Tuesday 26 June 2018

63,240 readers and STILL counting.

Do you remember the days when we all went to youth clubs ?  The Scouts ? The Boys' Brigade ? The ATC ?

How many can remember The Duke of Edinburgh's Award ? 

How many are award holders ?  

I am !

Where is all this now ?  Either DEFUNCT or a tiny  shadow of its former self. Is there such a thing as a Youth Service any longer ?  If there is then it is very well hidden.

I am getting on in years but I am so glad I am not a teenager in today's world.

Where is the pop music we all enjoyed ?  Where is the youth club.  WHERE IS THE FUN ?

This video was filmed in our city of Milton Keynes. Couldn't happen today, the production team could not afford the RIP OFF parking charges of Milton Keynes Council !  Even if some
philanthropic millionaire were to feed the parking machines there is not the music to play and if there was NOBODY would listen to it, even fewer would watch the video.

WE, society, the education system, councils, parents all over the country ARE NOT being fair to our kids.

I spent last week-end with my two granddaughters. The oldest had her "tablet", no I do not mean an Aspirin or a vitamin pill !  Katherine's computer tablet had a safety device on it, after one hour of use it automatically shuts down for twenty-four hours. What a BRILLIANT idea.

This project, TEEN CHALLENGE MK, is a two edged sword !

.This is RACHEL'S idea, she is on the board of trustees for
Bletchley Youth Centre so brings management expertise. As well as being a qualified teacher I am also a qualified youth worker.

So we are going to set up a youth club - TEEN

This will be a small group of teenagers who we plan to inspire. To inspire to inspire others.

Sword edge ONE will be to provide a weekly club evening with many of the traditional, now forgotten, youth club activities.

Sword edge TWO will be to involve our club members in a community service project where the teenagers will be deeply involved in running LET'S INSPIRE projects.

Rachel returns from holiday today. We will let her recover from the jet lag then TEEN CHALLENGE MK will enter an advance planning stage (Can you get jet lag flying
from Greece ?)

Looks like you had a good holiday Rachel.  

Milton Keynes has missed you !

Alright for some !

Yesterday Josh and I discussed THE SMILE, our project to support The Homeless. You know he really liked what I suggested. Nobody anywhere in the country is doing what we intend to start within LET'S INSPIRE.

We also chatted over the Rock and Roll parties we intend to offer to supermarkets where we will be collecting gifts for The Food Bank.

Those Rock and Roll Parties could not happen without Teen Challenge MK.

LET'S INSPIRE'S writing project is particularly dear to my heart but I have been worried about engaging schools.
Yesterday I was invited to join the board of governors of a local school. DOORS OPENING.

Sharing on-line the DRAFT text for my latest book, a book which is part of LET'S INSPIRE'S writing project has SO FAR had 658 people read it !

Tomorrow I will share ideas for how we can support our NHS and the Secret Santa Project.

I hope that I am a kind person.


I am showing NO MERCY !

When we turned my garage into a temporary studio for Radio Love International Josh and I pushed all of my DIY tools into a room at the back of the building.

Above an AFTER picture. Below a BEFORE image.

It's 4.03am. I woke up about half an hour ago with Sunday's car boot sale racing round my head. I have already turned out many of those tools. I have decided to show NO MERCY.  Today I am going to turn out EVERYTHING.

Jelena and I will be running the boot sale at Milton Keynes Bowl this Sunday.  I was hoping we would make £100 but I am now doubling the target.

Do you have anything you can throw out and give us to sell ?

Go on show no mercy to your garage, your garden shed, your cupboards.

HALF of the money from this and the whole diary of six boot sales we have between now and the end of July will be used to fund the set up of all LET'S INSPIRE projects and the other half to put some money into Josh and Jelena's pockets as they work full-time charity volunteers within the projects.

Do you know what these three guys are ?

I said WHAT not WHO ?

They are BEATNIKS.

Do you know what a Beatnik is ?  Let's have some Beatnik music.....

Josh and I were talking yesterday about THE SMILE, a weekly magazine LET'S INSPIRE will be publishing for the rough sleepers in our city. The first edition will be published on MONDAY 30th July. We will print it from the computer. Some of the money from the car boot sales will pay for paper and ink.

THE SMILE will be packed with fun articles, silly quizzes and more.  Yesterday I made a list, can I share it with you...

Can you put these into chronological order ?  That's one fun quiz we will be putting into the first edition of THE SMILE.

Lovely Maggie, she of the balloons at Sunshine Smile Day, offered to help with writing letters to bring in support for LET'S INSPIRE.

THEN a few hours after Maggie's offer somebody donated a pile of stamps for us to use.

Maggie, I presume, will be using a computer. How many of you remember typewriters ?

Anyone got one we can sell at Sunday's boot sale ?  It would be worth a fortune !

TUESDAY, Josh and I will be visiting the EIGHT supermarkets we are inviting to stage one of our Rock and Roll Parties for The Food Bank.

FRIENDS this is ALL going to happen.

Are you old enough to remember the musical saying.... BE THERE OR BE SQUARE.

Standing on the stage at Sunshine Smile Day I adapted this to a slighly more modern choice of words................



Let's have some HAPPY music then I will bring today's page to an end by playing Radio Love International's theme tune.

This is one of my favourite pics from SUNSHINE SMILE DAY - Josh dancing to Jeff Beck and Hi Ho Silver Lining.

That was a HAPPY smiling day wasn't it ?

PLEASE give Jelena and I LOTS to sell on Sunday so we can INSPIRE people to turn COINS into CHANGE.

As of yesterday this daily blog and music page reached a total across all editions of 63,240 people. WOW !

Now for our theme song to end today's page.

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