Tuesday 6 February 2018

There are good days and there are bad days.I had a bad one yesterday.

This is David writing today but probably writing for the whole team, probably writing for every person who will read this page, indeed for every single person in the world.

I did not have a good day yesterday, I had a bad day.  Ihad a very bad day.  I felt as if the entire world was against me. Perhaps it was, probably it was not.

Going back to my days as a head of year at Leon School I once said to Headmaster Bruce Abbott that all senior students in the school should be set an essay to write.


Sometimes we need the bad days to make the good days extra special.

Perhaps at the lowest point in my day on Terrible Tuesday a very dear friend sent me a picture.

That really did make me laugh so much.  It is no secret that I am a member of the Conservative Party but no matter what your political thinking it is surely that made you giggle.

I started my YouTube channel in December 2016, this was the very first thing I posted.

Oh those early days of my getting to grips with social media. This was the second video I posted

I do not now use Twitter, I have been known to say that Twitteris is for Twits. No Mr President I do not mean you are a twit, actually i think we are probably of a similar character.  

Perhaps this picture will make you smile.

Look at Lord Muck sitting in the middle !  Can you see my shoes ?  Am I wearing a pair like the ones in this picture ?

I am planning to wear them at the reunion.  Not sure about the wig but probably will wear the shirt !

Rebekah once gave me a pair of Irish socks she brought back from a holiday in Dublin, one is green and one is yellow I think I will wear then as well.

There will, of course, be music at the reunion. This is one date in a rather full diary for Radio Love International.

SATURDAY 3rd March - Asda Milton Keynes - supporting children with cancer

SUNDAY 4th March - Bunnings Milton Keynes - supporting Jo's Hope

Monday 5th March - Ronald McDonald House Birmingham Music Tombola

SATURDAY 10th March - private party.

Sunday 25th March -Leonite Reunion Little Brickhill

Yes Andy !  I  was out driving at 4am - brass monkey weather ! Not this kind of monkey !

I got up at half past three this morning. I found a message timed at 3.10am on my phone, a message from Josh asking about the Leonite Reunion.  Josh is sorting the music play lists
for all of the events.  Flipping heck Josh 3.10am ! I hope you are awake for the Leonite meeting at 12. We are having a meeting to organise the even. In the chair is Leonite Rachel. Rachel I think I will wear my shoes just for you.

Only thing is we are meeting UPSTAIRS in a branch of McDonald's. Question is will I be able to walk up the stairs ? Josh and Rachel can you catch me if I fall ?

Yeh, yesterday was a rubbish day. If I am honest I am still feeling low.  Perhaps you need the bad says to make you realise just how special the good days are.  If we lived in Utopia it would be hell on earth wouldn't it.

No matter how bad your situation things could always be worse so you just have to make it all better. For me I could always have the dress sense that Jeremy Corbyn has. Hell on earth ?

Nah it would be a laugh !

Catch you all tomorrow. SMILE and have a Wikid Wednesday.

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