Monday 25 June 2018

Poorly !

My laptop is SICK. Te keyboard keeps stickin wit certain keys simply not workin at all. I now ave a laptop wit its own typo system built in. To add to te problem MICROSOFT, dont you ate Microsoft, screwed up te spellcecker on oole Bloer wit its last downradin update !

Hence wen I write anything it appear like the red text above.
To make any intelligence of what I compose I have to cut and paste letters for the keys which are stuck. This takes about FOUR times thnormal to write anything.

Normally I wipe out my cut and paste area before publishing the blog but today, to explain my dilemma I will leave it in.

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Today I want to explain the LETS INSPIRE writing project ten to remind you about Sundays Boot Sale. Then right
at the end of the page I will draw you attention to the Food Bank and homeless projects I told you about on previous blog pages.

I am writing my new book to help the Lets Inspire Writing Project. Yesterday I scribbled about 2,000 words into my notebook but with my poorly laptop I am not even going to attempt to type them up.

I plan to but a wired keyboard, plug it in and hope that will give my laptop a few more weeks of life.

Sharing th draft text on a special blog which I started two days aghas thus far had SIX HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN READERS...SIX is another key on my laptop which refuses
to function.

In the story you may have so far been able to read CLICK HERE for that special blog, Rock and Roll Star Jimmy as been given a part as an extra in an Elvis Presley movie.  Following behind his bi brother as is secretary kid brother Max becomes friends with the star of the film who arranges a part for him.

The brothers in the story are now going their separate ways. Jimmy finds his music is  in decline as Rock and Roll is
being taken over by new sixties sounds.  Max becomes a DJ on a pirate radio station, the first DJ on the first pirate radio station. At eighteen years of aghe plays this as the first song on the first proramme on the first pirate radio station. 

I am writing the story in the first person so I am Max, Max of course is my pen name.  I am writing the book for
Josh Morgan, I will explain more of that if I may.

Josh is 27 years old but looks so much younger, lucky sod ! I nicknamed  him The Eternal Teenager. In the book Max takes on this as his DJ name. However, Max is a teenager NOT in love. He knows whhe wants to love but their paths only crossed once, two years ago near the start of my book. Her name is Julie. Max plays this as th second song on Pirate Radio Station Jolly Roger.
If you know your pop music history you will know this song was a hit a year after the time I am writing, poetic licence ranted to every author.

Josh Morgan appears in the book as a DJ.  Morgan ?  That
is the name of a famous REAL pirate from history. Pirate Henry Morgan.

In the book Josh becomes DJ Pirate Morgan. He and Max are part of The Magnificent Seven, thmusic team on Radio Jolly Roger: Randy Raymond, Nicolas aka Knickerless Girls Should Not Climb Trees, Seb Goody, Ponytail Pete and Ossie Bainbridge. The broadcasting and technical side of tings is in the care of Wireless Willy !

YES, there is innuendo and some tongue in the cheek adult humour in the story. 

This is the third song DJ Max plays:

The wedding song from Blue Hawaii.

So will Max fall in love ?  Will Max have is own weddin ?  WE will ALL have to wait and see. I have not written that bit yet !

The Fantasies Of A Geriatric DJ is part of the LETS INSPIRE WRITING PROJECT. You can find details of this on the website so CLICK HERE

A couple of updates if I may suggest.....

1. We could extend the school writing project to include middle schools.

2. We could serialise some of my stories in The Smile and encourage homeless rough   sleepers in our city to write. CLICK HERE to find out more about this project. Scroll down, the project is in the second bit
of the blog.

Who do you consider to be the most inspirational childrens writer of all time ?

J K Rowling ?  DO NOT BE SILLY !

Roald Dhal ? I think he comes in second.

For me it is Enid Blyton.

In her day Enid was despised by teachers who said her stories were too simple, sexist and middle class. RUBBISH !  Se inspired more people tan any other writer to write their own stories.

If only I could inspire people to write as dear old  Enid Blyton did.

OK CLICK HERE for  the LETS INSPIRE Food Bank page. Tomorrow I will speak about TEEN CHALLENGE. To end ere is te boot sale informaation. I willeaad out in a wile to et a keyboard for my sick laptop !


SUNDAY next week we are having a CAR BOOT SALE.

I will be going to the boot sale at MK Bowl bright and early on Sunday 1st July, they tell me I can be there for FIVE in the morning. I will be there and at the FRONT of the queue to get in. 

DO ME A FAVOUR. Turn out your cupboards and bombard me wit things to sell. 

Josh and Jelena Morgan are going to work with me FULL TIME setting up LETS INSPIRE projects, taking RADIO LOVE INTERNATIONAL out on  the road to spread the love.

This will be the ONLY income my friends have. Once we ave everything up and running in the autumn we can pay them properly from the advertising income generated by the roadshow fliers. 

We also need cash NOW to get the projects running.

have put some more car boot sale dates in my diary.
So we ave next Sunday 1st July at MK Bowl

Saturday 7th July Irish Centre
Saturday 21st July Irish Centre
Saturday 28th July Irish Centre
Saturday 4th August  Irish Centre
Saturday 18th August  Irish Centre
Saturday 1st September Irish Centre


At each boot sale the first £50 will to to Josh and Jelena. The next £50 will help to fund set up costs for the LETS INSPIRE PROJECTS. Any money beyond the £100 we will divide equally.

£100 per sale ad to be the minimum we can make, £150 would be better. Dare we hope for £200 ?

So start turning out your junk and let me have it. Send me an email:  MESSAGE ME ON 

FACEBOOK or send me a text 048 428 9950

I am NOT asking for anyone to come and help at the boot sales, I will do them all myself. I am certainly NOT asking anyone to be there at 4.30am next Sunday BUT if you want to pop by during the morning and help that would be great .

Lethave a car song before we end....

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