Sunday 3 June 2018

Let's Inspire

Voting in the MILTON KEYNES INSPIRATIONAL AWARDS closes on Sunday 17th June. Winners are announced on Friday 22nd June at the gala dinner. 

THANK YOU to all who have voted for me. I have been nominated in two categories MOST INSPIRATIONAL FATHER and MOST INSPIRATIONAL MAN. While I am still campaigning I think I have probably collected all the votes I am going to from readers of this daily blog. I am guessing I have about 50 votes. 100 I would think should secure me a win, 200 would make it certain. Would you ask your husbands, wives, children (there is no lower age limit), friends, aunties, uncles, cousins, nextdoor neighbours, people at work, ANYONE to please VOTE FOR ME.

With fingers crossed I am looking for people who will work with me if I win to use the award to inspire people around us to make this a more beautiful world.

Josh is coming round today to help me sort out my garage and turn it into a temporary studio for Radio Love International. We think we will be able to have it finished and operational by Tuesday evening.

By the end of the week we will start some test broadcasting
into YouTube.

Yesterday afternoon Josh was sharing some of his ideas with me which I found truly inspirational.

It's Josh's 27th birthday on Sunday 10th June. Help our friend celebrate by sending him a card.  His address is 70 North 12th Street Central Milton Keynes MK9 3BT.

Josh is writing his life story, an autobiography which he will publish on Amazon. I think this could become a best seller.

My own writing, my own books published on Amazon, are selling quite well. I want to use the royalties to help fund inspirational projects. Royalties from THE BRIDGE HOUSE will be donated to Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

I want to inspire people of all ages to write. I want to run a story writing competition in schools. I write this daily blog, Josh told me yesterday he plans to start something similar. Could we inspire friends anywhere and everywhere to write blogs then use Radio Love International to share these blogs ?

In my Time Travel Trilogy I have great fun travelling back in time to three different experiences.

It will cost you 99p to download a copy of the trilogy. CLICK HERE.

I travel back to visit my grandfather in the trenches of World War One. I return to my youth and relive much of the story told in my TEENAGE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I then indulge myself becoming a DJ on a pirate radio station.

I always dreamed of being a Radio DJ. NO Radio Love International is NOT a pirate radio station.

The Time Travel Trilogy ends by challenging the reader, INSPIRING the reader, to  pick three times they would like to travel to and to write about it.

HEY, if you had three wishes what would they be ?

I had this thought running through my mind yesterday. It would not go away. These would be my three wishes.

My first wish would be for a skink hole to open infront of the monstrosity known as THE HUB in the centre of our city then for the entire thing to fall into it and never be seen again.

Second would be for Jeremy Corbyn to to have a sex change, join an order or carmelite nuns and never be seen again. be the proud owner of a Triumph TR7 sports car.

SILLY ?  Fun !

I am now 12,951 words into writing my memories from the days when I was a teacher. I think the book, RANDOM MEMORIES, will be available both as a paperback and an ebook on Amazon by the end of the week.

THANK YOU to those who sent me comments to add to my memory of the dinosaur sculpture we built at the bottom of Leon School field. So many commented on the time capsule students buried there.

This set me thinking of something else we could inspire people to do.

How about families putting together their own personal time capsules, say doing this on 31st December 2018. They could include anything they wished about their family and family life. Time capsules could be buried or kept safe for twenty five years to be opened on 31st December 2043, OMG I will be 93 years old then. Wouldn't it be a lot of fun ? Not to be 93 years of age I mean !

Something I am very keen to inspire is to have schools hold TINNED HARVEST FESTIVALS this coming autumn with all of the tins donated to The Food Bank.

If I win the award as THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL MAN this is something I want to start working on straight away.

Of course I have to win the nomination first.

I am quite excited that Radio Love International will soon start broadcasting into YouTube. We will use the summer to get everything working properly then go live as an internet radio station in the autumn.

Those first broadcasts will be a double act featuring The Eternal Teenager and The Geriatric DJ.

This is a beautiful world. If I can win THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL MAN will you work with me, using Radio Love International and its music, to inspire people to spread the love and make it an even better place.

IF I WIN I am going to need that enthusiastic team around me to take the inspiration and share it with people to make this a more beautiful world. Will you help me ?  Without that help, without a team of friends working with me our music will be out of tune and the award for me nothing more than an ego trip.

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