Thursday 2 November 2017

Don't just listen to the music - DANCE to it !

Are you one of my friends on Facebook ?

If you are not then can I reach out my hand in friendship and invite you to join me on Mr Z's little bit of social media.

Please do not follow me - be a friend. Just go to and add me in.

I popped this picture on Facebook yesterday with the title MAUREEN WANTS HER DINING ROOM TABLE BACK.

All these vinyl records which are being delivered every day from my e-bay purchases, the record player I treated myself to, the YouTube tunes I have started to play - IF IT AINT VINYL IT AINT MUSIC are nothing to do with my joining the team at Radio Secklow 105.5 - this is an OurRebekah thing.

By the way I have just added RED RIVER ROCK to YouTube.

A hit for Johnny And The Hurricanes in 1959.

I can remember very clearly buying my original copy from Woolworths on Clapham High Street in London.  Only thing was that 7" single was NOT by Johnny And The Hurricanes, neither is that I am now playing on YouTube.

Listen and find out the truth !

My role at Secklow 105.5 is not to be a DJ, I am not a programme presenter.  I spent an afternoon there earlier this week with my Friend Tony as be broadcast live his show AFTERNOON DELIGHT. 

I am not sure I could cope with the technology.  Give me an old fashioned turntable and my growing collection of singles and, YES, I could do it. Give me all that computer stuff Tony was manipulating and rather than bring in new listeners to the station I would drive them away !

HEY, thanks to my friends on Facebook who have told me they have checked out Radio Secklow 105.5.  You can listen on your radio,  on your PC, tablet and even on your dreaded smart phone.  LISTEN ONCE ANY YOU WILL BECOME ADDICTED.

Go on - give it a try - CLICK HERE

Let's play something else.  Let's test your knowledge of retro pop music.

This will sort those who just listen to music from those who dance to it !

So if these records are not for the radio station what's it all about ?

Do you remember the FROG CHALLENGE OurRebekah had at the end of September ?  When I conquered my childhood fear of The Wretched Reptile ?

I am not in the least bit bothered by frogs these days.

I have a second phobia, one I have had for as long as I had that fear of frogs. This phobia is of tall buildings. In January, February and March next year I am going to scale four tall and 
iconic buildings in Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool. I will be asking people to support Ronald McDonald Houses in each of the cities.

I intend to take my record player with me to the top of each building and play one of the IF IT AINT VINYL THE IT AINT MUSIC songs. Ahead of the ascent you can request a record for me to play.  We will take photographs and publish them on the website and this blog.

For the frog challenge we set a target of £100 then raised more than three times the sum. Let's set the same target for each of the three Ronald McDonald Houses then smash the targets, let's smash the targets ten times.

I went to Wrigglies exotic pets yesterday to speak with Manager Ro. I really, really like and respect Ro. His knowledge and passion for animals is beyond belief. But more than that his
love of life, his love of his fellow man is something we should all strive to achieve.

Without Ro the Frog Challenge could never have done what it did. Ro is the guy on the right, left with the snake is David our Mayor.

Saturday 16th December Ro is holding a party at Wrigglies Exotic Pets, a party to celebrate three years of his shop. OurRebekah will be there, I told Ro that we would provide the birthday cakes. Secklow 105.5 will be there with the music.

Ro asked me if we could play some animal music.
Tossed aside in a box are some singles I thought I would never play. Among the discarded items are these.


Right now the turntable is spinning with REMEMBER YOU'RE A WOMBLE !

Is a WOMBLE and animal ?

Don't just listen to the music - DANCE TO IT.  The same applies to life - don't let it pass you by DANCE you way through it.  Today is my 67th birthday, I intend to dance my way through every minute.

Yesterday I was chatting to Sheffield Wednesday Club Director Trevor. I said to him: Do me a favour will you Trevor - THRASH ASTON VILLA on Saturday.  Trevor's usual calm and considered reply was WE WILL DO OUR BEST

I hope Trevor is not reading today's blog, I have not mentioned this to him. YET. When the Acrophobic Challenge is over I am going to set myself another challenge.  I want to DJ the music played at Hillsborough ahead of a game.  I will, of course, play these:

I can promise you that I will NOT allow the crowd at Hillsborough to just listen to the music - every last single one of those in the stadium with DANCE to the music.

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