Wednesday 1 November 2017

Trick or treat

Can I introduce you to someone ?

Here, on The Wave Of Love, I am often talking about Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.  Meet LIBBY, the House Manager.

SCARY LADY ? No not really !

Libby and her team do a wonderful job in The House That Love Built, every day caring for more than sixty families with a child sick in Birmingham's Childrens' Hospital.

On Tuesday the house held a Halloween party, NO, this is not Libby's normal way of looking.

When I first visited Ronald McDonald House Birmingham I was told: We love parties - any excuse we can find to have a party.

The pictures that Libby sent to me yesterday show just how true this is.

While Halloween is not usually my thing these images make me with I had been there !

I am going to Birmingham on Monday 20th November. ahead of that I am going to the Bristol House on Wednesday next week and Alder Hey, Liverpool, on Friday 17th November.  I can not find words to express just how much I am looking forward to those visits.

At each house I am going to chat about the various projects OurRebekah has happening between now and next summer. I need advice from the houses.  I need to make sure these events involve the houses in the 
way they wish to be.

I will be talking about FIRE A ROCKET FOR BECK.  I will be talking about RECYCLE FOR ALDER HEY. I will be talking about BOOKS4BIRMINGHAM.  I will be talking about our THREE PEAKS CHALLENGE. And I will be talking about our ACROPHOBIA CHALLENGE.

The old fashioned record player I treated myself to at the beginning of the week and all of the 7" vinyl singles I have been buying from e-bay are working towards the ACROPHOBIA CHALLENGE.

I have started publishing some new music on YouTube - IF IT AINT VINYL THEN IT AINT MUSIC - are all going to be part of the ACROPHOBIA CHALLENGE.

At the moment there are just three songs but by the time the challenge begins there will be more than fifty.

I plan to take my record player to the top of every tall building I climb and to play one of the songs.

In return for sponsoring the challenge, in return for supporting Ronald McDonald Houses in Birmingham, Bristol and Alder Hey Liverpool friends can send me their request. I will play a record at the top of the building and dedicate it to them.

My love of music is no secret. I love Classical, I love Opera, I love Ballet and I love retro pop
music from the mid 1950's to the mid 1980's.  When Seclow 105.5's presenter Tony became involved with OurRebekah that was rather special.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon in the studio with Tony. I took photographs and video to use within OurRebekah, primarily to promote Tony's involvement with BRUMMIE OWLS and his coming to Sheffield with us on the 18th where he will hand over the presentation gift we have prepared for the club.

I met the station's Managing Director, Mike Johnson. I chatted about OurRebekah, how I
would like to invite the station to support our efforts and how I always want to give back to those who help us.   I ran some ideas past Mike, left, and offered ti help the radio station.

I found I really liked the man. He has the same bang-bang-bang-make it happen attitude as I do myself.

Mike was only too pleased to have me support the station. I left the studio with a new job, or perhaps it would be more correct to say ANOTHER job.

Allow me to introduce you to Radio Secklow 105.5's new Audience Development Manager !

Let me explain that Secklow 105.5 is a community radio station broadcasting on FM. Via its website, or now I can say OUR website, all shows can be listened to on demand.   Please check it out and help the station's new Audience Development Manager increase our listener profile.

I want to be very, very careful with my new role.  There will be times when the radio station will be involved with OurRebekah events but I want all community groups and businesses serving the community to contact me, let's see how Secklow 105.5 can help what you are doing.  I have NOT joined the team to promote OurRebekah, I have joined the team to take the station to a wider audience.  Last night I secured an invitation for the station to attend an event a group, nothing to do with OurRebekah, is holding in the community.  By the end of today I plan to have one, if not two more invitations issued to the station.

NO - absolutely NO !  I will not be slacking off with OurRebekah and supporting Ronald McDonald Houses. ABSOLUTELY NO WAY.  There are 24 hours in the day and
no more than five are meant for sleeping.   I usually spend between 6 and 8 hours a day working on OurRebekah projects, some days more and on others less.

Life is a disco SO DANCE

Life is also a ballet SO POINT YOUR TOES

Life is a symphony SO TUNE YOU VIOLIN

Life is an opera SO FILL YOUR LUNGS

Tune in to Secklow 105.5 and do all of these things.

Jump up on to The Wave of Love and help OurRebekah support Ronald McDonald Houses care for families with a child sick in hospital.

And with that I'll close by playing the OurRebekah adopted theme.

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