Saturday 2 June 2018

Vote For Ben

I am campaigning for myself in the two categories I have been nominated for and have reached the final. I will today explain more why I want your vote but let me explain why I believe you should vote for Ben.

The obvious reason for giving your vote to Ben is because HE IS THE MOST UPCOMING ENTREPRENEUR IN OUR CITY. Do you need any more reason ?

Beyond that Ben will be helping us inspire people with music as we take music into the community. It would be so much more powerful if Ben had the title behind him. REMEMBER YOU DO NOT NEED TO LIVE IN MILTON KEYNES TO VOTE .....ANYONE, ANYWHERE IN THE WOULD CAN VOTE.

I am starting to prepare what WE can do if I win the Inspirational Awards myself. If I have the title THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL MAN and possibly THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL FATHER I want to build a team round me to help INSPIRE different areas of the city.

I ran the idea on yesterday's page that we should inspire schools to hold TINNED HARVEST FESTIVALS for The Foot Bank.

I asked Radio CRMK if it would help with the project.

Yesterday this message came in from the station's boss:

Yes, I'm sure we'd be delighted to offer as much support as we can.


Hey Mike I wonder if you have ever played this on your radio station.

Perhaps not politically correct these days and I certainly DO NOT support fox hunting but this is something we sang in junior school. I stumbled upon it on YouTube, liked it and so here it is.

THANK YOU Anita for your comment. I will be meeting with JO, the head of Leon, to chat over a number of ideas. I will put this to her and get Leon on board. Then when I win, IF I win the award, we can INSPIRE schools throughout the city to get onboard. I NEED VOTES TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

Turning now to the Leon Dinosaur.

Thank You to: Rachel, Anita, Sharon, Laura, Cheryl and Paul who added comments.  I will be using all of your thoughts in the book when it is published.

TIME CAPSULE.  I have racked my brains hard. I do not think I am losing my marbles but I can not remember this. I think this is probably something artist Bill Billings came up with and just got on with it.

I will talk to Leon Head Jo about this but the dinosaur was expelled from school long before her headship so I doubt she will be able to help. But how about this. How about the INSPIRATIONAL TEAM gets people, individuals, families, schools, community groups to make time capsules of their own showing life in 2018 Milton Keynes and bury them ?

What do you think ?

A friend popped something on Facebook yesterday saying if you checked out what was Number One on your 14th birthday it would be an indicator of your life.

More than a year ago I researched every birthday hit in my life and popped them onto YouTube. So here's my 14th birthday number one.

In October Maureen and I will have been married for 40 years. YEP it works !

Goodness knows how she has managed to put up with me for so many years !

Yesterday I sold FORTY copies of my books. OMG what am I going to spend the royalties on ?

First of all Amazon is not generous with its royalties.
Secondly Amazon may fiddle its own taxes blind but we authors are paid AFTER tax !

The best selling ebook yesterday was my schoolboy autobiography CLICK HERE.

Right now I am promoting my books to make some money, money to help fund the INSPIRATIONAL projects I want to set running.

LEONITES do you remember the CRANFIELD ESSAY
competition I ran at school ?  I have an idea to invite schools to join in an INSPIRATIONAL story writing competition. We could use my own writing to inspire the teenagers.

For my Billy Hardcastle ebook CLICK HERE.

If we can get enough schools to take part we could take the winner from each school and have a grand final.

BEFORE any of this can happen I have to win THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL MAN. Voting closes on 17th June so please vote for me.  I then need to gather a team of friends round me to help take the projects out into our community.

The Bridge House is now published both in ebook and paperback format but it is far too expensive, having fifty and more photographs supporting the text has sent the price rocketing so DO NOT EVEN BOTHER LOOKING.

At the centre of PROJECT INSPIRATION will be Radio Love International. Josh and I will be setting up a temporary studio next week then making some test broadcasts into YouTube.

It is Josh's birthday on Sunday 10th June, one week today. He will be twenty seven years old.

Would you like to send him a birthday card ?

Message me on Facebook or drop me an email and I will give you his address.

Come on friends give this special guy a special day.

OK time to bring today's music plage to an end........

Time to click the mouse and publish the page. You will vote for Ben won't you.  Tell me when you have voted. Vote for me if you like, help me, work with me, to spread love and inspire people.

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