Sunday 25 February 2018

Monday is Request Day

How about this for an idea ?

Let's make MONDAY our weekly request day.

YEH, we'll play requests and dedications every day but Monday will be the BIGGIE !

This morning I am taking our generator down to Willowbridge Marina, to Auto Electrical
Services where Graham is going to fix it ready for the Jo's Hope Sausage Sizzle on Sunday.  MEGA THANKS GRAHAM.

It's years since I have been to Willowbridge Marina. There used to be a motor garage there by the name of Ox and Bucks Auto Electrics, I was always taking my old Austin Mai there.

Graham, your company did not grow out of that business did it by any chance ?

Graham said it is thirty-six years since we last saw each other.

If I still had that Austin Maxi today I bet it would be worth a fortune.

I wonder what ever happened to it. 

I wonder if the owner after me ever did manage to balance its twin carburettors.

Thirty-six years ago today this was number one in the charts. Graham and Auto Electrical Services let me play it for you now.

Graham do you remember a crazy Leon teacher - Eric Shelton ?  Mad in the classroom but a wizard with anything mechanical and a genius with a welding kit. He kept that Austin Maxi LITERALLY in one piece.

Our music blog readership yesterday increased a little.  I popped a link to the blog on the Sheffield Wednesday fans page inviting people to read my match report from Saturday.

Thanks to all who checked us out.

On my agenda, my doings list for today is to contact the club and organise Radio Love International's support programme for the club's community service project.

Josh is worried about getting Caribbean Steel Drum music into our play lists. Here's something I found and really like. 

Sheffield is THE STEEL CITY. Round the world there are thousands of steel drums playing beautiful music. Many of those drums would be fifty, even more, years old. Be the drums in Barbados, be them in London, be them anywhere in the world they were made in SHEFFIELD.

At Friday's Ladies Bingo Night I put out a clipboard inviting people to make requests to be
played here on the music blog. It did not get circulated very much.  I think everyone was far too involved in the games !

Games ?  

I do not mean the BINGO games.

Rachel requested we play this for her husband David.

Here you go.

Charlotte asked us to play this for her husband Fraser.  I like UB40.

Two requests from two ladies for their husbands. Terri requested this for her HUSBAND TO BE................

A friend posted this on Facebook yesterday.


The silly, bouncy and positive me was a million miles away.

I was tired, feeling burned out and my football club had been thrashed on Saturday.

I tried to catalogue the 1,000+ 7 inch vinyl singles we have but my eyes could not focus on the labels. I did not get beyond half way through the letter C.

I packed up all of the tombola gifts we have received from so many lovely people for the Ronald McDonald event one week today. That lifted my spirits a bit. We were 34 gifts short of the 100 we need for the party games.

Not a problem.  I would pop to Morrissons and buy 34 bags of sweets. You can buy 3 for two quid. If I got thirty-six that would cost me twelve pounds and there would be two left over for me to eat myself !

I popped something about the tombola on Facebook. Within thirty minutes THREE wonderful people came forward with many more offers than the 34 we need.

One kind person wished to remain anonymous so I am respecting that, one was my brother
and one Leonite Dianne and her daughter's TWICE BOUTIQUE.

I want to play this next song for you all.

I am not a great Michael Jackson fan myself but I do like his songs from when he was a child.  Yesterday I needed a friend, I was BEN from the song. THREE people stepped forward and said Ben You've Got A Friend In Me.

I awoke at two this morning. It was cold. I got up and turned the heating on. 5.30am, the house is lovely and warm.  There are weather warnings stretching out to the end of the week. It may not be Christmas but perhaps we should invite Michael to sing another song for us.

The next seven inch vinyl single I have to add to the catalogue is CLASH CITY ROCKERS. That comes from 1978 and is part of a precious collection Dianne gave to us in memory of her husband.

Let's play it now.

An hour ago I was bringing today's music page towards its conclusion. Suddenly my laptop made an ear-splitting buzzing sound then died. Restarting it Microsoft hijacked everything to install one of its sad pathetic downgrading updates.  When the damn thing eventually restarted the screen had been twisted through ninety degrees. With the cursor meandering round like a three legged dog on weed it took for ever to get into the settings area and put things right.

This is a beautiful world full of beautiful people but Microsoft is NOT included in that world. 

Before Microsoft screws anything more up I am going to play a final request.

Yesterday I was thinking this theme could be used to open each day's broadcasting when Radio Love International goes live in May.

Powerful ?  NO I am NOT going to play that version for Microsoft.  The inward looking, self-congratulating geeks would have it sould like this !

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