Thursday 8 February 2018

Beautiful, wonderful day - MEGA blog

I am old enough to remember England wilnnng the World Cup in 1906.

I am old enough to remember Apollo 11 and man's first adventure on the moon.

This is David, The Geriatric DJ writing. I can hear my friends and colleagues Jo and Josh screaming WELL WE AINT OLD ENOUGH !

But I can tell you that the glory of England's victory and all the
power of the Apollo rocket's blast off combined could not equal the majesty of yesterday, the beauty and strength of Wednesday 7th February 2018.

Tuesday 6th February was a BAD day for me with some unfortunate and uncaring people trying to drag me down.  I tried to screw up the rubbish and throw it away but still I was feeling low. Then one thing after another just ignited the rockets under me and I blasted into orbit. 

Let's play the England World Cup 1966 anthem.  I have this on vinyl you know.

It's impossible to listen to that song and not get excited. This is the music which was always played on TV to introduce news reports on the Apollo Mission.

Normally when I sit down to compose this page I have everything in my head but yesterday was such a mega day I have had to brainstorm everything into a list.

I had taken my son's car for it's MOT. At half past nine the phone rang to say it had passed without any issues. That was good news. NICE ONE !

Then I was told I had been awarded a grant of £200 for OurRebekah to help families staying in Ronald McDonald House while they have a child sick in hospital. Excitedly I called The Mansion of Love, aka Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham with the news.

On Monday I had visited Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. Standing on the eleventh floor of the multi-story car park I took this picture.

Ronald McDonald House is the tall building reaching out to touch the sky.

Then the phone rang again. This time it was Josh wanting to talk about the meeting we were due to attend. I went over to pick him up and he shared some news which sent my rocket ship soaring past the Moon and out into
deep space.

Josh you take over writing will you.

OK David, you take a rest, you need to at your age. Let me play a bit of music. I'll explain, try to explain it after you have listened.

David never shuts up about his Leonites. David talks a lot, we know that, but it's because he has so many special people in his life. I have heard so much about his Leonites, I want to play this for him.

I went to Sir Frank Markham School but listening to David and a former Leonite student Rachel talk about times before I was even born made me wish  I had gone to this famous Leon School.

We were meeting to plan a reunion. I was scribbling down songs to play at the reunion party and tapping away on a phone to make something to put on Facebook when Rachel asked me to add this to the playlist.

Did you really play this song in your school disco ? The singer in the middle has a similar hairstyle to David ! I took this  photograph.  I hasten to say I TOOK THE PHOTOGRAPH, it was David who added the graffiti...............................

David, your Leonites must be special. Within three hours of the reunion appearing in facebook FIFTY FOUR people had picked up on what is going to happen. I'll hand the page back to David.

No you won't Josh, this is Jo taking over. Before David starts banging on and on again let me have a chance to speak.

There has been a lot of talking but soon the talking is going to change into action. The Radio Love International Roadshow diary is getting very busy:

SATURDAY 3rd March - Asda Milton Keynes - supporting children with cancer

SUNDAY 4th March - Bunnings Milton Keynes - supporting Jo's Hope

Monday 5th March - Ronald McDonald House Birmingham Music Tombola
SATURDAY 10th March - private party

Sunday 25th March -Leonite Reunion Little Brickhill

Josh, David can you add in another date please ?  Friday 23rd February 7pm onwards, a Ladies Bingo Night.

Jo, LADIES - no men !  Does that mean David and I have to come in drag ?

Josh, my darling, YES YOU DO.

I want to play something now - David I want to play this for you. Josh make sure you put this in the playlist.

Will you two shut up and let me speak ?

NO David !

When David picked me up I could not really see in the car what he was wearing but when he got out I had never seen a pair of trousers quite like that ! 

You lot didn't really wear trousers like that back in the 1970's did you ? Really ?

Then I saw a pair of shoes on the back seat of the car. 

I have seen them in David's Geriatric DJ photographs but in real life ! OMG !

"Give me a minute to change my shoes," David said.

"NO ! If you fall over and break your leg I am NOT taking you to hospital."


This is very silly - watch listen and have a giggle. DON'T YOU DARE SKIP IT.

Better take Andy's weather report.  Just been out in the car myself, BLACK ICE !

Now where was I before my two colleagues would not let me get a word in ?

YES - I went to the opera last night to watch Tosca. A great, dramatic performance of this
tragic story but while the music is perfect for the plot that plot does not have anything which demands music you can come away singing, nothing to stick in your mind.

Carmen, however, is packed with songs you will be singing for days after you watch it.  Songs like those below.

There is a satellite performance of Carmen on Tuesday 6th March at Northampton.  I have booked a ticket.

Only problem is we have roadshow events on Saturday 3rd, Sunday 4th and Monday 5th. 

But I will not fall asleep during Carmen !

A few words about those roadshow events.

The Asda Roadshow on Saturday 3rd March is to support Jo's Hope collecting toys and books for children who are in hospital being treated for cancer.  There is a trolley in Asda for
you to put your gifts in.  Tomorrow Josh, Jo and I have a meeting at Asda, I will take a photograph of the trolley and share it with you.  When you go to Asda do pop something in AND do put your green token vote in the slot for OurRebekah, Jo's Hope or The Medical Detection Dogs.

Monday 5th March we are in Birmingham running a Music Tombola at Ronald McDonald House. We need lots of small tomobla prizes, nothing expensive so next time you are in the Poundshop pick up a few things to help make this an amazing event.

Look at my dining room table !

Maureen and I have an ongoing battle between my music and her sewing.  At the moment my music is winning.

Covering the table is just some of the vinyl collection Dianne
gave us in memory of her husband. We will be playing vinyl for Pete at many of our roadshows including Asda and the Leonite Reunion.

Sorting through it yesterday I found this - PART OF THE  UNION by The Strawbs. 

I was 22 years old and a student when that was released. Dianne here it is for you.

Josh in his guise of The Eternal Teenager may be Radio Love International's official time lord but I find listening to music transports me back to my youth. HEY I do not want any music to transport me forward in time. NO THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Josh, Jo and Mrs Josh I want you to put another date in your diary. Any listener and reader you can put this in your diaries as well.


Got that ?

The Royal Ballet's performance of Swan Lake.

Josh speaks a lot about musical genre. For me the ballet is the finest art form in all genre of music.

Josh, Mrs Josh, Jo would you like to come to the ballet as my guests ?

8.10am and I have not published the blog yet !

David that's because you talk too much.


Hey you two - Jo here - keep me out of it ! Stop fighting.

As soon as the Yummie Mummies and the school run has finished I am going down to Bletchley to visit Twice Boutique, NO JO I AM NOT GOING TO BUY A MINI SKIRT TO WEAR AT YOUR LADIES BINGO NIGHT ! I am going to support the Unicorn event for Clic Sargent

Let's play the Unicorn song. 

Yes I AM old enough to remember that song being released. YES I did have it in my original vinyl collection.

Oh for goodness sake David !

Josh I think you and me had better take over the page again.

Lets play something for David what do you think Josh ?

I think we should play David's favourite piece of music.

What's that then Josh ?

You mean he hasn't told you ?  He never shuts up about it when he talks to me.

Better play it then.

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