Friday 22 June 2018


SINCERE AND HEARTY  CONGRATULATIONS to Ben Heslop winner at last nights Milton Keynes Inspiration Awards.  

Ben is a worthy winner of Upcoming Entrepreneur and I was so proud to get up on the stage and receive the award on his behalf.  Honestly, not just because he is my friend, the right person won is category.  Ben is a modest man so he would not want me to write here the secrets behind his success and the generosity of spirit he puts into everything he does.  There were many worthy winners at last night's dinner CONGRATULATIONS to all. Special congratulations to BEN.

I did not win either of the two categories I was nominated in. O DEAR WHAT A SHAME NEVER MIND    I guess this morning I should be feeling upset and
disappointed but NO that is not the way I am. I am burning inside with inspiration to get out there into our community and INSPIRE hundreds, NO thousands of people to make this a better world. Will you do this wit me ?

The one person who most certainly DID NOT deserve an award last night but the person who is actually helping to filling me with INSPIRATION this morning,  the event organiser.  WHAT A SHAMBLES !  The evening was an inspiring example of how NOT to organise an event. 

The room at Double Tree by Hilton was uncomfortable, the air conditioning was not workingThe meal we were served was poor and uninspiring, a rip off for the £58 we had paid for our tickets.

A small fortune had been spent on literature trying to prize money out of our pockets, literature which today is
propping up the recycling systems of our city. YET the one thing everyone wanted, a programme for the evening, we were made to share one copy between eight !  Even with a programme the timetable was thrown out of the window. 30 minutes late starting ! SHAMBLES ! 

The sound system did nothing  all night but blast noise at us. There was even feedback from the microphones at times, can you believe that !  The  guy who was comparing the night did not have the first idea how to engage an audience. All he did was to speak AT us all through  a defective sound system. He kept saying Shush and be quiet with nobody taking any notice of him. He was an embarrassment all evening. 

There were some worthy winners last night, winners and losers deserve congratulations and applause but the organiser deserves zero credit for his failure and disrespect to us all by offering such an utter shambles of an evening.  

This may sound like sour grapes as I did not win my two awards. I hope it is not. The disorganised shambles presented under the over priced tickets last nighhas INSPIRED me so much to take our own LETS INSPIRE project and do so much with it.

During the course of yesterday I received 150, yes 150, phone calls, text messages and online messages wising me well. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY beautiful, lovely people. YOU are my inspiration. Now come and get behind the inspirational projects we have planned and make a difference. Words like SHAMBLES and DISORGANISED will not be a part of what WE do.

Think of the toughest day you have had recently. I can assure you it comes nowhere close to that two of our special friends had to endure yesterday. My phone, of course, was on silent last night yet message after message after message of support came in during the evening from these two wonderful people.

OurRebekah   Radio Love International   Lets Inspire now
come together, three fingers on the same hand to set our city on fire with love and inspiring people to make this a more beautiful world.

5.50am.  I am about to get dressed then jump into the car to drive to Bristol and spend time
with my two granddaughters.

As I spend time with my two lovely little girls my mind will be working on things to INSPIRE our city. On Tuesday Josh, Jelena and I will meet up to plan. Wednesday Rachel will be back from her holiday. Can I INSPIRE you to get involved wit us ?  CLICK HERE to see our ideas. However, by the end of the week everything WILL be different, bigger and better. LETS INSPIRE.

Over priced tickets, uninspiring and poor quality food, a failing sound system, a compare who could not compare a rice pudding, air conditioning switched off, inability to follow a timetable, failing to give people a copy of that timetable, SHAMBLES and DISORGANISATION will not be a part of what we do.


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