Wednesday 14 February 2018

Playing the vinyl

Yesterday truly was a great day of love.

Facebook was crammed with people expressing their love for each other - beautiful.

Things took a step forward yesterday here at Radio Love International. On Valentine's Day 2019 our station will be broadcast live music alongside our on-demand content, our daily music blog and our roadshow events.

I have been moaning that the licencing authority PRS/PPL has not been answering my letters seeking advice ahead of our paying for a licence. Yesterday a lovely lady, Alison, made contact and I think it would be fair to say the licencing authority is on our side as we set up Radio Love International to become a fully-fledged internet radio station.

Let's have a song.

In the days before the BBC transformed itself to become a politically biased, inward-looking and self-serving destroyer of music it had the world's largest record collection.

Yesterday I was busy working on our collection of 7" vinyl singles. Some was given to us by Paul, some by Dianne and some I purchased from e-bay.  That is just our collection of singles. We have a vast selection of LP's and more CD's than you can count. Add to this the digital playlists Josh has been working on and we probably have in excess of five thousand tracks.

We ARE going to have a broadcasting 
licence in May. I am looking to start playing recorded music on Friday 11th May then working across the summer towards a schedule of live presented shows some time in October. EVERYTHING will be using music to make people be happy, smile and make others smile. The music will support good causes and charities who are working to make this a better world.

While we do own the company Radio Love International Limited we are not at present operating it. That will have to happen ahead of our broadcasting at which time we will be forming a board of directors. I guess that means I have to become Managing Director, I don't like the name - it sounds too grand but I guess I will be stuck with it.

Let's play another song, something from that vinyl collection.

Wehave a copy if this dating from 1962 and released on the Decca label.

Telstar was the world's first communications satellite.  We take communications satellites for granted today, without them Radio Love International could not exist.

Obviously Josh becomes Director of Music with Jo as Project Director taking charge of our events diary as well as making sure we all behave ourselves.

Jo is a lady who makes things happen. She has great ambitions and the ability to make those ambitions become reality. Many of the roadshow events we have in the diary at this moment are things Jo is making happen. Some are for Jo's Hope the charity she founded and now heads while some are for the good causes I and Josh have in our hearts. I call Josh The Eternal Teenager - he is coming up on twenty-seven but looks younger. LUCKY GUY !  Jo I call the Lady With The Big Smile And The Even Bigger Heart. Me ?  Well I am just The Silly Old Man !

Let's dip into the vinyl again.

On the Atlantic label and dating from 1977 we have Fanfare for the Common Man by Emerson Lake and Palmer.

The first event we have in our roadshow diary is happening on Friday 23rd February.

Josh and I will be there with musical interludes between the bingo.

I went to see my GP yesterday. I had a ten minute appointment to discuss my well being. I sat with the doctor for half an hour. He began by saying I am not your doctor, I am your friend. He has said that to me before.  We talked about Rebekah and her death in May, a beautiful conversation.  He took my arms, fixed his eyes to look deep into my own and said David you are an inspiration.

Like the tune above, I am just an ordinary common man.

I  came away being told by a doctor for whom I have the very highest regard that I am in great health with vital organs of a much younger man. However, as with Rebekah's unexpected death illness can strike any of us at any time. Cancer is evil !  One day there will be a cure but until then we need to support events like Jo's Hop's Bingo Night.

What's next in the record box ?

Yes, we have a lot of punk in our record collection.

Our Technical Director has come up with an absolutely BRILLIANT website design for Radio Love International. Today Josh and I are meeting up, I will chat to him about his working with Sokol to transfer the content from our existing draft website to this new version.

The new website will be perfect for live broadcasting into the Internet.

Jo and Josh are setting their sights very high for our on-line broadcasting. What we are doing at the moment is great, we are achieving much but with these two the sky really is the limit. We may talk about Radio Love International becoming the world's biggest radio station, for Josh and Jo it is just a matter of time before it actually happens.

HOWEVER, yesterday this music page only had 144 listeners. Owch !

I will be chatting today with Josh about his taking over the Facebook Group I set up and developing a much bigger audience. ARE YOU A MEMBER - CLICK HERE and add yourself in.  While Josh and Sokol are working on the new website I plan to revise the existing site and use Google Ad Words to find new listeners.

Another song. What's next from the vinyl ?  Here's something listener Rachel will like. She, Josh and I are setting all of the equipment up this afternoon for a sound check.

A stranger is only a friend you have yet to meet.

There are two people out there, two strangers who we need as friends to complete our management team.

We need a Chairman, someone who is wise who can stand aside from what we are doing and look at Radio Love International to make sure we are operating everything as we should.

We need a Commercial Director who will being in the advertising we need to finance all we do.

Josh, Jo, Sokol - I have ideas as to who these people might be.

Better play another record.

On the Polydor label The Rubets and Jukebox Jive.

That dates from 1975. This dates from yesterday ! Something I put together to thank our weatherman Andy for his reports.

And a couple of songs added to our on demand page yesterday.  One from Josh.......

And one from myself.  See if you can spot the typo !

Did you spot it ?

Life is a typo - the more you make the better you are living it.

Life is a vinyl record - if it does not crackle you are not living it to the full.

And with that wisdom I will dip into the record box for the last time.  Here you go.... On the Polydor label from 1973 Slade and Come On Feel the Noise.

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