Monday 20 November 2017

I have a creepy feeling !

No blog yesterday !

Yes, I am still here. I was not abducted by aliens.  2.41am and I am writing today's edition.  

The reason for not writing anything yesterday, the first time in six months there has been no blog, is because I was sitting in Weatherspoons Birmingham eating a particularly nice breakfast when I would normally be clicking to publish my thoughts.

As I write now I have a creepy feeling coming over me.

Secklow 105.5 and Frank Scarito's interview with myself is available on-line, on-demand.

CLICK HERE and listen. 

Within the  interview I talk about Destiny. Frank and I chatted on microphone for an hour then off microphone for another two hours. In that time, the bit which was not recorded, Frank took my thinking on Destiny and amplified it. Destiny was working overtime yesterday.

The reason for there not being a blog was my being on the motorway driving to Birmingham at the time I would normally be publishing writing page then eating sausage, bacon and all the trimmings when I should have been clicking to publish.

I had a meeting at eleven in Ronald McDonald House right in the city centre of Birmingham. Fearing the traffic I left home early, indeed I was parking the car at six o'clock. I then headed off in search of breakfast.
In the dark I could see the golden arches of McDonald's beckoning so went inside for some hasbrowns. Nobody makes hashbrowns like McDonald's.


This particular branch had only the cash cow machine, it was impossible to speak to a real person to order food.  I detest these machines so walked out in disgust and feeling hungry.

Then I found Weatherspoons. It was located on the ground floor of the old Lewis's Department Store where I was a management trainee between July 1967 and September 1969.  

"Are you serving food  or is it too early ?" I asked.

They were serving breakfast. If I had gone to McDonald's I would have paid a little short of four pounds for a drink and three hasbrowns. Why on earth would anyone go to McDonald's and pay that to a cash cow robot when for just over five pounds a meal like this is cooked to
order and served to your table in Weatherspoons ?

Destiny had steered me to that table in that particular branch of Weatherspoons.

Most of my short career with Lewis's was spent in the soft furnishing department on the third floor but I began my training on the ground floor. A shivver ran down my spine when I realised the table I was sitting at was right where my initial,sales counter had beenback in the late summer and autumn of 1967.

The service at Weatherspoons was everything McDonald's was not. REAL people, you know like McDonald's used to have before the introduction of their hideous cash cow robots. Real people who had a smile even at that early hour of the morning.

Destiny you are cunning aren't you ?

OurRebekah has a project BOOKS FOR BIRMINGHAM. The plan is to take three of my books, to republish them and give all of the income to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

In the New Year Broughton Manor Prep School will be illustrating The Wild Adventures of Di Central Eating. We will also be making a CD of the music contained in Di's adventures. Work has yet to start but everything is ready.

I am working on The Bridge House and bringing the story to what I hope will be an
unexpected conclusion. 
There is, however, a problem with the third book, my teenage autobiography covering the two years I worked in Lewis's Department Store.

The word IS has now been moved by Destiny to the past tense to become WAS. Destiny told me exactly what she wanted, as I was sitting in Weatherspoons she made her plan very clear to me.

Later today I will be taking Destiny's hand and allowing her to guide me down the path to make the republication of The Story Of A Teenage Entrepreneur (Failed) happen.

I popped this picture on Facebook when I was back home from Birmingham. 

It shows Ronald McDonald Birmingham's house manager Libby with Yours Truly.

Very quickly it was "Liked" by seven friends. In addition someone wrote. What a lovely bright space........

The whole house which takes care of sixty-six families with a child sick in Birmingham Childrens' Hospital is like this.

I call it The Mansion of Love.

Take a look at this little video I made after my first visit to the hose.

My meeting was at eleven o'clock. After breakfast I went to the house and asked if I could sit out of the way somewhere to work on my laptop. I was made so welcome, so many staff members came by with big smiles and words of welcome. I can not tell you what a wonderful place Ronald McDonald House Birmingham is.

It is now 3.45am and Destiny is clearly speaking to me about OurRebekah's support for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

While I was sitting at my laptop in Ronald McDonald House - 9.34am in pops an e-mail.

Morning David

That’s a lovely blog and sums up what we are all about as a family club…’s not all about the goals!

Two big away games this week and hopefully we can pick up some points.

Thank you again for coming on Saturday and for the gifts – most appreciated.

I will send you the photos of the presentation shortly.

We all look forward to welcoming you to Hillsborough again soon and in the meantime take care.

All the best as always,


Trevor Braithwait
Director of Communications
Sheffield Wednesday

That's Trevor, a special man. You would think, would you not, that a man in his position would have one hundred and one things to do first thing at the start of the week yet he can send such a kind message as that. Destiny is telling me very clearly that I need to do more with our Brummie Owls project.

I got home from Birmingham and switched on Secklow 105.5. Tony's Time Tunnel was being broadcast. I missed the first twenty minutes but tuned in just in time to hear Tony talking about his visit to Sheffield Wednesday on Saturday and Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

Tony then played back to back Singing the Blues and Ho Ho Silver Lining.

That picture of Libby and myself was posted to Facebook while Tony was broadcasting, as indeed was the picture of Weatherspoons in Brum. Tony has Facebook on in the studio so he can pick up anything listeners post about the show. He was the first person to "Like" both picture.

Gary came round yesterday evening. He wanted to chat about the next time we can get up to Hillsborough.  He smiled and said perhaps I should become a season ticket holder.  The cost of a Wednesday season ticket is very good value. 

Trevor joked on Saturday about my hat, I joked back telling the club's Director of Communications where he could  buy one !  He said I looked like a season supporter.  You know what - next season I may just buy a season ticket. 

Is that what you want Destiny ?

I have this creepy feeling, is creepy the right word, that Destiny is telling me to forget some of the projects within the OurRebekah diary and focus more effort on Books4Birmingham and Brummie Owls  

This afternoon I will be driving to Gloucester to pick up the disco twin deck to use within The Sekclow Radio Roadshow. I will be alone in the car for four hours. I am going to take this creepy feeling with me and run it round in my head.

Frank Scarito's interview, Tony's Time Tunnel, Weatherspoons, Hillsborough - all too much of a coincidence.

I am thinking that Destiny wants me to develop The Brummie Owls by actually taking people to Hillsborough to watch games instead of keeping it all in cyber.

I am thinking Destiny wants me to set aside some of the OurRebekah projects in order to make far more with Books4Birmingham.

Sheffield Wednesday is playing away this evening at Portman Road. Kick off is not until seven forty-five which means I will be home in plenty of time to follow the game on-line.

Goals the boys score will be sponsored for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. Tomorrow families in the house will send cards of thanks and congratulations to the players who score.

4.30am. I think I will go back up to bed for an hour. I'll come back later, read through what I have written, take out the typo's and publish the blog.

6.11am. Time to click the mouse and publish this creepy blog.

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