Monday 13 November 2017

Yesterday was an INSPIRING day !

Yesterday morning I was interviewed by Secklow Radio's FRANK SCARITO for his show MY INSPIRATION which is to be broadcast at 11am this coming Thursday, repeated at 4pm on Monday and then available on-line and on-demand.

Frank is a very skilled interviewer, I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of his show. The interview took about an hour after which we sat chatting for another two.

It was uncanny but special how Frank's outlook on life and my own were so much the same. I came away INSPIRED by Frank.  OK, I want you to listen to my interview and to tell me you listened to it. Not to boost my ego but to help me monitor audience figures for the station.

CLICK HERE and go to Frank's page on the Secklow Radio website, check out his on-demand archive of shows. I promise you, you will find his guests and Frank's interviewing style INSPIRATIONAL.

I am not going to give away Frank's interview questions, nor am I going to tell you about my answers but I will tell you his last question and how I responded to it.

Frank asked me for my most inspirational quote.  I took the last three sentences from a poem that was used was back in 1971 at freshers day when I was a student.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

I then added a coda, something of my own and something more and more people are learning as my philosophy on life..........

Life is a DISCO - so DANCE

Yesterday the blog readership topped three hundred for the second day running - 301. I know why the figures are up. THANK YOU to my Facebook friends, my LEONITES for sharing the blog, today I hope that which I share is an inspiration and something to help many people dance their way through the day.

Let's have some music.................

That's not really disco music, predates disco by more than a decade but I defy you not to let your spirit dance as you listen to it.

I am going to nick Johnny And The Hurricanes as my personal theme tune. When I set up music events both for OurRebekah and for Secklow Radio I want this to be the opening

Before anything can be played I need the equipment.  I have been struggling with Amazon and with e-bay to find what we need.

Buzzing from my interview with Frank I went here. To Maplin Electronics Milton Keynes store. There I met Nicholas who solved all my problems. He inspired me with his knowledge and customer service skills. On Friday I will take Secklow Radio's presenter Tony to look at the equipment Nicholas has suggested then I will order it !

Thank You Nicholas, Thank You Maplin Electronics.

The first time the equipment will be used is  on Saturday 16th December at Wrigglies Exotic Pets in Old Stratford, Milton Keynes.

This is an event being organised by shop manager, Ro on the right of the picture, to celebrate three years of the shop being open. Frank in your next season of interviews may I suggest you chat with Ro. I spoke to you about him off microphone. That young man is an inspiration to every person who passed his way. I never leave his shop without being inspired.

OurRebekah will be providing the birthday cakes for the party and and I will be playing the music.  I am working on the play list for the event and intended to dedicate this song to Ro.

Pictured with Ro, above, is Mayor David Hopkins. He and his wife will be at the party. If you are looking for inspirational people Mayor David and Mayoress Susan have to be on your list and at the top of the list. They certainly know how to dance.

My friend, Graham, was playing the music at this event. I was the photographer for the night.  Together we struggled to get people off their chairs and dancing.  Graham played all kinds of music, I was going round the room telling people to get on their feet. Then David and Susan started dancing.  IMMEDIATELY everyone followed their lead.

On Thursday Mayor David and I meeting.  David has been a great supporter for OurRebekah. We are meeting to discuss Secklow 105.5, his diary and how we can support one another.

The Mayor's chosen charity is RIDING HIGH.  I know little about its work so want David to tell me all about it when we meet. I want then to promote it and to tell as many people as possible about the work it does.

So let me now play this for David and RIDING HIGH.

Within my e-mail inbox this morning is a message from Bletchley Youth Centre inviting me to meeting planning its 50th birthday celebration. Mayor David attended the centre as a young man, I would bet all I own on his being one of the leading disco dancers there. Oh yes, he will be at the party on 7th April and the equipment from Maplin will be playing the music.

On my doings list for today is to speak with Buckingham Palace (NAME DROPPER !) to talk
about the royal guest for OurRebekah's Gala Disco Party on May 13th at Stowe.  It is my understanding that we will know in January who will be coming along. I am waiting until then before I open the guest list but I am going to break that rule.

If you are a LEONITE you can add yourself to the guest list NOW.  CLICK HERE and go for it.

Only one condition - you MUST dance to this.

Well life is a disco after all SO DANCE.

Bring your families and let them smile while you dance to The Music Man.

Frank Scarito and Tony Ingeldow from Secklow 105.5 will be coming with me to Stowe on Friday. Actually I am going there this afternoon to take my best friend and an inspiration, I
told Frank about his yesterday off microphone. Jake - Jake the dog, there's nobody quite like Jake the dog,

Jake is insisting his girlfriend Lucy comes with us.

Yesterday I wrote two thousand more words for my book THE BRIDGE HOUSE, an OurRebekah project for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

I now have to type up those words, that's the hard bit. Writing is easy, typing everything up is a drudge !

I have reached the time in the story where this little bundle entered the world.

That's me with my Nan, Lily the central character for the story. Hey, I had scruffy hair even then didn't I ?

Lily, Nan, may be the central character in the book but the inspiration is Rebekah, the first Ashford girl to be born in one hundred years.

Hers's another picture, this time Nan is holding Beck, her great granddaughter.

I will be writing more this morning.

I am looking forward to writing the conclusion to the book.  Not to finish it but to draw together all of the ideas and sub plots I have been planing throughout. When you read that last chapter you will understand every word that has been said before.  Allow me to let you into a secret. Stowe Gardens, the jewel in the crown of The National Trust will be included.

Nan, let me play this for you from the book.

I know that the increase in the blog readership is down to some LEONITES sharing it on social media. Yesterday evening I was sent this and just have to show it to you all.

When I was writing newspaper features I ran a short series of LEGENDS IN MILTON KEYNES.  I want to speak with Mike, the boss at Secklow 105.5, to see if we could feature some of the legends in programmes on the radio. Tony spoke about Fenny Poppers on his
Time Tunnel show yesterday.

CLICK HERE and check his show out.

It was Tony who came up with the idea for Secklow Radio Roadshow, I can not claim credit for it.

Tony, let me introduce you to some more legends of Milton Keynes. Leon's Bridge, The Milton Keynes Village Tree, Fenny Lock and more.

Last week-end I learned of something I did not know. I have lived in Milton Keynes since 1971 and yet I was in ignorance of this.

I went to the war memorial on Sunday morning to support two LEONITES laying a wreath for Remembrance Sunday.

I have to confess I did not know about the gates.  I will say no more as the radio can tell everyone about that on a future date.

Andy and Nigel, I was so proud to be there. I spoke to so many wonderful people and came away deeply and significantly inspired. I have e-mailed all of the council members I met and hope to be able to take Secklow Radio into the community where you live.

I have come up with a slogan for Secklow Radio Roadshow.


What do you think to that ?

Nigel, Andy and all who were there on Sunday morning let me play you this for you, it comes from my book THE BRIDGE HOUSE.

Part of what I have been doing with Secklow 105.5 is to see how far the signal stretches. I have been driving out and testing it.  I have found it goes way beyond Milton Keynes but I doubt it reaches The North Pole.  Still Santa can listen on-line and on-demand !

More Secret Santa gifts came in yesterday. THANK YOU to those lovely and inspiring people for your gifts for families who have a child sick in hospital.  I really must get my act together and update the website before Santa decides I have been a bad boy and crosses me off his list !

No blog would be complete without this would it ?  After Saturday there will be a new OurRebekah version. That I can tell you will, be INSPIRING big time !

There is still time for you to cheer on the team.  Sponsorship stands at £100 per goal. INSPIRE the boys to score lots of goals for Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. Become a BRUMMIE OWL for the day.


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