Saturday 14 April 2018

Three CRAZY Saturdays

From The Steel City to The City By The Bay.......

From The City By The Bay to The City of Roundabouts......

Our music is SPREADING THE LOVE.......

Let's spend a few moments looking over what has been happening in recent days.......

Before we do that let's have a bit of Karaoke SING ALONG...

Is it really a week now since the team from Radio Love International made the long drive North to the wonderful Steel City of Sheffield to play music at Hillsborough Stadium to support Sheffield Wednesday's Community Programme ?

Yesterday the team won away from home. CONGRATULATIONS................

Nice goal Jordan. Let's play you a piece of music....

Wonder what kind of music Sheffield Wednesday's Jordan Rhodes is in to...

What about this. It's fun, it's full of life and it's silly. One thing for certain Jordan, you left the Owls trying to sing this when you banged the ball into the back of the net.

Here's the Radio Love International team at Hillsborough on 7th April.

The scarfs we are wearing will, next Saturday, be onboard a 747 taking love, music and fun from The Steel City to The City By The Bay.

We'll say a bit more about that in a moment but before then let's take a look at the SARF DANCE in Josh's video blog !


Check out our sponsor's website. CLICK HERE

Let's play something silly for Heslop Removals.

What makes your radio station different ?  So asked a member of the public yesterday.

Without a moment's hesitation David replied, We are totally MAD !

Never a more true word...

How many radio stations do you know who has directors who look like these two ?

Just look at Mrs Josh in the middle.  Look at her expression. Is she not saying ..... THESE TWO ARE NOT WITH ME !

You've heard of Joseph and His Technicolor Dreamcoat ?  Of course you have but have you heard of Jelena and Her Technicoloured Haircut ?

The whole team was out yesterday using music to have fun
and make people smile. Techically Chairman Rachel was in charge but Jelena, aka Mrs Josh, was actually running a car boot sale to raise money to pay for Radio Love International's broadcast licence.

Jelena kept telling David off because he was selling things too cheaply. But we still made £78 18 !

Leaving the selling to others David spent his time chatting the punters. Hey, I had some great conversations with all kinds of people. 

Don't tell Jelena but I sold a CD marked £2 for £1 to a fellow stall holder who had been to school with one of the Baron Knights.  Anyone one remember them ?

The Baron Knights was a great fun group who came from Leighton Buzzard, just down the road from Radio Love International's studio.

DAVID not sure you should have played that song !  You do not want to upset our sponsor !

Let's play this then for Heslop Removal's Managing Director Ben.

While Jelena was working hard at the boot sale Mr Josh was with Project Director Jo running a DARTATHON for Jo's Hope.

What's a Dartathon ?

You don't know ?

It was a 12 hour darts game.

Radio Love International's Director of Music, Josh, was playing the music.

With the boot sale safely packed away and the money counted David and Mrs Josh drove up to see how Mr Josh and Jo were getting on.

Then this happened !

Mrs Josh posted this on Facebook....

You are all  wonderful people and me and Josh and happy and lucky to meet you and have you guys as a part of our little team which is becoming a little family with a caring and supportive, hard shoulders for each other! We love you all xxx

YES Radio Love International IS a family, a family of friends playing the music and a vast international family listening to that music.

Anyone remember this song ?

Remember those Sheffield Wednesday scarfs we were wearing at Hillsborough on Saturday 7th April ?

On Saturday 21st April we will be wearing them on San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge and then on The Hippie Mount in Golden Gate Park.

Watch out for updates here on the music blog.

QUESTION ??????? Is San Francisco ready for our CRAZY Radio Love International ?

As well as the Sheffield Wednesday scarfs we are taking a Sheffield Wednesday away shirt which the boys have autographed. We will be giving the shirt and the scarfs as gifts to Ronald McDonald House in San Francisco.

Another gift the team will be taking to Ronald McDonald House in San Francisco is a copy of David's book, Peter's Magic Fountain Pen.

Written way back in 1992 it is the story of two pirate's and their families:  Captain Henry Morgan and Captain Edward Teach, also known as Blackbeard.

The Morgan and the Teach families have been rivals and enemies through the generations. When Peter writes with his old grandfather's pen he is transported through time to different encounters the Morgans and the Teaches have.

Let's have a bit of pirate music. This is a song about Pirate Samuel Lord.

It's an eleven hour flight from London to San Francisco and a long overnight flight back home.

David has a plan for the long hours onboard that Virgin Atlantic 747.

For more than a year David has been working on his latest book THE BRIDGE HOUSE. The text is finished telling of the life and times of David's grandmother Lily.

Pirates Henry Morgan and Edward Teach do not make an appearance in this book The Bridge House but Pirate Sam Lord does !

David will be undertaking the final edit of the text during the long flight to The City By The Bay. When published on 19th May, Radio Love International's Sunshine Smile Day, all royalties from this book will be given to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham England.

YES, David will be wearing flowers in his hair when he goes to San Francisco. Then when he comes home he is taking part in a sponsored haircut in support of Jo's Hope's projects working with post surgery breast cancer patients and with the homeless.

Perhaps we should adopt the group MADNESS as our official musicians.

Things do not come much madder than yesterday.

Three Saturdays in the life of Radio Love International.

Do have a look at our website:

Three crazy Saturdays but everyone one of them packed with fun.

To quote David..... We are mad !

To quote something Josh said to David at the end of
yesterday's madness:  I love my life.


Life is a DISCO so DANCE !

And another piece of Radio Love International music.

Did you spot the TYPO.  We like to leave some in for those who take delight in finding them !

Now GET OUT THERE, take our music and SPREAD THE LOVE.

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