Wednesday 13 June 2018

I dare you to read this !

OMG will you look at that !

Where on earth did I get those shorts ?  

And look at the tee shirt six sizes too small.

YES, that's me !

Taken in the early 1980's when I was half my current age, taken on a school holiday in Cornwall.  THANK YOU to my LEONITE friend for sending in that pic !

What are the chances of that antique photograph going viral ?

It's 3.32am. I was laying in bed awake. My mind was buzzing with ideas for today's blog. Not being able to sleep I crawled downstairs to start work. Then I found on Facebook that pic from LEONITE Ian and just had to change the opening bit of today's page.

OK.... this is how I had originally planned to start the blog.....

HAPPY SMILING PEOPLE please read today's page....



Close the page...we don't need you !

RIGHT let's get serious.  SERIOUS...what's that ?  I am rewriting all of the web pages for OurRebekah, for Radio Love International and for Let's Inspire, quite a task which I think will take until the middle of August to finish but I would like to share now some bits and pieces. Bits and pieces within which I need your help.

BITS AND PIECES.... just got to play this !

Do you own a shop ?  Do you work in a shop, cafe, pub ?  Do
you know anyone who does ?  Do you have contact with a local community centre ?  Sports club ?  Social Club ?

Can we bring our music to you ?

PLEASE can you help fill our music diary right up to Christmas.

This page isn't finished yet. It's still a work in progress. Isn't what they say these days ?  Translated..I haven't got my act together yet.

Happy, fun smiling people can I send you ten smilie stickers ?

Boring, sad old gits what are you doing reading this page anyway ? GO AWAY.

Fantasies Of A Geriatric DJ, that's going to be the title of my next book.

Josh and I went to the pub yesterday. OK, so neither of us drink, I had a lemonade and he had a Diet Coke. Diet Coke !  Diet Coke when he is as skinny as he is !

We were talking, over the lemonade and the Diet Coke, about recruiting people to write their own blogs so developing this page into a network of blogs.

Tomorrow Josh will be working on his first page in his blog.

Back in the car The Geriatric DJ was trying to educate The Eternal Teenager in punk rock. Josh was NOT amused. No, I'll not play Who Killed Bambi and I will not play Friggin In The Riggin but I will play this.

YES, we do have that on original 7" vinyl.

BLOG ! Can I persuade you to write a blog ?

Yesterday I did get my act together so the page explaining how it all works and how to start writing is finished and published. CLICK HERE.

Come on all you happy, smiling people GET CLICKING.

Miserable old sods why are you still reading this page.

Watch my lips.... G O    A W A Y !

With Rachel away  on holiday....... is the sun shining in
Greece ? There are only two directors left here in Sunny England... Josh and myself. You know Josh is so serious at times I do love winding him up. I did, however, get him to take this photograph yesterday.

That's something I want to use in a future writing project...LEGENDS OF A GREAT CITY. Great city yeh but there will be a chapter within it called MONSTROSITIES OF MILTON KEYNES.

Could be a long chapter !  He he he !

This was filmed in Milton Keynes.  Couldn't happen today. The film crew could not afford the pip off parking charges. Have to fund the council's inefficiency some how.

David stop being negative. Play something silly.

DOGATHON... There's a new word to add to the dictionary. I am going on a DOGATHON this afternoon.

Jake and his girlfriend Lucy are meeting up with Bonnie and Indi for a LONG walk this afternoon.

We are driving to Hunsbury Park in Northampton.

Should be a great afternoon.

Have to drive to Northampton. I called the bank but they would not give me a big enough overdraft to park at Willen lake in Milton Keynes where the Parks Mistrust rival Milton Keynes Council and its rip off parking charges.

Having told the sad old gits to SOD OFF I wonder if any Milton Keynes Council or Milton Keynes Parks Mistrust sad old gits are still reading.

More music.

Rachel, just played that for you. Hope you are enjoying your holiday in Greece.

4.42am... I've been writing for just over an hour.

NO, the time has not quite come for me to stop writing.

All you  happy smiling people YOU HAVE CHECKED OUT THOSE PAGES HAVEN'T YOU ?

Get clicking !

Voting in the Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards closes on Sunday. You have voted for me haven't you ? I am up for Inspirational Father and Inspirational Man.

I want to win so we can ALL use the title to inspire those SAD OLD GITS to become HAPPY, SMILING PEOPLE.

5am and I need to go back to bed and sleep for a bit but here's a thought. If there was a category for the most inspiring shorts and another for the most inspiring tee shirt I would win without any question.

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