Wednesday 22 November 2017

Time to change the record

I began this blog a year ago under the title of THE DIARY OF A SILLY OLD MAN. The intention was to publish it as a book on Amazon. In the early Spring I was wondering if I could make an initial publication with just one hundred entries. Then with the loss of Rebekah the blog became The Wave Of Love and all thoughts of Amazon publication disappeared.

Today Frank Scarito's interview with myself is broadcast on Secklow 105.5. It has already attracted a significant audience ahead of this with Secklow's ON DEMAND feature.  Yesterday Maureen and I listened to it together. OMG - how many times in that interview did  I use the word ABSOLUTELY ? Embarrassing !

I said ABSOLUTELY so many times as Frank and I were in agreement over so many things.
Off microphone we talked about Destiny and how the world we live in is both shaped and run. I call it Destiny, some people call it God - there is something out there.

Destiny involved me in Radio Secklow 105.5.  In an e-mail earlier this week Station Director Mike said I was a senior manager.  I think when he said senior he was actually referring to my age ! Yesterda's blog THE GERIATRIC LEONITE pulled 200 readers.

Destiny took me to Secklow Radio and Destiny is changing the direction of projects within OurRebekah.  

I have within my e-mail inbox this morning something which is going to take me into something else. Destiny took an idea of mine, something which actually involves Secklow 105.5 and OurRebekah, added in two other groups then sent it into orbit. On Monday I have a meeting at Bletchley Youth Centre, I am involved in the centre's 50th birthday celebrations. 

The blog was developing into OurRebekah with Secklow 105.5 tagged on. That was not right. Today I am taking the blog back to a personal diary, a bit like the way it started out a year ago.  I will share what I am up to on a day to day basis. Separate from both OurRebekah and my working with Secklow I will share things which Destiny crosses my path with and use the blog to support friends and groups beyond OurRebekah and Secklow.

The last question Frank asked me in his interview was for a quote. I gave him one I had
made up myself - LIFE IS A DISCO SO DANCE.

As well as changing the blog title and direction I have changed the colours. YES, they are Sheffield Wednesday colours but that is coincidental.  The background for most writing is white and blue has always been my favourite colour.

Sheffield Wednesday - AH !

First of all the score from last night's match at Portman Road..............

Ipswich Town 2  Sheffield Wednesday 2
Goals from Gary Hooper (AGAIN)  and Atdhe Nuhiu - that's a new name on the list of goal scorers.  WELL DONE.

Later today Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham will send the two lads thank you and congratulations cards.

I know that Club Director Trevor dips in to read the blog. Yesterday morning I had a terrible feeling of guilt. I had forgotten to write the text for something to appear with the photograph from last Saturday in a match-day programme.

Apologies Trevor. This what I came up with:

There is more to a football team than two goal posts and a piece of grass between them.  Wednesday fans will understand this. In recognition of being a happy, friendly club The Brummie Owls presented Sheffield Wednesday with two vinyl singles of the adopted anthems we all sing at Hillsborough.  Sing them with pride at every game.

I wear my Wednesday scarf with pride. At Saturday's match I wore a silly hat. Trevor said I looked like a seasoned supporter.

Whenever I get the chance I wear with pride the tie Mayor David Hopkins gave to me. A tie featuring a map of Milton Keynes.

David will be spinning some records on the new disco twin deck I have purchased, spinning them at a number of events.  David has good tastes in music, they are the same as my own so of course they are good.

That twin deck is actually playing music now as I write the blog. Give you three guesses what it is playing !  Nah, you only need one guess. That's something else Frank and I spoke about in the interview.

Here you go.

David's wife and our city's Mayoress said something to me a while back. It has stuck in my mind. She said: It does not matter which charity or good cause you support providing you do support one.

David's chosen charity and Milton Keynes's Charity Of The Year is RIDE HIGH.  This is far, far more than a stable.  I would invite you to visit the website. I think it is a very special organisation and as the Mayor's Charity I think it is something those of us who live in the city need to get behind.

David and Susan, Can I play this for you. 

It isn't really disco music but I like it.  I hope you do.

I have heard that Rudolph has taken out a gym membership.  So many gifts for Secret Santa are coming in he feels he needs to be in perfect condition to pull the sleigh.

It is becoming a cliche when I keep saying yesterday was a bumper day but Wednesday truly was. 

These are the gifts that are waiting for me to wrap and pop into Santa's Sack.

Hang on a minute............

The needle has got to the end of Bridge Over Troubled Water - let me go back and start it playing again.

That's better.

Just look at those gifts, look at the love packed within them.

Every time a gift for Secret Santa comes in I am so moved. THANK YOU to every lovely person who has supported this OurRebekah project.

When Frank asked me in the interview for an inspiring quote the last words I said were LIFE IS A DISCO - SO DANCE.  Yes it is but before that I shared the ending from the poem Desiderata.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

It is indeed a beautiful world with some very beautiful people within it.

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