Wednesday 28 February 2018

Life is a ballet so point your toes

CLICK HERE and comment on today's music blog

So David, you went to watch the ballet last night.  Was it good ?

I  enjoyed it Josh.

That  sounds a bit reluctant to comment. How was it ?

I went to watch The Winter's Tale, a new ballet and not something traditional which our listeners would easily associate with ballet.

I went to watch The Winters Tale.

So how was it ?


The costumes were fantastic. The choreography probably the best I have seen in any ballet. The dancers took the story and were so clever in the way they mimed to present it to the audience.  Ryochi Hirang was superb as Leonteis, the lead role.

I can sense a BUT coming here.

BUT the music lacked the magic it needed to become anything more than background music to the action. It's always the same with a modern ballet.

I see. So can we play something from your favourite ballet ?

Sure. This is The Russian Dance from The Nutcracker.

We don't actually have any ballet music in our playlists at the moment do we ?

Not yet Josh.

But we do have a selection of opera on our website.

Can you play something ?

Of course. This comes from Carmen, I am going to watch Carmen on Tuesday.

Ok you two, take a rest and let Madam Chairman have a word.

Now then !

We added a link yesterday to the blog where listeners could post comments. I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO SAID ANYTHING !

Sorry Rachel............

I'll forgive you Jo.

So what did you write ?

I said this.

Lovley blog brilliant day yesterday so much kindness give the love going

So come on everyone add your comment today.  CLICK HERE and comment on today's music blog

Well they haven't had a lot to comment on yet Rachel, we haven't played much music.

Play some then Josh !

Hey thanks for playing that.

No problem Freddie.

We had a lot happen yesterday. David tell everyone about Willen Hospice.

Get your diaries out everyone and put in SUNDAY 22nd JULY.

We will be playing music and providing the PA at Willen Hospice fete.

WOW that's really great. Spread the love.

Can I play this now ?

Go on David.

That was the very first record my brother got. Yesterday he gave us some cash to buy prizes for the music tombola on Monday at Ronald McDonald. 

We have that song in the playlist for Monday ?

Yes Jo.

We are playing a silly game to the music ?

Yes Jo and you are leading the dancing.

Careful Josh !

How about we spend the money buying lots and lots and lots of lollipops for the game ?

We have that song don't we Josh ?

Yes Jo but it's rubbish and it's on vinyl, we are not taking the vinyl system to Ronald McDonald. NOBODY please comment on that song - it's **!!xxxte!

Well play something that isn't **!!xxxte! then.

That was for Graham at Auto Electric Services, a THANK YOU for fixing our generator.

David here now.......I went to pick up the now working generator from Graham. This weird. I was wondering if our speakers would be big enough to fill the field at the Willen Hospice fete. Then Graham said to me: I've got two big loudspeakers if you can use them.

A shiver ran down my spine I can tell you.

Better play this then !

I had an e-mail yesterday from Google. This picture I added to Google Reviews has been checked out a record 5,000 times !

Really ?

That's a bit special. Well done David.

Mayor David Hopkins will be playing music with us at an event on 5th May. 

Do you think we should play something for him now ?

Sure, I happen to know he likes this song.

That is so beautiful.

Yes Josh - almost as beautiful as you are.


Our Mayor is also a bit of a Status Quo fan. Perhaps we should play something by Status Quo for him.

Something to reflect this heatwave we are having in England ?

Something like this ?

Good idea.......................


We don't need paper knickers on Sunday we need thermal knickers when we play music at the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle.

Going to be flippin freezing !

Just so long as the music is HOT....................


Our music is always HOT.

Not when we play ON THE GOOD SHIP LOLIPOP it aint !

CLICK HERE and comment on today's music blog

Don't think I would like to set to sea in a ship called lollipop.

One more song then we had better publish the blog.

Has to be this doesn't it ?


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