Sunday 12 November 2017

I need your advice - tell me what to do

Most days my blog attracts round about one hundred readers, until yesterday the highest number of friends who checked the page was one hundred and nine. Readership for Sunday hit an amazing THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO.

I originally began the blog under the title THE DIARY OF A SILLY OLD MAN.  It was my intention to publish it, eventually, as an e-book on Amazon.  In  the Spring I was moving towards having enough entries to start planning its publication.

When Rebekah died the blog changed and became The Wave Of Love entirely focused on the OurRebekah project supporting Ronald McDonald Houses. The blog told of the love that poured into OurRebekah and while it could never replace my daughter  it  did
keep her close to me.

Rebekah's friends orgnaised a team to take part in The Big Fun Run round Willen Lake. YES, I was part of that team and YES I did run. At least I ran when the cameras were watching !

OurRebekah was one of many, many groups taking part that day. I was deeply impressed and much moved as I saw so many groups from within our community passionately doing their thing to represent the good cause that was special to them.

It was by way of OurRebekah that I found Radio Secklow 105.5. Now I am part of the team as its Audience Development Manager.  I am trying to keep my roles as OurRebekah's Co-ordinator and Secklow's Audience Development manager separate but that is not easy
Certainly on the blog I find I am reporting on my activity within the two roles.

Over the week-end I attended two events which took me into the community. I came away deeply impressed with what I saw and wanting to report back here on the blog. Those two events had nothing at all to do with OurRebekah and the second event did not start out as part of Secklow Radio although it did end up there.  I just know that as the days move on I am going to be telling people more and more about things happening in our community. So what about the blog ? Does it stay as The Wave Of Love but taking on a slightly new direction ?  Should it revert back to being The Diary Of A Silly Old Man ?  Should it be completely different.

Please tell me what you think.

And with that let me tell you everything that has been happening - happening within OurRebekah, happening within my role at Secklow Radio and what has been happening in the wider community.

Poppy Day has always been very important to me. Within the book I am currently writing, The Bridge House, I tell how William Ashford fought in World War One and of Flight Sergeant Billy Ashford being killed but a few weeks before the end of the Second World War.  Today I plan to spend an hour writing the current chapter I am working on where I tell of my father's military service. For those who do know know of THE BRIDGE HOUSE - click here.

I went to the wreath laying ceremony to honour my family members who had served and lost their lives in conflicts but also to support two friends, former students of mine, who were laying a wreath. 

It truly was a special time.  I am so glad I was there. I spoke to many different people, members of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Council, residents, former servicemen, I came away inspired.
This morning I am being interviewed by another former student, a presenter on Secklow 105.5, for his programme MY INSPIRATION.  Frank is a highly talented interviewer and so I am looking forward greatly to speaking with him.  When it was first suggested that I should be a part of Frank's programme it was going to be all about OurRebekah but now things have widened and I will be talking about much more loving inspiration within our community.  See you at nine o'clock Frank.

Before I head off to meet Frank I will be sending Club Director Trevor at Sheffield Wednesday Football Club an e-mail saying I will call him tomorrow to finalise details for
Saturday. For those who do not know within OurRebekah we have our Brumie Owls project. Friends sponsor the goals the boys from Sheffield Wednesday score. We have a presentation to make to the club. We have obtained two original vinyl singles of the club's adopted anthems and had them mounted as a gift. The goal sponsorship supports Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.
Currently goal sponsorship for Saturday stands at £100 per goal. If you become a Brummie Owl for Saturday's game against Bristol City I would like to invite you to come to Hillsborough as my guest to watch a future game.  Yes, I have become a Sheffield Wednesday fan, yes I enjoy watching the game BUT IT IS THE ATMOSPHERE I LOVE.

I play this video on the blog all the time but after Saturday I will have a new video, a video where the crowd at Hillsborough Stadium is SINGING THE BLUES for OurRebekah and Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

OurRebekah is taking bottles of Champagne into the dressing room for the boys to celebrate after the victory.  I asked the club if I could send some gifts into the visitors dressing room, the club is playing Bristol City. Via Ronald McDonald House in Bristol we have strong connections with the city.  Morrissons Supermarkets have donated football cakes for the Bristol City dressing room. They have also given cakes for the home team's dressing room.
Secklow Radio presenter Phil Walsh played this version of SINGING THE BLUES on his show for OurRebekah and Sheffield Wednesday. Thank you phil.

It took me a long time yesterday afternoon but I did it. I cleared our dining room table. I tidied up my growing collection of vinyl records and Secret Santa presents slo we could sit down and have a meal. Before I talk about Secret Santa let me play something from my vinyl collection. What should it be ?  I know. have a listen to this.

That's a nice song isn't it ?

Now for Secret Santa.

Gifts are pouring in.  I know today will bring even more. Gifts we will be taking in Santa's Sleigh aka my car to families in Ronald McDonald Houses in Bristol, Birmingham and Liverpool.  I have a big meeting on Monday in Birmingham with staff from all three Ronald McDonald Houses to chat about lots of things including Secret Santa.

Ahead of that, on Thursday, I am meeting with Mayor David Hopkins who has been an amazing friend to OurRebekah to chat about how Secklow Radio and he can work together.

I am particularly interested to learn about The Mayor's Charity - Ride High.  I want David to
take me there and tell me all about the work it does. I know for certain I will be reporting all about that on a future blog. I am involved helping Bletchley Youth Centre and it's 50th birthday celebration - Mayor David is coming. he is also coming to Wrigglies Exotic Pets third birthday on Saturday 16th December.  Both OurRebekah and Secklow 105.5 will be there. 

This will also be the first Secklow Radio Roadshow. After my interview with Frank this morning I am going to Maplin
Electronics to ask advice on sound equipment. I quite like this little set up for playing CDs but we will also need something for the vinyl.

After all if it aint vinyl then it aint music is it ?

In a minute I will play you some vinyl. Then I am going back to bed for a couple of house - 4.12am, been writing this blog since 2.30am. Then I'll check it for typo's, publish it and get ready for my interview with Frank.

So what do you think I should do about future blog editions ?

1 comment:

  1. I think if you separate your blogs then you might loose readers? Whereas by combining all your involvement in all different things on the one blog it adds a touch of surprise into the blog, it takes you in so many different directions I think you should keep it the way it is!
