Saturday 10 February 2018

Worth waiting for ? Hope so !

Meet  Radio Love International's board of directors.

David aka The Geriatric DJ
Jo The Lady With The Big Smile And The Even Bigger Heart
Josh aka The Eternal Teenager 

Here we are yesterday in Asda Supermarket promoting Jo's Hope Easter Appeal for toys and books children who are having cancer treatment in hospital can relax with during their recovery.

On 18th January we published our first music page - we are coming next week to our first month of operation. In that time we have had over FIVE THOUSAND people listen to the music we play here each day.

Let's play some music.....................

We now have a growing diary of dates for our Radio Love International Roadshows.

We are all looking forward to our first Music Roadshow. First on Thursday afternoon David and Josh are setting up all of the equipment to test it. Josh is going to give the generator the once over ready for the sausage sizzle events.

With everything working our first roadshow is happening on Friday 23rd February - LADIES BINGO NIGHT.

David put it to the vote at the board meeting, he and Josh should not be obliged, being the only two men there, to wear drag. The motion was carried with David and Josh voting in favour and Jo abstaining.

Let's have some more music.

You can check our Roadshow Diary on the website - CLICK HERE

Within that first month of Radio Love International existing we have set up the Roadshow Diary with events as far as the summer. We are building our ON DEMAND play list. How many people listened to the music on this page yesterday ?

That's OK but we need to get the figure up to one thousand each and every day.

Where do you think Radio Love International has the greatest number of listeners ?  Have a guess.

Here - Atlanta Georgia USA.

Followed by New York and then San Francisco. 

This song is included in The Eternal Teenager's 1950's collection but let's play it here for our listeners in the US of A.

Thank You Mr President but strictly speaking we are not a radio station YET.

You can listen on this daily music page and you can listen on-demand from our YouTube content on the website.

MAY will be the time hen we actually do become an official and fully-fledged radio station broadcasting into the Internet.

We are in contact with the licencing authority and will be paying the licence fee in order to go live 24/7 in May.


At yesterday's meeting David was talking about having fun, being silly, smiling and making others smile. THAT SONG WAS NOT SILLY IT WAS STUPID.

Is it as silly as this song ?

David was typing all that above yesterday evening, he wa writing on behalf of all three team members.  Jo had gone to the theatre but in their respective homes David and Josh were chilling out and watching TV. Mrs Josh was scouring e-bay to see if there was anything there we could use in Radio Love International.

Josh, The Eternal Teenager, was hitting David with a constant stream of texts, phone calls and Facebook messages contributing to this music page. He popped this on his own Facebook page to promote Jo's Hope and the Ladies Bingo Night.

When we set up the Radio Love International team we gave Josh the nick-name Eternal Teenager. Actually he is 26 years old, rapidly going on 27. We used Marty Wilde as the image for him on this daily page and on the website. It was Marty, of course, who had the hit with Teenager In Love.

The two are uncannily alike aren't they ?

Take it away Marty -   we mean Josh.

Did you watch that video ? Flippin' Heck it IS Josh !  Josh is Radio Love International's Tmie Lord.

We are proud of our team, the three of us are good friends, NO GREAT FRIENDS with a single mind...........

Our minds focused on Radio Love International's mission.....................

Our team of three needs to become a team of four. It has to be at the top of our agenda to recruit someone who will take charge of generating sponsorship and advertising so we can take Radio Love International forward.

What music are these two numbers dancing to ?

Could it be this ?

We have banners like this on the daily page and we have a whole SHOPPING MALL of them on the website.  If anyone clicks a banner and then goes on to purchase something we receive a SMALL commission.

These banners are all very good and we have made £15.70 from them. What we need is a team member who will approach businesses of all kinds and sizes enthusing them with what we do and getting them to pay up front for banners to appear across all we are currently
doing.  Once we go live with 24/7 broadcasting our new team member would be in charge of selling advertising.

At this moment in time we are not thinkinking to be asking for a fortune, depending on the number of banner impressions between £2 and £20 a month. Surely the right team member could bring in dozens of sponsors and advertisers.
Could that person be you ?

Vinyl records are round, of course they are. So are modern CD's. Back in David's youth if a person was not in tune with the latest music he, or she, was called a SQUARE.

When David worked in a Birmingham department store, before he changed direction and became a teacher, opposite that department store was The Old Square.

Two people at that time had ideas for a record label. David wanted to call his THE OLD SQUARE RECORD COMPANY. It never happened as David became a teacher.

This guy had a similar idea. He did not change career and did set up a record label. Actually he is a bit older than David !

But HEY what a stupid name he devised for his record company !  

He got bored with music and turned the record label into an airline.


David is wondering if within Radio Love International we could set up THE OLD SQUARE RECORD SHOP within e-bay to buy and sell music memorabilia at a profit.

Josh and Jo could this be a way to generate some income for Radio Love International ?

Better play something for Richard we guess. When we were in Asda yesterday and Jo was speaking to customer services Josh and David shared a joke which was far too rude for a lady's tender ears and something Ofcom would have a heart attack if we were to play the song here so we will settle for this.

Better change the subject !

This is Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham, the tall building reaching for the sky. 24/7/365 this Mansion of Love cares for 64 families who have a child sick in Birmingham's Children's Hospital.  On Monday 5th March we are holding a music tombola for the families. All of the team will be there.

At the moment we are collecting prizes for the tombola. Would you send some love to the families ?  We need lots and lots and lots of gifts - an absolute MINIMUM of 64 - one per family. Drop David a line to add your gift.

Let's play some Brummie music for the families. How about this from Brummie Roy Wood and his Wizzard band.

 Let's have another.

HEY HERE'S AN IDEA !!!!!!!!!!

Anyone into face painting ?

Would you like to join us at the music tombola ?

Come and paint the faces of the families at Ronald McDonald House.


Face paint David so he looks just like Roy Wood !

Nothing to do with face painting but have a listen to this.

Released in 1977 that made number three in the UK charts. But did you know the band played at Bletchley Youth Centre ?  Tomorrow David and Josh are going to a meeting at Bletchley Youth Centre to talk about a 50th Anniversary Celebration. YES, Radio Love
International will be playing the music.

Milton Keynes Mayor, David Hopkins, will be there as guest of honour.  In his youth David attended Blechley Youth Centre and can remember Status Quo playing there.

Josh will be Radio Love International's DJ but we are fairly certain that Mayor David will be taking charge of the microphone.

David we know you love this song so let's play it for you now.  HOTEL CALIFORNIA by The Eagles.

Take it away David.

Time for Andy's Weather Report...................

If it's Weatherline time then it's time to play this....................

Yes, Radio Love International does have that song on vinyl.

Jo, you are not into Facebook are you ? Even if he is The Geriatric DJ David is a Facebook addict.  Josh is trying to catch him up. Yesterday Josh updated his facebook page with this image.

TWO THINGS !  David wants to know where you got that photograph of him to use. Secondly let's play this.

Back to Asda yesterday, back to that rude joke David and Josh cracked - the joke Jo missed - her ears are far too tender for that.  Mrs Josh and Maureen close your ears !  Josh pointed out that Valentine's Day is rushing up - THREE days to go. 

Radio Love International has this for the one you love.

OK - 6.50am so time to publish today's page. Time to play out with The Radio Love International theme tune.

NO DAVID that was the last song for today. NO NO NO you are NOT going to play that song at the Ladies Bingo Night.

He he OH YES I AM !

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