was filmed but it's great so who cares...... here you go Terri.

Jodi added a note saying that is her's and her Dad's favourite.  It's good isn't it ?

Terri posted a note on Facebook announcing Radio Love International's new sponsor HESLOP REMOVALS.

Heslop has been incredibly generous to Radio Love International, sponsorship which is paying for our broadcast licence. As a THANK YOU to Heslop Removals let's play this for all members of this great company.

Listener and super friend Graham has asked we play this beautiful song.

That was lovely wasn't it ?  Thank you for asking us to play it Graham.

If you go to the Company House website and search for Radio Love International  WARNING THIS WEBSITE WAS DESIGNED BY THE SAME THICKO WHO DESIGNED MILTON KEYNES HUB SO HERE IS A DIRECT LINK CLICK HERE you will find four directors listed........

David John Bekah Ashford ...... he's the one with the cat
painted on his face. Joshua Dennis-Lawance MORGAN, seen here imitating Satan, Rachel Denise Martin, her request will be coming up next and Joanna Maxine Tomkin.  Nowhere on that official government website will you find this lady and yet she is in total charge of the company running Radio Love International.  Meet Madam Destiny. We'll play something for her, our BIG BOSS, in a moment but first of all here's Rachel's request.

Billy Fury, Britain's answer to Elvis Presley.

What was it with Radio Love last Saturday ?  Face painting !     Now scary masks !  Rachel is here on the right with Mrs Josh, Jelena on the left.  Jelena has asked us to play her favourite song.

Jelena added this to her request: My favourite song please-Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver please and a massive thank you! Hope every will enjoy!!! Happy Monday my friends!!!

We have been trying to find the technical help we need for the broadcast page on our website. This is not an easy and
straightforward thing to put together. We have been worrying about this, without the page there will be international silence on Monday 14th May. Why worry, Madam Destiny had the answer on her clipboard. We will play something for our BIG BOSS at the end of today's music page.

Right now here is a request for young listener Freya....

Freya's Mum, Charlotte, has asked us to play this.

Not a bad day for listeners yesterday.

That's something to be proud of !

BBC Minus One eat your heart out !

Hey Heslop Removals you do international work don't you ?

David edits our daily blog taking in all the events from the previous day and sharing things our team members say to him. As he is putting his page together, 4.15am right now, he has the headphones on and is listening to this.

Back to the request list......

Debbie said she saw them perform at Milton Keynes Bowl. In the good old days there used to be some great concerts at
MK Bowl. Not any more, that's something else David can moan about on a Monday. What is Milton keynes Bowl now ? Nothing more than a location for a third rate car boot sale !

No we did not have our boot sale at MK Bowl............

We went along to the sale at The Irish Centre. Let's play something for the lovely organisers on Saturday.

That was beautiful wasn't it ?

Here's another lovely song.

That was requested by Cheryl.

A great supporter of Radio Love International is Maggie,
seen here with David.

Maggie has given us so many, many gifts of love for the various projects we have run to support charities and good causes. These were taken to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham when we held our music there a few weeks back.

Maggie has asked us to play The Cure - Love Cats. Maggie said: The stuffed cat on the video makes me smile every time.  Here you go Maggie and a MEGA BIG THANK YOU for all your kindness.

What did you do with your Sunday ?  Director of Music, Josh, spent hours downloading files of music given to us by one of the country's top DJ's..... DAVE TEE.

The two can be seen here at a Radio Love International Roadshow talking music.

Hey Josh did you spend more time yesterday downloading Dave Tee's music or did you spend more time washing your face after Saturday's event ?

Let's play something for Dave Tee. We know he has had Cliff Richard behind his music deck and we know that Maggie particularly likes Summer Holiday so here we go........

Next Monday our REQUEST DAY will be brought to you from San Francisco.  It's not a Summer Holiday, four members of Radio Love International will be in The City By The Bay
playing music in HIPPIE PARK.

Andy may be our Weather Man in England but Steve Chapman can you fix it for the sun to shine  in   California ? THANKS

David will be wearing flowers in his hair. He has been growing that hair for many months ready for the event.

When he comes back he is having it cut off in a sponsored haircut for Jo's Hope.

Let's play something for David's hair and for Jo whio heads up Jo's Hope, Radio Love International's Director in Charge of SMILING.

Jo is an incredible lady, we call her the lady with the big smile and an even bigger heart. Here she is at last Saturday's even seen with Josh and Mrs Josh BEFORE Josh had his face transformed.
Jo this is for you and for David's HAIR, something from the Hippie Musical HAIR.

After Saturday's event with Radio Love International supporting Jo's Hope Josh turned to David and said I LOVE MY LIFE......

That's what Radio Love International is all about isn't it ?

On Friday morning David, his hair and the rest of Radio Love International's San Francisco team will be boarding Virgin Atlantic flight VS019 for an ELEVEN hour flight to The City By The Bay.

Seen here at a Radio Love International event is Jo with Sam. Sam works for Virgin Atlantic and has told the crew on Flight VS019 to LOOK AFTER our team. Sam let's play this for you......

Not sure if Flight VS019 is a Boeing 747 and San Francisco is not in Southern California !  Still we are heading West.

Radio Love International has an incredible collection of vinyl music, no radio station anywhere in the world can match that collection.  Debbie gave us a lot if vinyl music so we would like to play this for her.

She also gave us an ORIGINAL copy in perfect condition of this song.....

Did you like that Freddie ?

Of course my darling.

Debbie we take special care of that record and play it at our music events in memory of Pete.

After San Francisco our next event is happening on Saturday 5th May where Josh will be behind the decks with Milton Keynes Mayor David Hopkins.

We are all looking forward to that evening.

We have some amazing fun here at Radio Love International......

DESTINY brought four totally different people together and said GO OFF AND START A RADIO STATION.

Madam Destiny we can not thank you for doing that. On Thursday 19th April Radio Love International celebrates THREE months of existence. Yes THREE MONTHS, that's all, and look at all we have achieved since then. 

Madam Destiny you may not be listed at Company House as a director of our station but you are our BIG BOSS. What do you have on that clipboard of yours for the next  three months ?  Where will we be on Thursday 19th July ?

Madam Destiny let's end today's music blog with something special. Something we would all like to dedicate to you.

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