Sunday 4 February 2018

Lots of music - lots of dedications

Good morning one and all.  It's The Geriatric DJ, sometimes known as David, writing today's page. 

It is now 3.12am and too early for Andy to have yet filed his weather report. It is, or was, so cold in bed I got up to turn the heating on.  My eyes are not properly focusing yet but I know I will not be able to get back to sleep so here I am at the laptop starting the day.

When Andy files his report I will bring it to you all but here's a piece of music which sums up the temperature.

For those who do not know what a LEONITE is let me explain he or she is a former student of mine from the good old days when I was head of year at Leon School.

One of my students is Chris. Chris is now managing director of a plumbing and heating company. He posted this on Facebook a couple of days ago.  Chris has a dry but very funny sense of humour, I love his posts. It rather looks as if Chis is about to diversify and include hot tubs in his business empire.

To help him launch this new string to his company I played yesterday the song I'm For Ever Blowing Bubbles. Chris came back with a suggestion that I play a different song.

Well Chris here you go................

As I write today 's page and play music I have some bits and pieces to share so enjoy the music and dance through the words I am typing.

Audience figures for the daily page are still a bit low.

But just look at the audience graph for our website !

That rapid rise is down to people now using our on-demand page - have you CHECKED IT OUT ?

Rachel told me yesterday that she listened to our 1970's collection.

Josh is busy writing playlists and is chasing me for music we used to play at Leon Disco. The Leonites are having a reunion next month, Josh is playing the music. On Wednesday Josh, Rachel and I are meeting to plan the event, Josh wants his playlist finished by then.

A while back I put on YouTube a collection of 28 songs we used to play. I have given Josh the link. Here are a couple for you to bop to now.



And this of course...........

Monday 14th May 2018, put that date in your diary. I am SUGGESTING this could be the date to SOFT launch Radio Love International as an on-line radio station.  We could start with 24/7 music from the playlists Josh and I are compiling then start to drop in live shows from presenters as we bring them into the team to work towards a full launch in the late autumn, say Monday 1st October.  Josh, myself and Jo will all present shows but we will need a much bigger team than just the three of us.

Josh aka The Eternal Teenager is now half way through his 1950's back to back playlist. With songs from the 1950's lasting no longer than two and a half minutes there is a lot of work involved to compile a full hour of music.

Jo is organising another Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings in Milton Keynes on Sunday 4th
March. Now that is a date to put in your diary, trust me Jo's sausages are delicious and every bite you take will support Jo's Hope with its exciting programmes in three different areas: post surgery bras for cancer patients, supporting ex-offenders and showing kindness to those who are homeless. 

Radio Love International will be there playing music, handing out sweets and balloons while we draw people in to the sizzle and take requests to play on Radio Love International.

Josh said to me yesterday that I would need to be in charge of classical music as he did not understand it.  I will educate him, have no fear.  I mentioned punk music, not my thing but some people like it. When I said that Josh just ignored me !

We do have a back to back hour of classical music....................

I think I am going to put together a back to back hour of opera. This is something I really love.

That is so beautiful as is this.

I just found someone had posted this on Facebook.

Radio Love International has its own Director of Smiles - Jo.

It is the mission of Radio Love International to make people smile.

We are at the very early stages with Radio Love International but wouldn't it be great if we could take it to the same level as Facebook, to make it the biggest radio station in the world ?

OK so we would all become fantastically rich, a bit like Mr Z and Facebook but we would all give the majority of the money to good causes.  That's part of our mission to use the smiles and the love to support good causes.

Please pop along to Twice Boutique and support this fun little project they have running.

Let's have some music........

One of our listeners, Paul, put this up on Facebook. He said it was his porno pose !

Paul mate you are the only porn star who keeps his clothes on, not that I know any porn stars. Just continue to keep your clothes on mate.

I'll play you a bit of music in a moment but am wondering if you may like to join the Radio Love International Team.

Josh is building up a team of music moderators who will listen to what we play and give him some feedback. Paul you went to a good school so you know when you compile your reports there are two B's in RUBBISH.

Anyone interested in being one of our moderators please drop Josh a line:  

Paul. here's that bit of music for you.

Much of Facebook's success is down to Paul. Donald Trump may be the king of Twitter but Paul Foster is King of Facebook.  Following a post he made I followed the link and ended up with this.

I used to be really good looking didn't I.

These days it would take a very special artist to do anything with my ugly mug. My favourite artist is L S Lowry. When Radio Love International does indeed become the biggest radio station in the world and I am a multi-billionaire I will own an original Lowry painting.

Until then have a listen to this.

I love that song and I love L S Lowry.

Back to Josh's team of moderators. Rachel and Dianne have said they will help so let's play something for them.

Dianne this is for you.

And Rachel I know you are a great David Essex fan..................

I saw David Essex perform that live in Evita.

Today I have asked you to put some dates in your diary. I must remind you to put Wednesday 14th February into your diary. It is the most important day of the year.  I have also been talking about playlists, give this playlist to that special person on Valentine's Day.

A lot of music today, that is how it should be. Let's play out with the Radio Love International signature tune.

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