Friday 6 April 2018

Just listen To Wednesday Sing

Surely there is not a football club anywhere in the world that can sing quite like we Sheffield Wednesday Owls......

It is 2.54am and here we are writing today's music blog ahead of driving up to The Steel City and the game at Hillsborough.  Yesterday our music blog was all about Owls singing. We had, wait for it, ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND THREE Owls hooting their approval of the page.
At 7.30am we will be pointing our cars up the motorway to Hillsborough. By 11am, FOUR HOURS before kick off, we will be playing music outside the club shop to support
Sheffield Wednesday's Community Programme so before you go into the stadium and find your seat do drop by and say HI !

So who and what is Radio Love
International and why are we going to be at Hillsborough today ?  What's with all this music stuff ?  CLICK HERE and check out our website - read on, listen to the music while we tell you a bit more then GET READY TO SING.

Hi everyone, I'm Josh. My role in Radio Love International is to organise the music. I can not tell you how excited I am about today.

I used to play football when I was a kid but I never really supported a team. I used to say I was a Man U fan but I've never been to Manchester let alone to Old Trafford. I just know that by the end of today I will have fallen in love with Sheffield Wednesday and have my name added to the list of Owls.

That's in today's playlist and I will be letting it Rock N Roll outside the club shop later.  It's music my grandparents used
to dance to but it's a genre that does not age so let's see you all dancing.

Here I am doing a sound check with our vinyl system, no we are not bringing vinyl to Hillsborough today, I will be using our digital equipment but I will be bringing my Wednesday scarf.

My Missus is coming, she does not have a scarf so I'll push her into the club shop to buy one.

Her name is Jelena. She's got TWO jobs to do at Hillsborough today.

She will be handing out sweets to the kiddies and the young at heart Owls.

She will also be rattling buckets to collect cash for Sheffield Wednesday's Community Programme.

So if you want a sweetie from my Missus first you have to throw some coins into the buckets.

Yes Josh, Jelena here, NO coins in the buckets means NO sweetie.  If you put some paper money in the buckets I will give you two sweeties. PROMISE....

Play another song Josh.


I am David - sometimes I am called The Geriatric DJ. At other times I am known as a Silly Old Man - forget the OLD bit but I am certainly SILLY.

I am a firm Wednesday fan, a proud Wednesday fan.  Actually I have only been a fan since the start of this season.

I went along to my first game when Wednesday beat Forrest - good game and just as Josh will later today I fell in love with Sheffield Wednesday.

My daughter was a Wednesday fan. Rebekah died suddenly and unexpectedly in May last year. I went to that game in her memory and yes I fell in love with the club.

It was the atmosphere at Hillsborough that recruited me to become an Owl. In the picture above with Barry and myself is Gary, Rebekah's husband. When Hi Ho Sheffield Wednesday
blasted out of the loudspeakers and the owls began to sing at thatgame I turned to Gary and said one day I am going to play that song here at Hillsborough.

Today it will be my finger pushing the fader up and playing our club anthem. Sing louder than you ever have before please. PLEASE sponsor my finger as it pushed up the fader. You can sponsor my finger by throwing some coins into the buckets outside the club shop or you can do it on-line now - CLICK HERE.

I play music all the time but confess I am a bit nervous about today so have been practicing.

Drop by the club shop ahead of kick off and give me some encouragement - say HI.

I am Jo - known as Jo Jo T.  I'm the Project Director of Radio Love International.  I am truly sorry I will not be at Hillsborough, I have a prior engagement managing a fund raiser in Milton Keynes. BUT if you listen carefully at two minutes to three o'clock you will hear me singing Hi Ho Sheffield Wednesday.

Tell you what, I will be at Hillsborough next season and I bet my singing voice will be louder than all of you Owls put together.  

She aint joking you know.  I am not sure if Sheffield,
England's fourth largest city, is ready for Jo Jo T yet !

I am Rachel, the Chairman of Radio Love International. David used to be one of my teachers when I was at school. Come by the club shop later and I will tell you some tales about him.

We play music to have fun, to smile and
make people happy. We play music to support good causes and to SPREAD THE LOVE.

The knife we use to SPREAD THE LOVE has MADE IN SHEFFIELD written on it.

We are so proud to be coming to Hillsborough later today. PLEASE come by the club shop, say hello and help us support Sheffield Wednesday's Community Programme.

I have a cake I am bringing with us all to Hillsborough. I used the knife to decorate it. It's a little something for the players to celebrate their victory after the game.

My husband David is coming with us all to Hillsborough. He enjoys football but I have to tell you I have NEVER been to a football game before. You will look after me won't you. Come by the club shop and give me a smile.

David never shuts up about Sheffield Wednesday Football Club.  I think I will be joining Josh, I too think I will fall in love
with Sheffield Wednesday and become a fan.

Radio Love International is VERY new you know.

It all started from David writing his first music blog on 18th January THIS YEAR.  The following day he and Josh met by chance, pure chance. They found they had a mutual love of music. David told Josh about his blog and Radio Love International was born.

This is the very first song David played on that first music blog.

It will be the first song we play when we go live as an internet radio station on Monday 14th May. We are launching with a 24 hour music marathon anchored by David. We are taking bets on how many times David will play Hi Ho Sheffield Wednesday during those 24 hours.

We will all be wearing Wednesday scarfs today as we play the music and encourage you to throw coins into the buckets. Two weeks today three of the Radio Love International team will be wearing those same scarfs on San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge as part of a music event we are staging in The City By The Bay.

Then  on 5th May our city's mayor will be a guest DJ at another event. He remembers as a teenager watching Status Quo in his local youth centre. We used Status Quo in a bit of fun the day our music blog crashed Google.

So we are all looking forward to seeing you later as the world rocks from Hillsborough.

See you later then.

The name of Josh Morgan is about to be added to the roll call of the Owls.

Enjoy the music we will be playing and do throw your coins into the buckets to support the club's community programme.

I've placed a bet that Wednesday will gain promotion next season !

Today, round about two o'clock our team will be handing out balloons, three hundred of them.  We want to you take them inside the stadium and blow them up. When Hi Ho Sheffield Wednesday blasts out across Hillsborough we want you to throw them up into the air. Throw them up high with love and support for our club's amazing community programme.  

I will be watching and we have THREE cameras ready to film the balloons and your singing. The footage will then appear on tomorrow's music blog.

Let's sign off today with Radio Love International's theme. See you at Hillsborough later.

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