Saturday 11 November 2017

Life is like a vinyl record

My outlook on life is quite well known.


Allow me to suggest another philosophical view on life.....


On duty for Radio Secklow 105.5 I took presenter Tony Ingledow to Bulldog Records in Bletchley, Milton Keynes.  Like a kid in a sweet shop I kept picking up then buying  single after single.  Here they are.

I have picked out one of yesterday's purchases to play for you now in my IF IT AINT VINYL THEN IT AINT MUSIC COLLECTION.

This collection of videos will be central to an OurRebakah project running through January, February and March 2018 and will be supporting Ronald McDonald Houses in Birmingham, Liverpool and Bristol.  I have a meeting with the three houses management teams on
Monday 20th November after which we can launch the project and tell you more but for now just enjoy this lovely song.

I am not a great Michael Jackson fan, I prefer the music from when he was a child against the times when he became weird. Yesterday I won an e-bay bid for his song BEN, I will certainly be playing that bit  of vinyl here on the blog when it is delivered.

Leaving Bulldog Records Tony and I made our way to the firing of Fenny Poppers.

I had been introduced to Bulldog Records by one of my former students, Paul. We were going to Fenny Poppers having been invited by another student Andy. Tony recorded an interview for his radio show while I was given the honour of firing a popper.

I can not pretend I was not nervous.  Having watched the Fenny Poppers - cannons being packed tightly with gunpowder I wondered what I had got myself into.

I'll not tell you a lot about the poppers, the tradition which dates back three centuries, I'll leave that to Tony so you'd better listen to his show on Secklow 105.5 hadn't you !

For now here's a pic of the poppers being filled with the gunpowder.

And here's Yours Truly firing Popper Two.

It made quite a bang I can assure you.

I am going back to the area where the Poppers were fired yesterday to support Andy and another former student, Nigel, as they lay a Remembrance Day Wreath on the war memorial. I will be proudly wearing a poppy made for me by former student Maggie.

It's half a lifetime since these people were students and I was a teacher. I find it so special that Facebook has renewed our friendship.

In our school disco I do not thing we ever played SINGING THE BLUES !

It was SINGING THE BLUES that got me into Radio Seclow 105.5 in the first place. Tony played it on his show. Next Saturday Tony and his wife Susan are joining the OurRebekah team at Hillsborough Stadium to present the club with original 7" Vinyl Singles of their adopted anthem.

When the crowd starts SINGING THE BLUES I do not know if I will be able to contain my emotions.

Tony  will be reporting from the terrace to add something to his show.

I often play this video on the blog and no doubt I will play it again a few times in the coming week but then I will have a new version to bring to you as the crowd sings the OurRebekah version !

Leonite Nigel and all ohers, I am determined to change your lifelong support for xxxxx Football Club to become a Brummie Owl.

Next Saturday at Hillsborough Stadium is going to be very special.

Sponsorship of the goals the team score in support of Ronald McDonald House Birmingham already stands at one hundred pounds a goal.

Back to Secklow 105.5.

Phil Walsh will be playing this version of Singing The Blues on his show this evening.

Thank You Phil.  It would not work at Hillsborough but I just love this version. Just looked on e-bay to see if I could buy a copy. Sadly, nothing there. I will find it somewhere and add it to my record collection even if it does have to be on a CD and not vinyl !

With our Radio duties over and Fenny Poppers still banging in our ears, Tony, Susan and I retired to a coffee shop where we talked music, music and more music. We talked after the shop actually closed ! As we finally left I apologised to the staff for overstaying then made sure they all know about Secklow Radio 105.5.

Secklow, of course, uses the latest digital technology to broadcast on FM but at the end of the day LIFE IS LIKE A VINYL RECORD -  IT DOES NOT PLAY RIGHT UNLESS THERE ARE A FEW CRACKLES.

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