Saturday 4 November 2017

Aston Villa 1 Sheffield Wednesday 2

Let's hear it for THE BOYS IN BLUE - what a result !

Do NOT read another word of today's blog until you have SUNG THE BLUES - CLICK HERE. 

Goals scored by Adam Reach and Jordan Rhodes. These guys are repeat goals scorers in Brummie Owls and have again sent money to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham by way of our goal sponsor project.

Check the mail lads, Ronald McDonald House will be popping thank you cards in the post.

No game next week then on Saturday 18th November a group of us will be at Hillsborough to make an OurRebekah presentation to our adopted football club.

There will be six of us there, heading OurRebekah on that day will be Secklow Radio's presenter of AFTERNOON DELIGHT and TONY'S TIME TUNNEL, our good friend TONY.

A bit of a chain of events.....................

One of my former students became a presenter on the radio station.  I checked his show then surfed the stations programme list. I found Tony's Time Tunnel. It was my kind of music so I listened to a complete show via ON DEMAND on-line. Tony played SINGING THE BLUES !  We became friends on Facebook.  I asked Tony to come to our Frog Challenge. He and his wife Susan joined that crazy fun day. Facebook friendship became friendship in the traditional and real sense. I asked Tony and Susan to come to Hillsborough and make the presentation. Last week I went into the studio with Tony to take some photographs to promote Brummie Owls at Hillsborough on 18th November. Tony arranged for me to meet the radio station's managing director, Mike. I shared some thoughts about music, the need for better media coverage in Milton Keynes and how I thought Radio Secklow 105.5 could increase its listener profile.  Next thing I know was I became Audience Development Manager.
Here's Tony at the Frog Challenge, that's Mayor David in the middle - he shares the same love of music that Tony and I have. The silly old man on the left of the picture is Yours Truly.

Managing Director Mike, right, asked me if I would like to present a show. That's an ego trip too far so, for the moment at least, I declined.

Wrigglies Exotic Pets hosted our Frog Challenge. The shop is celebrating its third birthday on Saturday 16th December. Manager Ro asked if Ourrebekah could take part.  You bet we will !

The day after I found myself joining Secklow radio's team I drove to Wriggles, spoke to Ro and arranged that not only would OurRebekah be attending the party but so would Secklow 105.5.

I've got to get the equipment sorted but we will be there playing music and having fun. I've just written to Mayor David to see if he has space in his diary to pop by. I have also written to OurRebekah's friend Iain, our local MP, twisting his arm to join us.

Saturday 16th December at Wrigglies Exotic Pets will be the first of many events where Secklow 105.5 will be in attendance. I see taking the station and its music out into the community as the best way to develop and expand our audience.
Some will be OurRebekah events, many will not.

Yesterday, while shopping, I saw two groups in the community doing their thing. I went home, printed something off about Secklow 105.5 then went back, gave the information to the groups and told hem to get in contact with me at the radio station.

One group was from The Air Training Corp, ten teenagers selling poppies in Morrissons Supermarket. Wonderful to see youngsters honouring those who fought for heir country generations ago. Then there were two lovely ladies sitting outside in the rain and cold promoting a cat adoption charity.  I bought a packet of sweets from their stall to add to Santa's Sack.

Among the equipment I am getting together for taking the radio station to local community events is this tent. Well this is England where rain is never far away.

The Radio Seckow 105.5 tent will get its first outing at Wrigglies exotic pets on Saturday 16th December.

Tiny wants to call these events THE SECKLOW RADIO ROADSHOW. Sounds good doesn't it ?  I guess we'll have to run it by MD Mike.

I think the roadshow should have its own theme tune.  I quite like this ?  What do you think ?

What do you think ? Does it work ?

Yesterday I got in the car, drove round a bit and checked out how far the radio signal reached. Secklow 105.5, after all, is a local radio station even if it can be listened to on-line anywhere in the world. One place where the signal does not reach is Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield.

See the guy in this picture, the guy on the right with his back to the camera standing at the players' tunnel - he is the pitch announcer.

It is more than ten years since I wrote my short book Dickie Williams.  Dickie is a famous and successful football player, he is also a pop singer. The world loves him as a footballer but Dickie prefers singing to kicking a ball.

Carefully stage managed after a game where he has scored a hat trick Dickie grabs the microphone from his club's pitch announcer and starts a post game disco. He has the crowd
doing he actions to such songs as 1910 Fruitgum Company's SIMON SAYS.

If you read Dickie Williams you can tell it is a story written a decade ago. The now defunct retail chain Woolworths feature in the narrative and one of the people doing the actions to Simon Says is the then England Manager Sven-Göran Eriksson.

One song Dickie does not have Sven do the action to is THIS - CLICK HERE

I often play this on the blog.

It is filmed from the music control box at Hillsborough.  Ever since Tony first played Singing The Blues on Radio Seclow 105.5 I have had a secret ambition to be in that box high up above the goal, to play music and whip the crowd up into a frenzy.  I'll play Singing The
Blues and I'll play Simon Says, I will most definitely play THE MUSIC MAN

Note I am saying I WILL and not I WOULD.  If I could get enough sponsorship behind me for OurRebekah to support Ronald McDonald Houses I wonder if I could persuade Club Director Trevor to let me take over the microphone.  I wonder if ten grand of sponsorship would be enough ?

Never underestimate an old man with a Jaguar - I will do this !

For now let that remain a dream, the reality is Adam Reach and Jordan Rhodes supported Ronald McDonald House Birmingham as Sheffield Wednesday thrashed Villa yesterday.

In a minute I'll play us out with the now OFFICIAL OurRebekah theme but first to celebrate yesterday's victory here's Sheffield Wednesday's second crowd raiser nicked by Yours Truly for Ronald McDonald House Birmingham.

To play out then we have YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE - CLICK HERE

When a child is sick and needs specialist treatment in a hospital away from home this is an incredibly hard time for the family.  The pressures are so great you can not possibly imagine them if you have not been there yourself.

I have been there.  I have slept on the floor next to Rebekah's bed in Guys Hospital. I slept there before the first Ronald McDonald House in Britain opened.

It is different now. Ronald McDonald Houses are there to place a gentle and loving arm around the family's shoulder then whistper into their ear - WE ARE HERE - You do not have to walk alone.

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