Thursday 14 June 2018

Please help me to smile

PLEASE will you help me to smile ?

PLEASE will you help lots of other people to smile ?

I am a bit disappointed that more people did not read Wednesday's blog reporting on the naming ceremony for Coach Rebekah. Did you read it ?  CLICK HERE

I am disappointed that NOBODY from yesterday's blog asked me to give them some smilie stickers for The Food Bank ! 

The clock is ticking. Voting closes on Sunday for the Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards. BEN HESLOP has been nominated as UPCOMING ENTREPRENEUR. If you have not already VOTED for Ben Please CLICK and VOTE FOR HIM.

Ben deserves the award quite simply
because he IS the most Upcoming Entrepreneur in our city. He also deserves it for the quiet charity work he does, I say quiet simply and that is NOT a typo QUIET not QUITE...because he never tells people what he does. If I were to list everything here you would be amazed but I will respect Ben's modesty and keep quiet.

Here's an example of Ben's modesty. He is not actually going to the awards ceremony, if he wins he has asked me to receive the award on his behalf. THANK YOU for that honour Ben. So come on everyone VOTE FOR BEN. You do not need to be a Milton Keynes Resident to vote, anyone anywhere can vote.

Of course I hope to win the two awards I am up for INSPIRATIONAL FATHER and INSPIRATIONAL MAN.  It would be a lie if I did not say that. I want to do something with
the award if I win not just have an ego trip. 

Not for me but for as many others as I possibly can. I have been trying to work out how many votes I have, I think about twenty five. It could be a bit more but I am not certain. How many do I need to win ?


I think there are some categories which have been left out of
Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards.

I want to nominate IAN BILLINGTON as The Most Inspirational Photographer following his taking this picture. LEONITES, anyone else got any silly pictures of me ?

I want to nominate RACHEL MARTIN as the Most Inspirational Chocolate Cake Maker.

I want to nominate CHARLOTTE as the Most Inspirational Cutter Of Hair.

I want to nominate PAUL FOSTER as the Most Inspirational Cyber Buddy.

I  want to nominate MAGGIE as the Most Inspirational Blower Upper of Balloons. She also need to be nominated for The Giver of The Most Inspirational Kind Words.

Today I am hoping to finish the LET'S INSPIRE part of our new website then I will work on OurRebekah and Radio Love International. Three projects which will work together, three fingers on the same hand. Win or lose The Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards, INSPIRATION will flood from all three.

YES, I am disappointed that from yesterday's blog nobody asked me for smilie stickers to support The Food Bank. YES, I am disappointed more people did not read the Shearings Coaches Blog. CLICK HERE and do it now !

INSPIRE ME today CLICK HERE and ask me to give you ten

PLEASE do not let me end today UNINSPIRED ask me for some stickers. DO IT !

Now here's an idea. BEN, how about starting a blog THE DIARY OF A REMOVAL MAN ?

You know I think that would work.

The Write Your Own Blog page is active.

CLICK HERE and see if you can be INSPIRED to write your blog.

The Roadshow Diary page has been written. We are looking for Lots and Lots and Lots of places to take our music. CLICK HERE and see if you know somewhere we can spin the vinyl.

To be nominated in The Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards you do have to live in Milton Keynes. You can vote from anywhere in the country.

I know that Libby, manager of Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham has voted for me.

If Birmingham could be moved into Milton Keynes I would nominate Libby for each and every award within the system. The love
she gives to families with a child sick in hospital is INSPIRATIONAL AND MORE.

Charlotte is running a half marathon in support of Ronald McDonald House Birmingham. CLICK HERE to sponsor her.

I can not claim credit for the next bit, it was Chairman Rachel who brought the INSPIRATION for Teen Challenge MK. This will be a community service project running across all of our projects.

CLICK HERE and check this inspirational page.

Here's another category for Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards....

The Most Inspirational Wearer of Smilie Stickers.

I nominate TERRI !

There are 193 days left to Christmas but our Secret Santa page is done finished and open for you to CHECK OUT.

We will be launching Secret Santa on Thursday 1st November. I have no idea how many days away that is, if you really want to know you can work it out for yourself !

Another category which should be included in Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards. The Most Inspirational Dog Walker which would be resoundingly won by ANDY WARD.

I have to write the page on Let's Inspire for the writing projects. It is top of my doings list for today.

I am going to start working on my next book today. I will, I promise.

Perhaps in The 2019 Inspirational Awards it could with The Most Inspirational Load Of Old Rubbish Ever Written.

What will not be a load of old rubbish will be the community writing project Legends Of A Great City.

Writing this page, inspiring help for the homeless, is going to be the hardest to write. I will leave that to the end of writing the website. It would  not be difficult to solve this problem but there are red tape, heartless people who have a mission to make it impossible. I'll say no more. YES I WILL

IF I win Most Inspirational Man I am going to INSPIRE Sky News to expose the failing in the system and work with us to help homeless people in our city. Will you support me ?

Probably the easiest page to write in INSPIRING LOVE for our NHS. My mind is bursting with ideas so WATCH THIS SPACE.

TANYA you are my Most Inspirational NHS Lady.

PLEASE will you help me to smile ?

PLEASE will you help lots of other people to smile ?

VOTE FOR BEN as Most Upcoming Entrepreneur !


Let's Inspire will hit the ground running on Wednesday 27th June. Win or lose my own nominations this is all going to happen.

Winning or losing INSPIRATIONAL FATHER and INSPIRATIONAL MAN Let's Inspire is going to happen.
OurRebekah, Radio Love International and Let's Inspire will be working together to make this a more beautiful world. Three fingers on the same hand reaching out to others.

Can I INSPIRE you to be part of the team running these projects ? TELL ME. Drop me an email or post a comment on facebook.

7.18am, it will be half past by the time I have checked the page through and taken out the typos.  (Actually it is 7.45am !)

I'll then get dressed. I will then take Jake and Lucy out for their morning walk ANDY TAKE NOTE. I will then go to Morrissons where I am going to buy some tins, put smilie stickers on them then put them into the foodbank
trolley. Back home I am going to write to Morrissons Head Office and TELL THEM we will be holding a Radio Love International roadshow at their Westcroft, Milton Keynes Branch to support The Food Bank.


The first Smilies have been put into the Food Bank Trolley.....

CLICK HERE to request your stickers.

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