Saturday 3 February 2018

Leap up and down wave your knickers in the air !

Ten days to go until the most important day  of the year.

Ten days until Wednesday 14th February 2018.

Cupid is sharpening his arrows and putting new strings on to his bow.

Given that this is Radio Love - Radio Love International we thought we would just make certain everyone has the date firmly written into their diaries.

Such a lot is happening, everything is exciting with a fantastic future ahead for Radio Love International.

Jo, Josh and David are all juggling lots of things as we move everything onwards and upwards. We would like to share what we are doing and to seek your support.

Tomorrow I have an important meeting at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. This will take OurRebekah and its support for Ronald McDonald Houses to a new and higher level.

Wednesday Josh and I have a meeting with a new team member Rachel to plan the music at a school reunion.

I am working with our technical advisor to write the pages we need to begin live broadcasting once we have our licence and somewhere to broadcast from.

It's 3.24am and I have just checked my phone for messages. There's one from Josh: David mate, just wondering can you tell me what's your favourite bands from the 70's and 80's and why. But I want the ones that are uplifting and dancy  types that people would love and want to dance to when they hear the music.

OK Josh let me play some.  1980's - I like Black Lace because their music is bouncy, silly and fun. It is impossible to listen to them without wanting to get up and bop. I have been adding some Black Lace to our ON DEMAND area so let me play some here.

David set me up here on Radio Love International as The Eternal Teenager. He says I look like Marty Wilde from the 1960's.

What do you think ?

Perhaps I need to grow my hair a little bit. Yeh but not as long as David's ! The Geriatric HIPPIE.

I want two things to happen and to happen as quickly as possible.

Firstly I want to build up a team of people who will listen to this page each day then e-mail me to say what they think about the content we play.  My e-mail address is: - PLEASE drop me a line. PLEASE.

Josh and The Eternal Teenager have two in this team of moderators at the moment.

Rachel, pictured top right with The Geriatric DJ and bottom left Dianne, again pictured with The Geriatric DJ but in his David costume.

I am thinking I need four, five or even six to build up this team of moderators. Rachel and Dianne, I will be in contact next week.

Now this is so important. I want to  get our roadshows working as quickly as possible. David's folder of playlist music is chaos - you should see it ! I am really busy trying to sort it out.  But it is no good having lots of music in files, chaotic or not, on a laptop. We need to play these songs and make people happy.

On Tuesday David and I are meeting staff at the winter night shelter and hope they will let us take music in there like before Friday.

David is heading to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed he will come back with a date for a music party.

Wednesday I have the meeting with Rachel regarding the Leonite School Reunion.

Jo has been trying to meet the community champion at Asda. Jo, perhaps the three of us should hit her together.

I want so much to get the roadshows happening straight away.  In my brainstorming notepad I have a very big list but it's no good having a list, we need to make the list happen.

David, I have just found your 1970's collection in the ON DEMAND AREA.

Thanks Andy.

You go for it Josh.

What we need right now is to bring in another manager to the team.  We need someone who can bring in the finance, the money, the cash, the filthy lucre. We can not keep taking the money we need from David's pocket.

We need a dedicated advertising manager who IMMEDIATELY could bring in sponsors to cover our licence and help us find a space to use as a base and studio. 

Then when we start broadcasting live to
sell advertising.

We need enthusiasm, we need commitment and dedication. We need someone who has the fire David, Josh and I have for Radio Love International. 

Don't just sit there thinking That's a good idea. If you could be the person we need get off your backside and contact me.

Radio Love International could become the biggest radio station in the world but nothing is going to happen until we start bringing in the money we need to get it there.

Here's a song from that chaotic playlist Josh is trying to sort out.

We need someone for this job who will leap up and down waving their knickers in the air. Oh you'll get no political correctness from me !

That is the worst audience figure we have so far had. 

Saturdays are usually the low point for listeners in the week but that was ridiculous.  Let's do something about today !

Josh talks about DANCY music.  Josh, why didn't you ask me for a 1960's list.  I suppose at your tender age that is a bit of ancient history.

Form the 1960's I like Lulu, she always sings Dancy songs.

And this................

I am also a great fan of Manfred Man......................




Is that DANCY enough for you Josh ?

Something I am planning, Josh and I did chat about it yesterday and this week I want to start making it happen. I want a roadshow outside the club shop at Hillsborough supporting the Sheffield Wednesday community programme. After yesterday's result the players need a bit of lively music.

To lose at home to Birmingham City AND have two red cards !  If you ask me some backsides need kicking.

Don't know about Jo but Josh is not into football. He will be once I have taken him to Hillsborough to plan a mega roadshow.  He smiled and said to me yesterday he would like to see the Wednesday Wave.

Well here it is.....................

Trust me it WILL happen.

Josh here's another song from the 1980's.  I'll let you into a secret.  I had this on the CD in the car yesterday. I wish I had my camera with me to have filmed Josh doing the actions.  OH YES HE DID !

Just imagine Radio Love International playing that and making a 25,648 crowd do the actions.

We are sitting on a case of high explosive potential, we just have to detonate it all. So here's Sunday's Thought4 Today.

A Leonite, Chris, posted this on Facebook yesterday.  Chris has a great sense of humour, his posts always make me giggle.

Chris I am wondering what I could play here for you.  How about I turn round your humour and play this for you.

How can you possibly follow that ?  Only one way and that is to sign off with Radio Love Internaternational's theme song.

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