Thursday 30 March 2017

Check the date.

FRIDAY 30th March 2017

Hi there Friends.

Thank You to the 39 who read yesterday's blog. There were readers in UK, USA, Poland, Singapore, Portugal, Germany, France and Russia.

Wow !  My ego is in overdrive.

Speaking of overdrive, will my new car have this fitted as standard ?

Later today Amazon will be paying over the royalties my e-book download sales have generated in March. I have decided tomorrow I am going to use the cash to buy a new car.

I am thrilled at the way my facebook page is developing. Six more friends yesterday. I always call those of you who read this blog my FRIENDS so if you want to shake hands on facebook that would be great.

I originally started facebook so I could join a group there made up of former employees of the Lewis's Department Store in Central Birmingham. That inspired me to write the story of my memories of the two years I spent there working as a management trainee - July 1967 to August 1969.

This story is never going to be a best seller, to anyone who did not work in the store it is probably dead boring !  However, the style of writing I have fallen in to is different for me and probably unique among authors.

Set aside the boring dribble I am writing, the text had a primary motive to inspire the reader to write himself/herself.

Did you watch my video above ?  I will not embarrass myself by telling you what my Amazon royalties actually are for the month. Among my friends on facebook are so many of my former students - do you remember what I used to say to you about writing ?

The main thrill for an author is actually writing - putting the words in order to develop the plot
and to develop the characters.  It matters nothing if anyone actually reads what has been written.  If they do then that is a bonus.

More than any other writer, before her or after her, Enid Blyton inspired children to write their own stories.  My mission is to inspire my grown up readers to set aside their inhibitions and write their stories.

In my STORY OF A TEENAGE ENTREPRENEUR (FAILED) I have written several thousand words and have just reached the Christmas party of 1967. The sods in my department spiked my drinks and I rolled home drunk.  My parents were not amused. That was the first time I was ever drunk. Actually it was also the last !  Ain't I a good boy !

So I am going to shut up now and hand the blog over to my persona THE GERIATRIC DJ,

Hello there all you pop pickers - this the one and only Geriatric DJ bringing you the very best music her on Blogger with Radio Rock.

Time to tell Radio Minus One to get stuffed and listen to some REAL music.

Let me kick off with something awesome from my youth, a hit when I was working a Lewis's Department Store.

There never was a TEENAGE OPERA I am afraid - just this lovely song.

As a kid we lived in a semi-detached house. I was determined my own home would be detached.  It matters not what kind of home you live in but LIFE SHOULD NEVER BE SEMI-DETACHED - make sure yours is a mansion.

Oh how profound and oh how philosophical.

To play out my time on Radio Rock today let me bring you Zabadak. Listen to the words - no they are not nonsense !

I'll be back tomorrow.

So this is The Geriatric DJ, Patriotic Pensioner and max wishing you an awesome day.

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