Wednesday 29 March 2017

A Trilogy Of Presenters


Today we have THREE people writing this blog - The Patriotic Pensioner, Max Robinson and The Geriatric DJ (All me of course.)

So let's start with The Patriotic Pensioner - that's me in the silly hat. 

23 people read yesterday's blog, friends from UK, USA, Germany, Poland, France and Malaysia. THANKS to you all.

That's a pic of me my grandson took yesterday while I was driving him to school. Little sod - he put it on facebook, commenting on my hat and my driving. Something about a Lewis Hamilton impersonation.  I'll get revenge. You wait and see !

So twenty-three people read my blog yesterday. Have you read my DIARY by the way - that's different. Dead BORING but different. BUT an estimated half a million people watched this bit of fun when I popped it on to Twitter and invited my followers to retweet it 

The Witch Of Scotland did not have a good day yesterday. The Prime Minister told her to get stuffed and my song for her went, if not viral then semi-viral. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person could it !

I've just put this on Twitter. It will be interesting to see what happens. My referendum to see if the UK should have a referendum to see if The Witch Of Scotland should have a referendum.

OMG IU am starting to sound like that idiot Tim Farron !  Time for The Patriotic Pensioner to shut up and hand the blog over to my second persona - Writer Max Robinson.

I am determined today to spend a couple of hours working on my latest story - my teenager memories of the two years I spent as a management trainee in the giant Birmingham Department Store - LEWIS'S. Not to be confused with John Lewis, he was a poor relation to this mega store.

Yesterday I posted this on the Lewis's facebook group's page - my part helping to ;launch a new aftershave for men. Well it would be for men wouldn't it, not many women shave.

BRUT - something I remember from late 1967
In my bedroom today I have a bottle of aftershave/cologne - BRUT. For fifty years I have used this product.
Brut was launched on the male shaving population in the autumn of 1967. As a member of staff in Lewis's I was given boxes of small sample bottles to give away to customers and help launch the brand.  My circle of friends within the store, the lads of course, all received ample supplies. We were all of the same opinion, it stank and would never be a success. I offered a sample to the store's security manager. Store Detective Jim Wittan. He told me he preferred his usual aroma OLD SPICE.
Tomorrow Amazon pay up my royalties for the e-book downloads I have sold over the past month.  I am working hard in my brain to decide what I should spend the cash on.  I will tell you tomorrow.
By the way, if you want to read my teenage memories of those two years as a failed entrepreneur CLICK HERE
Time now to hand over to the third face of my personality The Geriatric DJ
Thank You Max - you have a good day. Hi there all you pop pickers, this is The Geriatric DJ bringing you some wonderful music from Radio Rock and my YouTube Channel.
Never forget that Life is a DISCO so get ready to DANCE.

Let's kick off the party with this.

Did you do the actions ?

That boring old fart of a radio station - Redio Minus One, banned that song !

Ok let's keep the music going with this.

And having played that I just have to keep the dancing going with..................

I have all of these songs on a CD in my car, my grandson calls it my SILLY CD.  This is actually his favourite. Yesterday parked up outside his school while we waited for the gate to open I played it in the car and we did the actions together.

Time for one more before I sign off.

Hopefully that has set you up to have a fun day.

NEVER forget that Life is a DIS|CO and the only way to live it to the full is to DANCE.

So this is THE GERIATRIC DJ signing off for today -


And THE PATRIOTIC PENSIONER saying have a fantastic day.

We are, of course, all one and the same person.

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