Friday 1 June 2018

Will you join the team ?


Putting this picture on Facebook yesterday evening I thought it may start a bit of controversy !

It pulled a few comments but me minus my trousers did not exactly shake the Earth.

I spent £18 to buy a dress shirt for The Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards.  I looked at suits but decided to wear the jacket I had worn both for Rebekah's Wedding and for her funeral.  YES, YES, YES I do have some trousers to go with it all !

I have been nominated as The Most Inspirational Man and The Most Inspirational Father. It is just a few weeks ago that I met Ben, Managing Director of Heslop's Removals. Ben has been nominated in the Upcoming Entrepreneur category. Ben is not able to attend but has asked me to receive the award  on his behalf if he wins.

If you were at SUNSHINE SMILE DAY you will know what an incredible guy Ben is. He took our little idea for a music roadshow and turned it into the extravaganza it was. He did that in just 3 weeks.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO LIVE IN MILTON KEYNES TO VOTE. This page will have an international readership so no matter where you are click the link and vote for Ben. You can also vote for me if you feel like it.

I am desperate to win THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL MAN. I do not want to win this for my own ego. Neither do I want to
win and hold it for twelve months yet do nothing with it. As I ask people to vote for me I should tell you what I would like to do as Milton Keynes Most Inspirational Man.

Working on my autobiography yesterday I added this random memory.

Let me share this then I will explain more.

As a teacher and head of year I did nick one or two ideas from my own school days and grafted them into my management.

In the sixties every school had a harvest festival, goodness only knows what happened to the produce. Cynically I wonder if it graced the dining tables of the school’s staff members.

At Boldmere High School For Boys our headmaster came up with the idea that we should have a tinned harvest festival, no fresh produce only cans. It was bonkers but had some credibility. Perhaps. It meant staff members could store things over a longer period before eating them.

When I became head of year at Leon School I decided we would have an annual tinned harvest festival. No, the cans did not fill my larder at home. Harvest Festival was postponed until early December. Students packed the five hundred or so gifts which we then took to the old folks home across the road from the school to be used in meals during the run up to Christmas.

My tinned harvest festivals were always a success.  Perhaps schools today may like to pick up on the idea and give their collection to The Food Bank.

I am going to ask friends at Milton Keynes Food Bank to look at today's page. How about WE inspire as many schools as
we possibly can to hold a TINNED HARVEST FESTIVAL next term with everything going to The Food Bank ?

I am guessing a school could collect five hundred items. How many schools are there in Milton Keynes. Google tell me ! There are more than one hundred.  500 x 100 comes to HALF A MILLION !

Let's set a modest target. Ten percent of schools catch the vision and take part. They collect 350 tins each. 3,500.

Let's start with that as a target then SMASH IT.

I am going to ask friends at Radio CRMK to take a look at this page and see if they could help promote such a project.


Work with me to inspire schools up and down our city to take this on.

I DID NOT start Leon Disco you know.  It was NOT my idea. It was Headmaster Bradshaw who came up with everything
then dumped it on me to organise and make happen.

I have all the gear, the traditional vinyl disco twin deck, lights and so on and an amazing collection of records.

It has always been a dream to enthuse the teenagers of today with the music we knew and loved.

I was chatting the other day to Leonite Paul Foster, I ran the idea past him that we start a new disco, teach the teenagers
how to use the equipment, enthuse them with the music then offer schools retro discos.

Would you like to be a part of that happening ?


Radio Love International was my idea coming out of my resigning from a failing radio station. Radio Love International has a clear vision:

We have taken music into the community many, many times. A quick check, 58,557 people have read our music blog since we first started publishing it.

Make no mistake Radio Love International is OPERATING and succeeding. We ARE rocking all over the world.

When I was chatting on Radio CRMK the other week, talking about Radio Love International, I said it is not hard to set up
a radio station but it is VERY involved.

Here's Josh trying to repair my garage so we can make it into a temporary studio for Radio Love International.

Hopefully Monday and Tuesday next week we can finish everything. THEN the following week, Monday 11th June onward, we can begin some test broadcasts into YouTube ahead of becoming a fully fledged internet radio station in the Autumn. YES, YouTube has accepted us as a live broadcaster into the system.

Radio Love International has a team of three: Yours Truly, Rachel and Josh. We are not going to get very far with just three of us.


I love our NHS everyone who knows me knows that !

I was very upset when I failed to win a seat on the board of governors at University Hospital Milton Keynes. I had wanted so much to use the role to thank and show love to the incredible staff who work within the NHS and particularly University Hospital Milton Keynes.  I am not sure how but if I were Milton Keynes Inspirational Man something could be put together.

Homeless, rough sleeping is a terrible comment on twenty first century life.  IT IS A DISGRACE.

It is a disgrace how Milton Keynes Council is failing through gross incompetence to even understand the problem let alone bring our city remotely towards a solution. The council just will not engage. This is YOUR council spending YOUR council tax money.

Many charities tinker round the edges of the problem but some are actually hurting rather than helping.

Could I inspire you to force Milton keynes Council to employ its resources properly ?  Could I inspire you to make a difference in this challenging situation ?


A year ago, very quickly after her death, OurRebekah was set up. We took Beck's cheeky and infectious smile as our logo.

Lovely Charlotte is running a half marathon for OurRebekah to support Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

CLICK HER to support and sponsor Charlotte.

Radio Love International published its first daily music blog in January. It took as its logo Little Miss Sunshine's smile.

BUT having the title is an empty and pointless ego trip unless I can do something with it...............

I am desperate to win ! But when I win I will need a team of people round me to use the title and INSPIRE people to make a difference.


Will you work with me to take the inspiration out and spread it far and wide to make a difference.


We used Beck's cheeky and infectious smile at the centre of OurRebekah.  It is the logo for Radio Love International.The team could use this as we seek to INSPIRE people.


Wednesday next week is going to be a hard day for me. It is the anniversary of Beck's funeral. I am going to be a bit of a recluse that day.

TUESDAY 12th June is going to be a FANTASTIC DAY.

Maureen and I are going to the head office of Shearings Holidays for a ceremony to name one of their coaches REBEKAH in honour of our beautiful daughter and her smile.

SUNDAY 17th June voting closes in the Milton Keynes Inspiration Awards. VOTE FOR ME and VOTE FOR BEN HESLOP.  Get me up on the stage THREE TIMES.  REMEMBER anyone, anywhere in the world can vote YOU DO NOT NEED TO LIVE IN MILTON KEYNES.....

(Why play that ?  Life is more fun if you are silly !)

How about this then ? Rather more more sensible.......

FRIDAY 22nd June is the awards dinner we will know if I have won the award.

I am then going away for the week end to spend time with my granddaughters in Bristol.  When I come home on the TUESDAY  let's hit the road running. Will you be part of my team and use the title to inspire people to make this a more beautiful world.

Radio Love International
A Tinned Harvest Festival
The Homeless
Retro Disco


Let's have a fantastic and inspirational year !

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