Friday 10 March 2017


Yesterday 21 people read my Blogger page - THANK YOU. I did not update the page as the day went along.  I was feeling quite rough after my dental operation of Wednesday. I did go to have a chat with the dentist who told me everything in my mouth looked good but in view of the extent of the surgery I must be patient before all is back to normal.

I have to say I am feeling a lot, lot better this morning. So let's start the day off with some inspiring music.

I spent yesterday completely rewriting my STORY LIBRARY - please pop in and see what you think.

Next week I am going to ask you if you would help me promote the library - spread the word across cyber space.

Are you following me on TWITTER ? Here is the result of yesterday's FUN POLL:

And here is today's poll:

So follow me and cast your vote.

I am going to the opera this evening to watch a production of La Traviata so I am sure I will be telling you all about that tomorrow.  

Well have a fantastic Saturday. I'll not be updating the blog during today but will be back tomorrow.

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