Tuesday 12 June 2018

3 x Beautiful




What a day yesterday. Lucy Dog, bless her, decided she wanted the loo at 2am. Taking her to the loo my  head was full of thoughts so I sat at the laptop for an hour and did a bit of work. Went back to bed and tried to sleep but no good.

I was excited.

Maureen and I were driving to Wigan, actually I was driving while Maureen relaxed in the passenger seat !

Along with Jake and Lucy Dog we were off to the head office of Shearings Holidays for the naming of Coach Rebekah. I knew were were in for a lovely day but I had no idea just how special it was going to be.
WARNING this is going to be a long blog today so let's have some music shall we ?  Shearings CEO Richard this song is for you.
Back home I snatched a few moments to chill before heading to the Ballet and Swan Lake.  More of that later.

A quick check of the emails, there was something from Trevor at Hillsborough.

Hi David

Congratulations on the nomination and we all wish you every success.
That is a terrific acknowledgement and fingers crossed you come out on top.
All the very best as always and thank you for your support.
Trevor.Director of Communications
Sheffield Wednesday 
S6 1 SW
Hey Trevor you have voted for me haven't you ?

I saw this shirt hanging on the office wall at  Searings, blue and white but that does not look like a Wednesday kit to me.


Let's leave Sheffield and return to Wigan but first some more music, something where I am not on the stage singing !

I never was that much of a Beatles fan as a teenager we lads let the girls do the screaming after the Fab Four.


Wigan was at the epicentre of LOVE yesterday.

Such lovely, beautiful people at Shearings Holidays. These special people came up with an idea to name their coaches after different people. Isn't that lovely ?

Yesterday two coaches were named. One after a young man
seen here, good to meet you and your family Tom and one after Rebekah.

Please forgive me, our usual readers....let me explain for our friends in Wonderful Wigan.

When Rebekah passed away  her friends took her cheeky and infectious smile to set up OurRebekah supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities.

As well as raising around five thousand pounds for the charity we have done a lot to raise awareness of the work it does. Charlotte, right, will soon be running a half marathon for OurRebekah.

Out of this grew Radio Love International where it is COOL
TO PLAY HOT MUSIC.  We run this daily music blog, have our YouTube Channel and take music into the community to support good causes. We are working towards becoming a fully fledged internet radio station before the end of the year.

Of course I hope I win the two awards I have been nominated for MOST INSPIRATIONAL FATHER and MOST INSPIRATIONAL MAN. Voting closes on Sunday but win or lose we are taking the
nominations to add a third finger to our hand.... LET'S INSPIRE.

OK, with that said, back to Wigan and those beautiful people at Shearings. Time for some more music.....

SORRY ABOUT THAT !  No, that is NOT an example of Radio Love International being cool playing hot music !

Walking round the head office of Shearings Leisure Group it was obvious this was a happy place to work.

WHERE HAPPINESS TRAVELS is not just an empty statement but a reality. How much happiness will be given to those who travel on Coach Rebekah ?

One of the projects within LET'S INSPIRE is to inspire people to write. We have lots of ideas but right now we are developing a programme where we want friends to write their own blogs, link them to this blog and get people to have a smile as they read them.

Radio Love International's Director of Music, Josh, will be writing a blog. We call Josh THE ETERNAL TEENAGER, at twenty seven years of age he looks a lot younger. So should his blog be called CONFESSIONS OF THE ETERNAL TEENAGER ?

OR....how about this ? DIARY OF THE CHERIO KID ?

Josh is addicted to Cherios !  Hey, Shearings do you serve Cherios in your hotels ?



That would work !  Vicci, head of social media at Shearings, what do you think ?

NO, that's not Jeremy Corbyn. It's our city's mayor at Sunshine Smile Day. With him is Radio Love International Chairman Rachel. She and her husband, David, are off on holiday today.  SORRY SHEARINGS, they are not going on one of your trips but are flying to Greece. David and Rachel this piece of music is to make you smile on your holiday.  David, pease get some video of rachel dancing to this...............

Maureen is a frequent Shearings Holidaymaker. If truth be told she goes off a couple of times a year to get away from me.

This year I managed to grab a holiday away from SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED.

Shearings, do you have a coach holiday to San Francisco ?  If you do book me a seat.

Just one condition.

You let me take the wheel to drive Coach Rebekah down Lombard Street.

I have driven a 'bus down Lombard Street. 

Honestly I have.

Yeh, well it was a mini 'bus but it still was a 'bus wasn't it ?

If it had been a Shearings Coach in America the heating would not have broken down, Buddy Holly would not have chartered that aircraft. He, The Big Bopper and Richie Valens would still be with us.

Nobody would ever have heard of The Night The Music Died.

Jake and Lucy were also guests at the coach naming ceremony yesterday.

Hey, you do know that Jake is a movie star don't you ?


Take a look at this.......

I asked Shearings if they ran holidays to Sheffield. They do not.

Trevor, club director at Wednesday, you have got the boys to Vote for me haven't you ?

You know the champagne and cakes I sometimes leave in the dressing room ?  if the boys have not voted for me next season it will be orange juice and Mars Bars..... SOUR orange juice and out of date Mars Bars !

Now SHEARINGS here's an idea for you.  Let me explain.

On Sunday I went to watch THAT'LL BE THE DAY.

To have been a teenager in the days of Rock and Roll you would be in mid seventies today. (I am not that old ! HONESTLY but I do like Rock and Roll.) The theatre was packed with old biddies who hobbled to their seats. However, when the music started they were up, out of their seats and bopping like crazy.

So what do you think ?

Fill Coach Rebekah, sell tickets to old biddies, nobody under seventy five allowed onboard.

I will come along in my Geriatric DJ costume.

Drive the coach round the M25 while I get the YOUNG biddies bopping.

There are only two types of music...




I will play both !

I'll bring a box of pineapples for this song.


Talking of being silly.....

When we held Sunshine Smile Day we had lots if people dressed up in costume.

We kept teasing Josh that he had to wear a mankini.

Josh is a fan of the movie KINKY BOOTS.  The stage show is coming to a theatre near us in October. I am taking Josh and his wife to see a performance.

As soon as I got back from Wigan yesterday I went to see a performance of Swan Lake. On my way home from the
theatre I dropped into Mr & Mrs Josh's home. I suggested that at the next Radio Love International Roadshow Josh could decide which costume he would like to wear:   Mankini, Kinky Boots or Ballet Tights !

SHEARINGS HOLIDAYS I bet you could sell seats on a coach to watch that !

Let's have some music.  

Rebekah was always known as Little Miss Sunshine. This is my favourite version of the song.

When Rebekah died just over a year ago I wondered how I would cope without her. For Maureen, I and all our family it was so hard. Friends raced round to cover us in love. 

OurRebekah took Beck's smile to support families with a child sick in hospital.

Radio Love International uses the smile in all of its music.

Now Let's Inspire is using the smile to do some special things.

The fun....the love...the laughter never stop coming.

The beautiful people at Shearings Coaches.... Their beautiful idea to name coaches....BEAUTIFUL COACHES.......Made TUESDAY 12th June 2018 a VERY SPECIAL DAY.


It now remains to click the mouse and publish today's blog. How many people will read it ? How many will enjoy the music. SHEARINGS as we say THANK YOU let's hope we can set a new record and pass the day we crashed Google Blogger !

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