Monday 6 November 2017

There are football teams - there are football teams and there is Sheffield Wednesday

Which football team do you support ?

Arsenal ?

Liverpool ?

Manchester United ?

West Ham ?

Allow me to invite you to run a little experiment.

Send an e-mail to your club, address it to one of the directors then note down the time.  See how long it is before you get a reply. Go on - DO IT - set your watch running.

I did just that yesterday with the club I support - SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY. How long before the club director there responded to my message ?


Send an e-mail to the four clubs above and you will be lucky, very lucky, to get a response in FIFTY YEARS !

Let me share that e-mail reply from yesterday.

Hi David

Thank you for your kind words and I hope you are well.

No doubt still smiling after Saturday, what a result it was!

Let’s hope we can use that win as a springboard for the rest of the season.

Many thanks for your letter too and I think that’s a great idea from the Bristol end, if you can arrange that would be great.

Regarding your next visit, please keep in touch ahead of the day. The discs will look amazing and I think it would be a good idea if we
can get the mascots to receive.

Let’s sort in the week before the game.

In the meantime, all the best as always.



Trevor Braithwait

Director of Communications
Sheffield Wednesday
S6 1 SW

At the very first game I attended I wrote something to appear in a future match-day programme. I cheekily asked Trevor if it could go into the club's special 150th anniversary programme.  That programme had been edited and was about to be sent to the printers. Trevor stopped that happening, edited the page and my small article appeared in a souvenir publication every Sheffield Wednesday fan has and will keep for ever.

I have had people praise me for the relationship I have set up so very quickly built up with with the club. The praise does not belong with me, it belongs with the club.

I have not done anything, Sheffield Wednesday FC has done everything.  Would the football club you support do for you what Sheffield Wednesday has done for me ?

Have you sent that e-mail yet ?  Have you set your watch running ?  Make sure it has a new battery in it !

At every game the BRUMMIE OWLS sponsor the goals the team scores for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.  The families with a child sick in hospital then send congratulations and thank you cards to the

Players like these guys.

Ahead of last Saturday's call I phoned club director Trevor.  I have his direct line AND his mobile number.

The conversation went something like this......................

Hi Trevor It's David.

Oh Hi David, how you doing ?

Great, Trevor can you do me a favour ?

Well I will if I can.

Ask the boys to THRASH Aston Villa on Saturday will you ?

I'll do my best.

Trevor and the boys most certainly did their best. Aston Villa 1 Sheffield Wednesday 2

I do not get to Hillsborough as much as I would like to. (I have a plan to go there more often if you will help me.) When I go I always buy a club scarf and wear it through the game.  I also buy a programme. After the match these are given to Ronald McDonald House in Brum then passed to a family.

On Saturday 18th November six of us are heading up to Sheffield and Hillsborough Stadium.  We are taking bottles of champagne for the boys to celebrate in the dressing room at the end of the game. Bottles of champagne to celebrate victory over Bristol City. We are taking some cakes in the
shape of footballs to put in the visitors dressing room.

Brummie Owl sponsorship currently stands for Saturday 18th at £100 per goal.

Something I have never fantasied about is to be a football player. I have never dreamed of being a manager. Now in my slightly more silly moments I do think I would like to have a word with this man - the owner of Sheffield Wednesday FC - see if he would sell the club to me.  Perhaps I should start doing the lottery then if I win I may be able to make a take over bid.

Have Arsenal, Manchester United, Liverpool, West Ham and all the rest answered your e-mail yet ?

Can I invite you to become a 

Don't give up, at least not for now, supporting the club you do - run Sheffield Wednesday along side the likes of Arsenal, West Ham, Liverpool, Manchester United and all the other clubs where money is more important than the fans.

At the end of the season - do you think you will have received a reply to your e-mail by then - decide which has treated your support with the most respect and make that the club you support.

I reckon you will be singing the blues !

To bring today's blog to its end I want to say something to my Facebook friends who post about their clubs - usually complaining about them - have you ever seen me post anything
bad about Sheffield Wednesday - become a Brumie Own for the game on Saturday 18th November, it only costs £2 a goal to become a Brummie Owl - do that and I will take you + any young football supporter you have in your family to Hillsborough to watch a game. YOU WILL COME AS MY GUESTS.

Then decide which game you would like to go to.

Saturday 2nd December - HULL CITY
Saturday 16th December - WOLVES
Saturday 20th January - CARDIFF CITY

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