Friday 16 February 2018

David you !@**??!! er

Good morning everyone - this is Josh.

What is David doing behind my head?

That's called making RABBIT EARS Josh.

You !@**??!! er David. I thought you were making a victory sign.

Here I am with David, Mama Jo and Mama Jo's Mama in Mama Jo's Kitchen. The smell of the cooking was delicious and I can tell you the food was even better when eaten.

You !@**??!! er David. RABBIT EARS !

It wouldn't be so bad but my missus took the picture !

Every Friday Jo, one of the directors of Radio Love International, runs a Caribbean food take away service for the Jo's Hope project in support of the homeless.

We all went along to see what she was cooking.  It did taste nice.

While the cooking was going on in the kitchen Jo, David and I sat and talked about Radio Love International and how perhaps we need to form the company within the next four
weeks. Jo, she's the lawyer in our team, was saying how Rachel would be non-executive chairman and Sokol non-executive technical director. She, David and I would be the executive directors.

They talked about share capital and the assets of the company being the equipment and the record collection. David suggested in all it was worth ten thousand pounds ! He said we should share it equally among ourselves.

There we were with the smell coming from the kitchen and talking about me being a company director.  

David, if you can make gestures to me let me make one to you - you !@**??!! er

Jo, Mama Jo, I hope your take away service made lots and lots of money for the homeless project. 

Four weeks ago I was homeless, living in a tent and now I am about to become a company director.

David gave Lena, that's Mrs Josh by the way, a lift home with our Mama Jo's take away meal. Sitting in the car I said that I want to get on the radio and tell everyone my story. I want the world to know the love and kindness so many people have shown to us to change mine and Lina's life.

I am to be Director of Music !  Right then - Mama Jo and Mama Jo's Mama this is for you.

Jo asked me to make sure I included the right music for a Jo's Hope bingo night we are supporting next Friday evening.

David keeps joking that as it is a LADIES bingo night and we are to be the only two men who will be there we should go in drag !

David you !@**??!! er

We did not understand how this was a LADIES event with men banned.  Then someone posted something on David's Facebook page to advertise it.

OMG !  Ann Summers will be there !

David, you know that silly song you keep asking me to put into the play list - shall we play it next Friday evening ?

I don't know Josh.

Well I am going to play it now.. David I can not believe you actually put this on YouTube last year !

Earlier in the day David took me to meet one of his former students - Maggie.

Maggie, I want to thank you for the lovely gifts you gave to Lena and myself. It is love like that which has taken us from where we were to where we are now.  That school David never shuts up talking about must have been very special.


Maggie also gave us so many, many gifts for the Music Tombola Radio Love International is holding in Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham on Monday th March.

Just look at them all !

Maggie knitted so many of the gifts herself. Thank you for that special gift you knitted for Lena and me.

Maggie, can I ask you something ?  Has David changed since he was a teacher ?

NO !

Maggie this is something I put into our on-demand playlist at Radio Love International, can I play it here for you..................

Josh, can I Interrupt you for a few moments ?

David you !@**??!!er  What's that gesture you are making there ?  Is it rude ?

It's the OK sign Josh - everything is OK

While Sokol is working on our professional website I have updated our draft site and am including a gallery of pictures. Those from last night's Mama Jo's Kitchen will be there.

Great !

Hang on a minute Josh. This picture of you will also be there.  I think I will send it to Trevor at Hillsborough and ask him to put it in a match-day programme

.David you !@**??!!er

I suppose you want me to play this now.

Of course Josh !

David you old !@**??!!er

And for that you can just put this into your playlist.

David, you and your flippin' camera get everywhere.  

Yes Josh but you want until we play that song at Hillsborough and twenty-five thousand people sing along with us. The Radio Love International roadshow is coming to Hillsborough.

Everyone do go to to the website and click on the gallery link.

Rachel, you are our chairman can't you keep David under control ?

Don't look at me Josh, he was my teacher !  

Flipping heck Rachel, is there anyone he didn't teach ?

Yesterday Mama Jo was telling us how David was head of year when her friend was at school.

I am looking forward to to playing music at the Leonite Reunion and to meeting all these people. I will write down all the stories they tell me and broadcast them on Radio Love International once we go live on air.

David says he has made a dental appointment for some new teeth. He says he wants dentures just like Freddie Mercury. Knowing him he will probably go ahead and do it.

Leonites you sound like the champions so I'll play this for you shall I ?

Mama Jo that food was delicious. I want to play another song for you.

Josh I think I am going to put a countdown clock on the website, counting down to when we go live on air.

That's a good idea David. Monday 14th May yes ?

Yes my friend that's the proposed big day.

Before that we have a big roadshow event don't we ?

That's when The Mayor will be the DJ with me ?

Yes, Josh.

What kind of music does he like ?

1970's. I happen to know this is one of his favourites.

We have a back to back collection of 1970's hits on the website.

You put that playlist together David. I am working on the next decade - the 1980's.

Now hang on a minute you two.

This is Lena, Mrs Josh, I want to know why on the 1980's music I have been cropped out of the picture.

Don't blame me, David did the art work - all I am doing is playing the music.

Josh you sort it or I will put up the video from my phone of you dancing.

I'll sort it - PROMISE.

Good boy Josh.  What was it you were dancing to ?

I think it was this !

Radio Love International Chairman Rachel here. WILL YOU STOP PLAYING BLACK LACE YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE THEIR MUSIC...........

What is it david says about being square ?

That isn't being square Josh that is being sensible.

Well you know what music I like so will you play some PLEASE.

If I must !

Oi you lot. While I am in the kitchen cooking the food could I put in a request.

Of course you can Mama Jo.

What would you like ?

Can you play that thing David put together after the last sausage sizzle.

Of course.    We have another sizzle coming up soon don't we ?

YES, Sunday 4th March.

That's the day after the Asda Roadshow and the day before the Ronald McDonald Music Tombola in Birmingham.

Yes. my darlin !

I had better play this or David will give me a telling off. Don't want detention from Sir do I ?

Chairman Rachel here again.

Thanks Josh for today's music. Perhaps we should remind everyone what Radio Love International is all about.

Can I chip in again ?

Go ahead David.

Four weeks ago I put this up as our theme tune.

It's still a good song and it does represent what we are all about BUT there are now listeners for this page in many more countries than are shown i the video. I think we should use this song as our theme tune.

Life is a disco so dance.  Sometimes while we are dancing things go wrong and the music goes out of tune. Sometimes while we are sailing in the ship of life storms come out of nowhere. It is then when we need friends around us so we do not walk alone.  As Radio Love International  supports with music any and every good cause we can we will be saying to them all YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE.

That's a bit deep David but, yes you are right. In closing I want to say THANK YOU to all who said to Lena and myself YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE.  Over the past four weeks I have come to realise just how beautiful a world this is and how many wonderful people live here.

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