Monday 6 March 2017

Today is Tuesday

Tuesday 7th March 2017 - updated 1.30pm UK time.

Yesterday I tried out a little experiment with my blog - did you read it ?  CHECK IT OUT NOW if you like.

Instead of making a brief entry at the beginning of he day and then, perhaps, one or even two other posts I set up a page first thing in the morning then updated it as the day went along.

4.45am So it's dead early here in England at the moment, dark outside and I've just crawled out of bed.

Here's my thought for today and here's my music to help Tuesday be a good time.

Yesterday I published PETER'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN PEN on Amazon.

I have one more book THE WILD ADVENTURES OF DI CENTRAL EATING to edit and add to Amazon then all of my finished works will be available there as e-book downloads.

I can then start to promote my books and hopefully find some readers for them.

I want to find PATRONS for my books, people I can dedicate the stories to.  Could I dedicate one to you ?

Yesterday my FUN POLL on Twitter yielded the following results. ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME ?

And here's today's poll................

On my YouTube Channel I have been building up a collection of number one hits each year on my birthday. I have now reached 1981 when I was 31 years old and added this.

I had a bit of a moan at my grandson yesterday. I am writing a story for him FIREBALL XL5 for which he was supposed to be drawing some pictures to illustrate the tale. He has not done this BUT has given me the plot for the next chapter.

It's a great idea which I am going to have to work on.

At the moment he does not want me to publish the story on Amazon but I will work on him and change his mind.

Last week, for World Book Day, he went to school dressed up as Sherlock Holmes. I said if we published the book he could dress up next year as a character from FIREBALL XL5  He was not very impressed with the idea of dressing up as himself !

In a couple of hours time I will be on the school run taking him to school when, no doubt, we will chat about the story.

The latest story featuring Dave McDeremott is nearing conclusion. Yesterday I scribbled a couple of thousand words for Krath. When I have finished this blog I will type them up.

OK it's now 5.15am and I've come to the end of this update.  I'll publish the blog, type up Krath, take jame the dog for his morning walk, have some breakfast, take young Adam to school then I'll be back with an update.

8.30am Settling down now to do some work. Lots to type up for the Krath chapter.  Adam has given me loads of ideas for the next episode in Fireball XL5 so I am going to be busy for a coupe of hours. GUESS WHAT ? My books on Amazon are starting to sell !

10.45am I have added more text to FIREBALL XL5, working on the ideas Adam gave me this morning.  I have also typed up the text I wrote yesterday for KRATH

I've just added my 32nd birthday number one to my YouTube Channel.

12.30pm Now added my 33rd birthday to YouTube

1.30pm had a team of tree surgeons working in the garden for the past couple of hours. FANTASTIC guys. Just posted a review on TRUST PILOT.

5pm coming towards the end of the day. For me it has been a good one.  I hope yours has been as well.

Let me sign off with some beautiful music for your evening.

Speak again tomorrow.

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