Saturday 9 June 2018

The Diary Of A Silly Old Man

I started writing this on line blog on 15th December 2016. That first edition was written under my author's pen name of Max Robinson. Since then there have been 552 pages written.

It had been my intention to publish my writing on Amazon. To publish and make a fortune.

When Rebekah died I changed the blog title to THE WAVE OF LOVE and gave up all thoughts of publishing. The title changed again to RADIO LOVE INTERNATIONAL.

I am contemplating going back to that original title, THE DIARY OF A SILLY OLD MAN.

I am putting my life a little bit on hold until Saturday 23rd June, the day after the Milton Keynes Inspiration Awards. I will be away from home spending time with my two granddaughters returning home on Tuesday 26th June.

I have not written a blog for a few days and have been keeping a quiet on Facebook.

I have spent most of my time over the past week writing and publishing new content on Amazon. I have sold 42 books this week. WOW.

Some lovely friends nominated me as The Most Inspirational Father and The Most Inspirational Man. It would be special if I were to win these titles.

have been asking people to vote for me. I guess all of my contacts and friends by now have either voted for me or have no intention of supporting me. STILL IF YOU HAVE NOT VOTED FOR ME WOULD YOU CONSIDER CLICKING THIS LINK AND GIVING ME YOUR SUPPORT ?

Please remember you do not need to live in Milton Keynes to vote, anyone anyone anywhere can vote.

As I share some thoughts here I would like to explain how my blog could go round in a circle to it's original title and why I am asking you to vote for me.

I know of someone who won a category in 2017. Over the past year she has done nothing, absolutely nothing at all with the title other than boast to people she has it. 

Goodness knows how she won it, she must have mounted a vast campaign. Having showed herself over the past twelve months to have been a failed award winner she had the cheek to be standing again in 2018.

I am desperate to win, not to spend the next three hundred and sixty five days boasting. Not to give myself a giant ego boost, sorry my wife and I can not afford the costs of having a builder come into our home to make the doors wider so I can get my head through.

I so much want to win the title of MOST INSPIRATIONAL MAN Win or lose I plan to spend the next twelve months INSPIRING.

If I do not win I will be downhearted, I will not be able to avoid that. If I win I will be elated. I want to use those few days after the award night to consider my future, the future of a silly old man.
Chatting on Radio CRMK I said I had twin passions of music and people. Actually I have a trio of passions: Writing, Music and People.

I want to bring the three together to inspire people to make this a better world. Win or lose the award I want to do this.

My diary eighteen months ago was set up to promote my writing. I wanted to sell my books but also to inspire others to write.

This is my personal favourite book. If you have 99p to speculate you can download an ebook.

I want to add a couple more chapters before republishing this as a paperback.

I want to inspire people to write their own stories. I want to do this through my own books but would also like to set up a story writing competition for all Year Eight and Year Nine pupils in Milton keynes Schools.

When I was in San Francisco I met William Baker who in his early twenties had been a prisoner on Alcatraz. Here he is autographing his book.

I would like to be allowed to talk to prisoners in our local gaol, Woodhill, to inspire them to write their own stories then publish them as a collection.

I want to take my book The Wild Adventures of Di Central Eating, you can buy a download version of this text for 99p, into a school and have students illustrate it. It can then be published in paperback format.

When Rebekah died a support group for her favourite charity Ronald McDonald House was formed under the name of OurRebekah.

OurRebekah has achieved a lot over the past year.

The Frog Challenge.....

The Fun Run....

Secret Santa....

and more..............

Here I am with Charlotte after she has cut my hair at Sunshine Smile Day.

Charlotte is running a half marathon for OurRebekah.  You can support Charlotte by CLICKING HERE.

I so much want friends to join in me in August to run a Burger, Sausage and Cake Day at Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham one Sunday in August.

Secret Santa 2017 was an amazing success. We just have to do it again this year.

Secret Santa ran an advent calendar on YouTube as well as taking gifts to families at Ronald McDonald House who had a child sick in Birmingham's Childrens' Hospital.

I want to inspire people to make this many times bigger in 2018.

With Rebekah's death the blog changed its name to THE WAVE OF LOVE.

I then had the idea to start a radio station to SPREAD THE LOVE and so Radio Love International was born. I said at the
outset I would be content if we did no more than take music into the community and run a daily music blog.

We have achieved those two things with great success. Radio Love International WILL become an internet radio station but we have to put a lot of things into place first. MAINLY the money we need to operate.

At Sunshine Smile Day we ran a collection of tins for The Food Bank. I am disappointed we only collected three hundred.

I would like to inspire every school in Milton Keynes to run a TINNED HARVEST FESTIVAL this autumn for The Food Bank. If every school in our city were to get on board we could collect between 250,000 and 500,000 tins. Wouldn't that be fantastic !

Our great friends at Radio CRMK have offered support. Once I know the outcome of Milton keynes Inspiration Awards and if I have won enough votes to become Most Inspirational Man I will chat with station director Mike.

When I was sharing some thoughts about my writing RANDOM MEMORIES I was inundated with messages from those who were involved in The Leon Dinosaur.

It will cost you 99p to download RANDOM MEMORIES.

So many people talked about a time capsule being buried at the site of the statue.

The dinosaur has been moved but I think the time capsule may still be down there.  Wouldn't it be amazing if it could be found. If it were found it could be used to inspire schools all over the city to bury time capsules for future generations.

Tomorrow I am going to watch the stage show THAT'LL BE THE DAY. I am so  much looking forward to that.

On Tuesday I am driving to Wigan, the head office of Shearing Holidays, for a naming ceremony of the coach they are calling REBEKAH.  That is so beautiful.

I will need a fast drive back down the motorway as I am going to the ballet in the evening to watch SWAN LAKE. Swan Lake is, of course, the ballet featured in Billy Eliott. (Version below features my grandson Adam, video made two summers ago.)

If you would support me we could truly take the inspiration and make a difference. 

Will you vote for me and put the title to powerful good use ? Voting closes on 17th June.

Then would you help me take the ideas I have shared here and build them into success ?

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