Sunday 18 February 2018

Today is our birthday - Tomorrow is a very important day

Tomorrow is a milestone in the life of Radio Love International.

Today we celebrate ONE MONTH of existence. Tomorrow the team is meeting to turn the project into Radio Love International Limited.

This is a major step forward and one which will make it possible for us all to make more people smile and to support more good causes.

Let's play something for our one month birthday.

We have started a new page on our website - have you visited our website ?  - click on GOOD CAUSES WE SUPPORT.  On that page we are putting up music for the good causes we have so far been able to support. This is still a work in progress but here are two songs for two good causes.

We will soon put up something for Click Sargent and Jo's Hope.

Have a look at this.

Maggie has supported us with soe lovely gifts for the Music Tombola at Ronald McDonald
House we now want to support her. Maggie can you tell us how people can contact you to buy the butterflies ? 

We will put up some music on the support page for you.

How about we use this piece of music.

On Friday Josh and David will be appearing on a programme to be broadcast by Radio
CRMK. Hey they will both be company directors by then !

They have been asked to take CD's with some of their favourite music to play on the show.

What should they take ?  

Perhaps this, the possible new anthem for Radio Love International ?

What do you think ?

Rachel, Jo tomorrow you will be directors of Radio Love International. 

What is your opinion ?

Is there a song - WE HATE GEEKS ?  David is trying to put today's music blog together and is being frustrated by the damn geeks at Google who are screwing up the page formatting.

CALM DOWN DAVID ! At your age you should not be getting stressed.

If Josh is to be there on the radio should you not take his theme tune with you ?

This is Josh speaking................

teenager in love is Ok but NO DAVID you are NOT going to play that other song on radio !

But Josh after the radio interview we are playing music at the Ladies Bingo Night when Ann Summers will be attending.

I don't care you are NOT playing that song on the radio.

Hey you two, Jo here. What is this song you are talking about ?


Josh I am with you on this. David you can play it on Friday evening but NO WAY in the
morning on the radio. In fact I will propose at Tuesday's board meeting that goes on Radio Love International's BANNED LIST.

Rachel what do you think ?

I will have to think about that LOL !

OK  then can I play this ?

What David ?


Josh sort him out will you !

Chairman Rachel came up with a brilliant idea yesterday. When she is on holiday in June she plans to ask bars and restaurants to play Radio Love International in return for a mention on the blog.

Should we play this ?

David, perhaps you should play something by MADNESS.  You are totally crazy.

Now that is a brilliant idea. How about this WELCOME TO THE HOUSE OF FUN ?  Is that now what Radio Love International is all about ?

It is a beautiful world isn't it ?

It is and with that let's end today's music blog. BEFORE DAVID COMES UP WITH ANOTHER SILLY SONG !

You mean something like this.

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