CLICK HERE and comment on today's music blog So David, you went to watch the ballet last night. Was it good ? I enjoyed it Josh. That sounds a bit reluctant to comment. How was it ? I went to watch The Winter's Tale, a new ballet and not something traditional which our listeners would easily associate with ballet. I went to watch The Winters Tale.
So how was it ? Well...........
The costumes were fantastic. The choreography probably the best I have seen in any ballet. The dancers took the story and were so clever in the way they mimed to present it to the audience. Ryochi Hirang was superb as Leonteis, the lead role. I can sense a BUT coming here. BUT the music lacked the magic it needed to become anything more than background music to the action. It's always the same with a modern ballet. I see. So can we play something from your favourite ballet ? Sure. This is The Russian Dance from The Nutcracker.
That was for Graham at Auto Electric Services, a THANK YOU for fixing our generator.
David here now.......I went to pick up the now working generator from Graham. This weird. I was wondering if our speakers would be big enough to fill the field at the Willen Hospice fete. Then Graham said to me: I've got two big loudspeakers if you can use them.
A shiver ran down my spine I can tell you.
Better play this then !
I had an e-mail yesterday from Google. This picture I added to Google Reviews has been checked out a record 5,000 times !
Really ?
That's a bit special. Well done David.
Mayor David Hopkins will be playing music with us at an event on 5th May.
Do you think we should play something for him now ?
Sure, I happen to know he likes this song.
That is so beautiful.
Yes Josh - almost as beautiful as you are.
Our Mayor is also a bit of a Status Quo fan. Perhaps we should play something by Status Quo for him.
Something to reflect this heatwave we are having in England ?
There we were, the four directors of Radio Love International talking about the forthcoming Music Tombola at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham, checking arrangements and so on when the door bell rang.
THREE enormous boxes were delivered, every one packed with love and toys for this event.
Shortly after the meeting had come to an end David's doorbell rang again. This time it was Twice Boutique with gifts !
Josh here..........
The toys we received for Ronald McDonald house are awesome! Well from me and I can imagine the rest of the team, I'd like to say a BIG Thank You to the lovely Man that done this for us and also for the wonderful children in McDonald house.
Chairman Rachel here..........
Omg what a day xxx
Josh, you are Director of Music, what are you going to play from us all to say THANK YOU.
Rachel let's start with this for the teddies.
And this for the lovely ladies at Twice.
Why did you chose that song Josh ?
I've been to Twice Boutique - NOT to buy anything to wear I hasten to say ! I went with
David to take some photographs. Did he buy something to wear then Josh ? Funny Jo, let me finish will you. What I was about to say was, anyone wearing TWICE clothes would look good !
That 's a nice enough song Josh but not exactly something we can dance to, not bouncy.
How about this then ?
These are the gifts Twice Boutique has given for Monday's music tombola in Birmingham.
David here now, rattling the keys to write today's blog.
I am so much looking forward to Monday, it is personally important to me but first we have not one but two big events.
SATURDAY the whole team is involved in a giant music roadshow at ASDA supermarket in Bletchley, the biggest supermarket in the region, if not the country. From eight in the morning to five in the afternoon we will be using
music to support Jo's Hope's toy appeal for children in hospital who are being treated for cancer.
If you are local to ASDA please do pop by and say HI to the team.
No matter where you are in the world you can watch us and listen to the music on Facebook. We will be broadcasting into my Facebook account. If you are not a friend CLICK HERE NOW and become one so you can tune in.
We will be playing music from vinyl, we will be playing music from CD's and we will be playing music from digital.
Digital is the easiest to use David.
Yeh Josh I know mate but if it aint vinyl then it aint music !
This is Paul, hard at work in his bakery. Paul started off our vinyl record collection with an incredible donation of LP records.
Yes Madam Chairman and Head of Radio Love International Limited, we know.
Well, at yesterday's meeting we all agreed to write a little bio explaining how we came to be involved in this music project. David, Jo, Josh have you written yours ? I've written mine.
How did I become to be involved with Radio Love International Limited ?
Well, I was looking at Facebook when this name popped up DAVID ASHFORD with the sad
news that his daughter had died suddenly and unexpectedly. I pressed he FRIENDS button then it all came back to me. Those green platform shoes, flared trousers he used to wear and the lunchtime discos he ran for we pupils. What a breath of fresh air he was to Leon School.
We all linked together, we LEONITES and I have been given the job as Chairman of Radio Love International. So an old teacher is now a dear friend and together we are all working to make people happy with music. We have a lot in the pipeline.
David play some music.
Tell you what I'll do Rachel. One of DJ's at the lunchtime school discos you spoke about was
John Chapman. John owns a radio station on the West Coast of America. It's a GREAT station - CHECK IT OUT.
What ever song John's DJ is playing right now I will play on our music blog.
Give me a minute to tune in.
Here you go.
Thanks John. Thanks KSWB Radio Clatsop, that was great.
Flippin heck, I wish I went to Leon School. I went to Sir Frank Markham.
So we had tombola gifts from lots of different Leonites.
We did. Twice Boutique's Mum is a Leonite.
I took these pictures of leonite Maggie and the gifts she made for the children in Ronald McDonald House.
AND Leonite Cheryl gave us lots of gifts.
Those three big boxes that were delivered yesterday came from a Leonite ?
A Leonite fixed our generator ?
Another runs a bakery and gave us all those LP records.
Now you tell me a Leonite owns and runs a radio station.
Hang on let me listen and find out what the station is playing now.
It occurs to me that we should not be calling our radio station Radio Love International but Radio Leonite !
Josh, this is Jo here.
Have you sorted out the logo we talked about at yesterday's meeting ?
Sorry Jo, I had a laptop issue last night. I kept sending David text messages and tried to call him but he had fallen asleep.
Fallen asleep ! What time was that ?
About half past eight.
David get your flippin rear end into gear !
Hey Jo I am in charge of music not branding.
You can shut up as well Josh or I'll be branding your rear end !
Gary Marling is not a Leonite but an old friend from way back. He has asked us to help promote an event.
Willen Hospice Fun Day - Sunday 22nd July Bradwell Sports and Social Club.
Hosted by Jag Marketing ?
David, you drive a Jag. I think,
speaking as Project Director, that Radio Love International should take a stall and support Willen Hospice. Gary how do we go about booking a space.
Josh play Willen Hospice and Gary some music.
Yes Boss !
I think I'll play something from my 1980's collection. Something I played Jo at the event you organised last week - The Ladies Bingo and Knicker night !
You know what Josh, Ann Summers did not sell a single pair of knickers last Friday.
NO DAVID but I have kept a bra which TRUST ME you are going to wear for a promotional
photograph at Asda on Saturday.
So EVERYONE come along to Asda on Saturday and see David aka The Geriatric DJ wearing a bra !
Jo I'm not wearing one.
No Josh I'll let you take the photograph. It will go well with the photograph you can take on Monday at Ronald McDonald after your Missus has face painted David to look like Roy Wood.
Take it away Wizzard.
You know that boring old radio station - Radio Minus One ?
Never listen to it David, I listen to Radio Love International.
So do I.....
So do I ............
Well in the days of vinyl there used to be a sad person employed by Radio Minus One to listen to all the new releases. He only listened to the first thirty seconds, if there was no hook to the song he binned it and that was the end of that !
David here again...........I don't think we had a very good hook yesterday, we only had 146 people listen to the music blog. I was wondering what to title today's crazy edition when this popped up on my facebook page.
Thank you all you wonderful people.
A beautiful song sung by beautiful people looking towards a beautiful world. I have made today's music blog title IN PRAISE OF FRIENDS.
Radio Love International listener Grace posted this picture on facebook.
OMG Grace is it snowing as far south in Europe as where you are ?
Would you play WIRED FOR SOUND ? I filmed the video for that song in the city where Radio Love International is based.
Sure thing..................
What about me ?
What about you Mr President ?
Please play this.
I am going to bring this edition of our music blog to an end - David, Josh and Jo would ramble on until lunchtime !
Radio Love International really is INTERNATIONAL - we have listeners for our blog and our website in SEVENTEEN countries of the world.
We will be commencing live broadcasting on Monday 14th May.
Yesterday's meeting showed how four very different people from different backgrounds have come together in a team with a single purpose, using music so SPREAD THE LOVE and make this a better world.
Today's music blog shows just how many wonderful friends we have. I really do believe that after Monday 14th May Radio Love International will indeed become the world's biggest radio station.
On Monday at Ronald McDonald House we are going to end the party with this song. I think it should be played at every event we stage. I think it should be played on every show we broadcast after Monday 14th May.
We sail in our ship on the sea of life. When storms come and the ship starts to be battered by the wind, when life brings us terrible problems all we have to do it to reach out and take the hands of our friends. With friends we will never walk alone.
THANK YOU to all the wonderful friends of Radio Love International.