Monday 27 November 2017

I have some truly wonderful friends

I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people in the world.  On Facebook I have 324 friends and another 126 who follow me.

But that is in Cyber Space, in the real world it is impossible to list all of my friends. If it were possible to put a monitory value on friendship, which of course it is not, I would be a multi-billionaire.

Yesterday was a day of friendship, where so many people touched me with their friendship and their love.

Two hundred and seven people read yesterday's blog. It was not the blog I intended to write. When a former Leonite colleague and friend sent me some press cuttings, Thank You Martin, of a twenty-four hour disco I ran I changed the topic of the blog.

I remember that 24 hour disco so well, so very, very well. It ran in the school's drama hall from 12 noon on the Friday to 12 noon on the Saturday.  During the afternoon Maureen took Rebekah to Milton Keynes Hospital to receive the results of a blood test. She came up to the disco and we stood outside the hall as she told me Beck was suffering from kidney failure. One week later Rebekah was in Guys Hospital in London.

Yes, I remember that disco well. 

A few years later I took this picture of a lifeguard truck on Malibu Beach California. That was another Leon School event, one of four study tours I organised for students in California. Nobody, but nobody organised school trips like we did !

I had driven the rented mini-bus up to Los Angeles overnight from Mexico. I was crashing out on the beach before an overnight flight home. Yesterday I received the first Christmas card of the year, it was from my oldest friend. That friend met me at Heathrow and said: You are not to worry but Rebekah had a kidney transplant yesterday. I will take you straight to the hospital.

My answer was: Can I go home and have a bath first please ?

Friendship. Isn't it an amazing thing. Is it not perhaps the greatest single element within the creation of our universe ?

Reacting to yesterday's blog Leonite Alexa posted this:  

I did a 24hour disco 💃 one year. It was great fun! Gordon Sparshott you’re good on the decks I hear. You could maybe lend your old Head of Year a hand. I’m sure a handful of us Leonites could rock up in support. Hope to see you there. X  

That was in response to me asking if some friends could help me with the marathon disco I am running in Asda Supermarket in January.

How many ex teachers are there who could call on help from their students of thirty years ago ?  The credit is NOT mine it comes from the friendship given freely in love by some wonderful people.

Yesterday I was at a meeting organised by another Leonite friend. She is a trustee at Bletchley Youth Centre and invited me to be a part of the centre's fiftieth birthday
celebration. I am taking care of the music. I consider it such an honour to be invited to be part of this day celebrating an icon within our community. Tears came to my eyes when it was said that money from the event's tickets would be given to OurRebekah to support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Such kindness, such friendship, such love.

Leonite Rachel handed me a Secret Santa gift for the house.  Ronald McDonald House Birmingham, supporting families with a child sick in Birmingham's Childrens' Hospital. 

Ronald McDonald House Birmingham, the house that love built. I am doing my best to re-brand it - Ronald McDonald House Birmingham - THE MANSION OF LOVE.

When I opened my laptop after the meeting there were two e-mails from the house, one from House Manager Libby and another from House Fundraiser Bethany. Their content is personal but I will tell you every single word was packed with friendship.

During the meeting at Bletchley Youth Centre my phone rang. I am afraid I was terribly rude, I answered it. It was a call confirming Gary was able to come with me to Hillsborough on 23rd December to watch the Middlesborough game.  

Back home I e-mailed Sheffield Wednesday Club Director Trevor to say we would be there and to ask if the text I had written for a match-day programme could be included in the programme for that day.

Four minutes later Trevor responded to that e-mail.

Hi David
Of course, no problem at all.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Regards  Trevor

Trevor Braithwait
Director of Communications
Sheffield Wednesday
Hillsborough  S6 1 SW

How many directors of how many football clubs do you know who would do that ?  I am proud to include Trevor and all at Sheffield Wednesday in my list of friends.

I did not post a lot on Facebook yesterday but I received 23 "likes", comments and "shares" One thing I did post was this.  Have a listen.

One of the first things I have to do today is to answer an e-mail from friend and colleague at Secklow 105.5 regarding the station being at Stony Stratford's light switching on this Saturday.  I will be there but I also have to be in Bletchley for its Christmas event. I have been asked by members of the town's council and yet another Leonite to be there. I will sort out a schedule for the day and share it on tomorrow's blog. If any Leonites are going to be about come and say HI to the old man.

When this world was created we all lined up to be handed our lot. In the line for friendship I barged my way forward and demanded an extra large helping.  I am so glad I did that.

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